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Everything posted by coastaldriver

  1. As OzWhitey said "This has been a moment that I've waited for for years. A sim where you can literally turn up every setting to the max in the default program, and it still runs pretty well. Even challenging Active Sky weather and a complex airliner fail to defeat it." That has been my experience exactly. on a new Intel 8core 16 thread chip and the NVIDIA RTX 2070 (8GB) rig with SSDs and only 16GB of RAM - Smooth as silk no matter what. For a decade plus of FSX it is the moment I hope for as well. No more endless tweaks and chasing down mysterious problems - gosh what are all going to do now with a sim that works? No matter where I take it too it looks great, I have tried a jet running at simulated M2.0 at sea level, a biplane at 80 knots at 10 ft, any altitude or combination inbetween, same smooth as,the dynamic waves are great and even thought lots of folk complain about True Sky when I look out the window and then at the sim for comparison it is pretty word not allowed good with real time weather as well. The graphics and shading are excellent and it gave some very old birds a facelift and look I never expected to see. There are still some bugs in the submenus (flight planner) area they need to iron out and the Sim Director as well but overall I now just use not worry about what the hell has happened now! Now all we need is for some of the developers to drag themselves into 2020 and DX12 and 64 bit and we might be really going places!
  2. Analog type airliners into P3DV5 .These are all good for me: JF Professional BAE146 Thomas Ruths B727 100 and 200 Aerosoft DC-8 CLS HD DC-10 Cool Sky's DC9 and MD80 package for P3D. The AH or JF VC10 seems ok - but not yet thoroughly tested. The Ah or JF BAC 111 and HS748 all work fine but there are some texture bleeds still to be fixed but functionality is good. The AH or JF Dove is good. A lot of the prop stuff is good too such as M Jahns C-47, Lockheed Constellation and the A2A Constellation (you have to pay for the upgrade) Cal Classics DC-6 Flight Replicas De Havilland Dh114 Heron, the C-54 and DC-4 and the Argonaut are good. Some of Jens Kristensens Classics provided they were converted to FSX Native with an interior model also work nicely like his flying boats and the Vickers Viscounts. Strange as it may seem I have got all the Douglas's working just fine in V5 most of the older British Stuff and the big hole is old Boeings like the 707 and 737. And there is an active project rebuilding the KBT Lockheed Electra for P3DV5 in progress (see SOH threads) and only now really dependant on KBT agreeing for it to be released.
  3. Tim HH - I installed the Aersoft DC-8 into V5.1.12 via the latest package from JF (where I purchase it). No problems or issues with it at all.
  4. MammyJammy and Mace Good work!. The panel stuff is looking really good (and Yes it is I BendFlyer from SOH how did that happen long story but some issues on another site which led me to quitting their forum etc etc - too many idiots) Ok now - I stopped work on the DC-10 due to my involvement in another project with some SOH members which was to revitalise the FSX KBT L-188 Electra and make it P3DV5 compatible. This is nearly finished and now it is all driven from the VC and the old 2d panels dispensed to the bin for good. There was a lot of custom gauge work that had to be done as well. This old girl now fly's like an Electra would have. Still have some texture issues and some minor bleed problems on the new models to be sorted but that is where my and a few others time went - KBT willing we may release it have to wait and see). I intend to revisit the AIR files for this one and see what can be done using the SGA air files as a template. Once the air files are correct the rest should follow more easily. Positive that it will all work out so maybe a few more weeks. I note the engine and other details in the previous posts - I will chase down data now for these turbines to redo the tables etc in the airfiles.
