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About GCNorth

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  • Birthday 04/02/1945

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    - Valley Forge, PA USA

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  1. Hi Alex, The problem was I was using the wrong mode in the Scenery Library Settings. Thanks for your help👍 Gerry
  