  5. Ok after much tinkering I have at last arrived at modifications to the aircraft configuration files for the DC-10-10, DC-10-30, and DC-10-40 that realigns the aircraft specifications with the air files for the various model airframes and engine. I will upload in about a week the new config files which should go well with the advice and info from Mammy Jammy and his modifications. The DC-10-10 now has the sparkling performance ( relatively) it demonstrated in the pilot reviews I have and climbs like a steam train now to F300 and above. The turbine values are now reset to properly reflect the actual engines power output fuel flow etc. Not perfectly but good enough for time being. You need the SGA air file to make it work. The DC10-30 has much improved climb performance now and will at full load reach F300 to F330 (temp dependant) much more realistically. All these older birds always stepped climbed at max take off weights, generally to F280 then burn off some fuel and up a few more thousand feet. You should be able to reach about F380-400 by mid weight now. I have also amended the fuel tankage and weights and passenger loadings. The latter arrangement is a midpoint of what most operators selected. It has to be remembered that Douglas were able to change the configuration of these aircraft when building without much problem. So you could have up to 10 plus different passenger cabin seating arrangements and similar different fuel tank quantities depending on who the operator was and what they requested. I have selected those used in the DC-10-30 operated by Air New Zealand and JAL which is fairly representative of the long range DC-10-30s. The had small first class cabin seating and large economy sections. The DC-10-40 is now a little bit more sluggish. It effectively was a DC10-30 with detuned engines, in other words operators wanted the capacity of the 30 model but not the higher fuel burn and engine maintenance issues so they were not faster and heavier but simply had lower powered engines fitted (detuned or derated). I might add that there is still a bug with the instrument display in P3D on the ASI that I cannot resolve. In some load states it will set the speed bugs automatically and then other times it will not but they can still be set using the dials on the instrument. At the moment I cannot fix the Honeywell FMC issue which is its behaviour when using the mouse and an inability to enter some data to get flight profiles. MammyJammy - I cannot get the sound set up you advised to work in P3DV5 with FSUIPC in the addons area which is where FSUIPC insists on going with FSUIPC6. I am reluctant to add in a module directory to P3DV5 as it does not create one on installation and it is clear that LM have gone for the addon xml approach to such modules. Any thoughts or ideas appreciated.
  6. MammyJammy - Great effort and work you have done on this old bird. I have just switched to P3DV5 so a lot of this made it a lot easier to get this up and running again in P3DV5. Thank you. I did the original changes on this bird for FSX (via SOH aka BendFlyer). Now I have it running again in P3D I am revisiting some stuff. Namely the fuel quantities and weights. I know there was a variation in opinion on what is what for the DC-10 as far as fuel and weights is concerned but my research led me to discover that there were a variety of tank configurations and quantities possible - it depended upon what the customer specified or ordered. The other issue was passenger and freight loadings. This also led me to discover that the DC-10 had a very large underfloor capacity for standard containers so much so that you would never be able to load the max number of containers possible because it used up all the possible fuel and payload weight as well. I did put the Smith Honeywell FMC gauge into the FMC pedestal position and that worked quite well - however it has some problem bugs in it in P3D so I have taken it out again and reverted to the original FMC for the time being. I still think it is useable but it needs a hard look at and a lot of testing again. I still have issues with the performance. Even with the SGA air files the numbers are still out but the SGA air files are a vast improvement on the CLS versions. The climb performance is erratic still in terms of speed v power that is very slow at low levels - improves up to about F240 and then drops off again which is weird and I think is related to the engine parameters in the config file and the air file data tables. I have original pilot reports on the DC-10 and it was a sparkling performer right up to higher altitudes so this behaviour in this model still needs sorting. Again a lot of changing and fiddling. I also have not been able to get the de-ice system to work- the overhead airframe deice switch is inoperative for me and I have my doubts as to whether the inlet heat is working either. The aircraft config parameters are set correctly so it is possible a guage or switch issue as well. So I am still working on this old bird - once again and appreciate the time and trouble you took to spell this out for everyone in a clear and concise document as well. Yep it looks great and handles nicely in P3D and I am continously amazed by the work Kevin Alexander has done doing paints for this one, simply stunning output in quality and variety.
  7. I concur with 'killthespam" and a few others responses. I am not a member of any PMDG Cheer Squad and yes I know what I am doing in real life and with simulators. I have over 20,000 hours in multi-engine aircraft, I was a military QFI and C&T Captain and Testing Officer. I have more piston engine time than I care to want (and the damaged ears to go with it). As for simulators I have been onto and involved with computer since the early 1980s. I have formal training in more than a few languages and have run every version of MS Simulator since the took over SubLogic. Why? because I have always used simulators to train, as a training aid and a neat way to have fun on the side. The issues I raised was simple - I am aware of the issues of moving one model to another sim etc etc. I had no issues with this one in FSX and still have it. However when I read on their own forums and on the website that all I have to do is point the installer at the P3D folder and hey presto I assume that is what will happen, not to have it repeatedly abort. But the crux of the issue is more than that it is about Customer Service - their website is diabolical with no intuitive logic or accessability, the submit a ticket but you have to register is symptomatic of the problems. IF that is the case they probably do think they are doing just fine because no body complains (well they can't can they!) It is this which is the final test for me, not what the owner does or can do or how much money they have or don't have, that is irrelevant. If they were honest and responsive I could understand and accept that - I am no spit the dummy cry baby when it comes to either computers or simulation but I detest with a loathing organisations that hide their accountability and do not respond to their customers it is endemic in the computing world - I am just calling it out. As I said CAVEAT EMPTOR. If they were in business in the country where I live I could have any number of regulatory authorities assist me with such businesses but they are not. My lesson deal with international web based businesses - expect to get stung. - Stick with products and people who you know and have proven they can deliver.
  8. Fair enough comments above! That is not what the README with it says! Either way I will put it down to experience. Anyway 6 months in and no update in sight or promised tells me everything.
  9. And that is as far as I am concerned the end of my association and future patronage of that business.
  10. Well after looking at the PMDG website and reading their advice that it was possible to install the P3DV4x version into P3DV5 I went and payed nearly $100AUD for the download. Before that was possible I had to jump through about 4 different password-user account resets to even do that despite having an account and despite having a PMDG Forum account as well and having already been a FSX user of the product. Here is the outcome - the so called navigation method to get the installer to recognise P3DV5 does not work and aborts the install continuously saying there is no P3D simulator installed (which there is). I tried several methods to get around this, none successful. Ok I thought maybe just maybe there is a fix - so back to the PMDG.Com website to submit a ticket for support. Then we went around in circles again and guess what I cannot register a ticket for support because "that email is in use" - of course it is idiots it is my account email. So I have a product I cannot install I have a provider that I cannot contact - so in short I am screwed. Well am I venting and annoyed you betcha. I cannot believe I was so stupid as to have trusted these people or that they had proper customer support processes. So be warned - will the P3D version of this work in P3DV5 who knows because it prevents you from installing it.
  11. Yep that is my experience as well on an Intel I5-10500 (6Core)and NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super. P3DV5.1 clean install. Loads in 30 secs, flying in 45 if you want it to but I like the EA and TrueSky but most of all this sim program runs absolutely smoothly, as for FPS does not matter to me at all, there are no delays, crashes or anything actually, straight out of the box. Maybe it is not quite on par with MSFS2020 for scenery but with basically an ORBX LC world I really cannot tell the difference from up high and well at individual airports it is a matter of taste. My biggest problem is not that a lot of old favourites do not work in P3DV5 but the surprise that how much of the well coded 64 bit stuff that was FSX Native works flawlessly. I have all my old favourites up and running in P3DV5 with no issues. The only problems I have had are with a number of payware developers whose P3D4.5 versions (or earlier) of models are a bust in V5 or have done nothing at all and those who appear to making no attempt to fix the lurking legacy issues within their models that they thought they could port over but cannot - caught out a few so far. Yes I tried MSFS2020 and abandoned it and got a refund. It will be 2 years plus before it even comes close to P3D for performance and accessability (especially the issue of internet connectivity and band-with). Having done every version of sims since the early 90's I think this sim is the logical outcome its integration with modern graphics and the way it is using tried and tested graphical software from the gaming world is proof they know what they are doing. Go back to MSFS2020 is more the question - will I? Um no what for?
  12. I will be brutally honest. NO. It shows how take what ever is dished out to you we are getting. At law it is not fit for purpose simple, it does not do what it was advertised to do, except that it complies with the pretty pictures and oh gosh factor only, because it is not a flight simulator it is a fancy game! I think the marketing and sell has been misleading and if one looks at the history of MS with their changes to OS it has been the same story, new product full of problems subjected to never ending updates and patches and just when it is sorted they stop and do another rendition. My simple view Caveat Emptor! I have gone to a proper sim elsewhere where at least I can use the models and scenery I have with minor work just fine. As for aircraft addons - another story altogether I do not expect any worthwhile additions for at least a year and for a lot of stuff - never. Not to bag what is there sure it is really nice if you like 10 year old bing data and they have done some really good work in areas such as textures and atmospherics but given all that it is not even DX12 compliant say what? Nuff said. Come back in 2 years may be ok then!
  13. There are no FSX native B747SP's. The Posky model can be ported into FSX without any dramas, you will have to download a number of files to put it together but it has no VC and it is not possible to add a VC via the usual route of adding and internal mdl file and grafting in the 747 cockpit. The Posky model will only give you a basic 2D cockpit. If your happy with that it will work fine in FSX. The 747SP is the only 747 I was interested in but the 2D cockpit is poor quality, it is the default 747 2D cockpit. I only fly VC's so after a lot of trying gave up on the SP project. Somebody might do one in the future with a VC but I would not wait around for one.
  14. SteveFx, FWIW, no change, FPS is a little higher but unstable (fluctuating between 1.0 and 16). Anyway I have returned to DX9 for the time being and off to get a decent video card (NVIDIA), It definitely is the Intel G41 GPU that is the source of the problems as indicated by the monitor reporting the ocasional loss of signal (milisecs). So wasted enough of your time on this issue. It seems that Intel card is actually about 15 years old in terms of design and it just does not like being asked to process DX10 graphics from a 32 bit software program. Lessons learned. Still think DX10Fixer is a great product and would recommend it to any FSX user (except those with a low end system.)
  15. SteveFX -Discovered a doubled up Display Device Entry one setting for Trilinear (My Default) and the other for Anisotropic. I removed one entry and will see what happens now. Other than that no other devices in the cfg other than a primary device with a GUID reference and a sound device with a GUID reference. Yes investigating a new AMD/Nividia GPU simply because Intel no longer support the G41 (works fine) by I think my PC was one of those HP combos from some time ago so everything was matched with HP stuff. Nothing against HP like their hardware, always been robust and long lived for me. I will see what happens now no DX10 and DX10. Other than that all I can say is I think your little program did what it was advertised to do, so no complaints but the performance issue is just one of those puzzles you get in the PC world from time to time. And I did not purchase it to get a performance boost, I actually expected a small hit, but I must confess I really do like the visuals of the shadows in DX10. Cheers
  16. Okay first things first: CPU Is Intel E5400 Dual Core 8GB DDR3 and Video Card is Intel G41 (2GB). Yes I am aware it is low end for FSX and gaming generally but it is Windows 7 64 Bit with DX11 installed. (I confess to being a Unix/Linux person and suffer MS OS's of any sort). All the following conducted using FSX Default C172 at YCCS (Cocos Islands - Australia, thereby no ORBX scenery and default FSX scenery only) daytime. Tests; first I used lower end texture file loads, first to 2048 max then to 1024 max. I used the 512 kb Rex textures for water and held the cloud at 2048. Water effects low. DX10 was selected. Performance still slow, FPS varying from 1.9 to 11.9 generally about 6.0. Stuttering noticeable but shading operative and no tearing or unusual visuals. I did note a marginal pickup in FPS if fullscreen mode was selected as opposed to windowed mode and FPS would jump wildly from 1.9 to 11.0 and continuously, so no steady state achieved. There appeared to be some lag with respect to keyboard and mouse inputs and about a 2 FPS gain if mouse was not used in the VC. I then deselected cloud shadows, rain effects, and no AA but kept DX10 and legacy shadowing. Slight marginal improvement but nothing significant. I probably could have lived with this but the FPS would fluctuate between 3 and 12 in the space of seconds and a constant steady state was not achieved. I should add that I have only ever aimed to have have a smooth sim performance and avoid highly detailed textures etc for the sake of smoothness and sim performance. I don't chase FPS as long as it is smooth and have avoided most tweaks as being unworkable in a 32 bit system for reasons understood by most. No DX10 Fixer but FSX selected DX10 preview only produced some odd texture results or blocking especially for the prop or dynamic textures like smoke, this cleared after about 1 minute and reverted to normal, some shadowing but odd cockpit texture striping. Performance was slightly better but still not smooth and about 60% lower than normal. I did note and investigate Monitor performance (LG 23M45 wide screen) as well. There does seem to be some communication issues between the PC hardware and the Monitor, indicated by an occasional loss of signal popup when screen changes were made by FSX, for example from windowed to full screen mode. Sound on or off had no effect on performance. I am running a Logitech 3 joystick and FSUIPC, they have not been finely tuned to work with each other. And there can be lag at times between the joystick button selection and event activation in FSX. Same with the keyboard in FSX. I have not been able to resolved these issues and calibration usually does nothing but set it up. All drivers for all hardware are up to date as is MS Win 7 for patches and updates. I then uninstalled DX10 and reverted to my FSX setup with max texture load 4096, no DX10 and water effects 2.0X medium. Performance returned to normal, i.e., averaging 28-30 FPS no stutters and smooth performance, VC and outside screen. FSX loaded faster, (normal startup is 2 mins and after flight parameter selection, FSX can be up and running in as little as 1 min 30 Secs, which I regard as acceptable. Steve I do not think it is a DX issue per se, excepting forcing FSX to use DX10/11 which does put an extra graphic load on the system, my gut feeling is that is a hardware/software communication issue and therefore the hardware (I/O) addressing setup and the culprits are the monitor, keyboard, mouse and joystick, which it is I have not been able to define. If I can run FSX with a high end addon at 30 fps smoothly with dynamic weather then the PC has the capacity to use DX in my view but forcing it to go to DX seems to cause an issue and exposes the other issues namely the hardware input/output management by the BIOS and Win 7. Still If you have any other views I would appreciate it but I can get shadows in the VC and up the performance but not a smooth running outcome.
  17. OK, thanks Steve et al. My order number was : STE170622-2733-12108 (Mike H). I will work back the way suggested as I can see no reason why it should go so slow either. For example I have had no trouble with a high end payware model like the Captain Sim B707 into Capital Cities with live weather and heavy cloud etc. A bit of extra information - I am running the REX 3 PLUS Texture sets but not the REX weather engine for that I am using (FSXWX), I will check re the textures being loaded (bit size). I have a lot of ORBX FTX scenery including Global and Vector and ORBX Trees. I did the tests at Avalon (YMAV) in Victoria Australia because it is an ORBX AU area but a very basic airport with little in the way of objects. There was no AI and no ATC used and it was daytime. I tried a number of aircraft, good payware native FSX such as; FSX Default Beaver, the B737-800 FSX Default, the A2A Lockheed Constellation, Captain Sim B737, the JBK DC4 and JBK Shorts S23 (FSX Portovers), the JF Mosquito and Milton Schupes D18S (FSX Native). There were absolutely no issues with any of the aircraft selected, VC texture or gauge displays or gauge operation (clickable spots), outside view was fine with some shadowing. I fly VC with pan-view via the mouse selected. All displayed shadows nicely and there seemed to be a slight improvement in overall texture clarity. I was very impressed with the shadows displayed in the old legacy JBK aircraft. Cloud shadows were evident but I had to bump up the water level to 2.0 X Med, to get it to display as suggested. All aircraft were selected to start and run at the same place at the same time of day with no active real weather being injected or used, standard sunny day with few clouds. Basically they were all as bad as each other and the FPS was pulled down to as low as 2.9 when in VC the best I could get back was a 6.9 when F11 or outside view was selected. There were no flashes or tearing evident in any textures or visuals but switching from VC to Outside and Back again could take 30 secs plus to reload the relevant textures but after reload they were fine. I have frames locked at 30 fps and deselected AA. I have no light bloom or aircraft shadows selected via FSX. I have my scenery levels set to those recommended by ORBX and 4096 texture load in the FSX. cfg. Traffic is less that 10% for all categories except road vehicles were it is only 2% and maritime traffic is set at 40% and airport activity at medium. Cloud draw distance is limited and thermals disabled as well. The only tweaks (so called) I have in the FSX.cfg are: HIMEM=1, BufferPools=0, Job Scheduler Affinity Mask=14 and Texture Bandwith Multi set at 40. Other than that it is all settings selected or set by FSX based on my system. I might add that the REX setup is also based on selections for a dual core system for texture transfer not quad core. So as per your suggestions I will redo the same test but select a different area (non ORBX and a basic airfield with little objects other than default objects). Cocos Island because I tend to do a lot of simming in flying boats and amphibians. Day time and Night time to see if there is a difference, I will use the above aircraft again. First I will check the textures being loaded for water and REX. First for the water then to drop them back to 2048 sizes for all other categories, I will try with different settings for the water slider as well Second I will check DX10 preview mode only with no DX10 Fixer input. Third I will check with DX10 Fixer selected. first with the lesser textures in REX and then back to bigger texture file size for day and for night. I will check with pre-loaded weather and then real weather to see if there is any change with and without cloud shadows. I appreciate the suggestions above from others but I will stay with the basic tweaks I have as I can see no advantage in a 3rd party interface for this stuff. This may take a while to do properly so will get back in probably several days time.
  18. Well this is not a complaint about Steves DX10 but a lesson learned about low end systems and FSX. After much consideration I obtained the DX10 Fixer and installed it on my system. Here is the outcome, it did everything it claimed, so 10/10 for that. The changes were great, particular the shadows which the Fixer even had showing in older Legacy aircraft quite well and I really love the cloud shadows on the ground and water. Overall it was wonderful and I was very satisfied BUT and here is the BUT, it killed my sim performance to the point of being almost unusable with DX10 selected. My FPS dropped from locked 30 to 6 and sometime even 2. There was no tearing or graphic flashes, just slow slow slow. I investigated a number of tweaks I had no considered before but they only marginally improved the loss of performance as measured by FPS, curiously it was worse from the VC but improved with the outside view. So near yet so far. The issue - while I had a 4.0GHZ CPU with 8 GB DDR RAM and a 2GB Video card, it was an older dual core Intel system and because it was an off the shelf system it had an older Intel G41 Video card and it was quite clear that FSX was overwhelming the GPU for the video card, end of story. So whilst DX10 did everything it said it would and the results were tantalising good not on this older system. So DX10 was deselected and I am back to DX9. Solution well first as I always thought would be the case there is only such much performance you can squeeze out of the older hardware and chips and I can thank the DX10 Fixer for really making this very clear. So the only solution if I want those goodies, a new PC with a high performance CPU and a high performance Video GPU. Or is there a way to get things sped up again? I have the Buffer Pools fix in, the fibreframe rate and other similar config fixes. so I cannot think of anything else at the moment that seems sensible and plausible.
  19. I have the Plane Design Version and the AeroPlane Heaven Special Ops Version I have given both a workout on the DamBusters Anniversay Packages as well. I think the Plane Design is the most accurate and has the best feel and has good sound but the cockpit graphics are a bit 'newish' or unreal on some levels but other than that it is great, there are limitations in terms of the VC and other bits but its not bad. The Aeroplane Heaven version is also not bad and troublesome in others. The AH VC view is difficult to set up and you always start up down in the fuselage, overall the interior and exterior graphic textures are more realistic or worn and it handles ok and goes pretty well like I would think a real Lancaster would have. That being said none of these models are native FSX but port overs from earlier FS systems and as such have some limitations. I guess if you download the Dambusters packages you will get a great collection of repaints for 617 squadron and variants and the AH you will get post war and special ops variants. I think the ultimate FSX Lanc is a long way off and despite hunting the net these are the only two I could really recommend. A good repaint expert could probably do wonders with the models but that is not me.
  20. The missing textures and opaque window problems have been fixed. The cockpit cabin textures have settled down as well. It would appear the the flickering triangle is a guage issue or incompatibility issue for a WIN7 64 bit and my video card config. Off to do some more digging and fiddling.
  21. Thanks for the response, I thought the interior views were not yet functional for the FSX model. I will check the DX10 issue as I normally do not have this selected as so many models for FSX are simply incompatible with DirectX 10 graphics. Not sure about the video card issue as I run some of the most complex graphic models around produced by Captain Sim (707 and 727) and have no visual or graphic issues with these aircraft and with frame internal and external running generally have quite smooth FSX operation graphically.The triangle flashes are very quick and hard to capture on a screenshot, I will give it a go. The loss of rear cockpit seems to be related to me using SHIFT+O to pan around the cockpit and moving too quickly, so I now find if I move the mouse slowly they fill in ok but are still a little slow to do so but at least the reappear.There seems to be some missing texture files for the engines, the ones that actually have the internal engine outline are missing or not loading, weird seeing the prop and hub and nacelle and clear sky where the engine should be!. I will cross check the MAAM Sim texture folders with the repaints and see what is what.
  22. I have recently purchased the FSX version by download and had no issues with it installing or running. I have a couple of questions so of you may be able to help me with.1) I have some strange cockpit textures here and there - dark triangles which flash on and off, generally around the lower engine instrument cluster. I also find that If I pan around in the VC that the rear wall of the cockpit dissappears and your not looking at any structure at all.2) There are no interior cabin view for any of the models, is this one of the features that is not yet functional or ported across to FSX?3) When I installed a couple of other liveries or repaints, they show up nicely but all of them are missing the engines although the cowls are there and the props, the same repaints have opaque cockpit windows in VC mode and cannot be seen through, can anyone recommend what texture files I need to copy across to have engines showing and to fix the view from the VC for these repaints. The authors of the repaints don't indicate whether they are suitable for FSX and I suspect they were for the FS2004 model, in other models I have had converting the bitmaps to DDS formatted files seemed to work but I am not sure about this model.Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.Otherwise, think the model and VC is great.
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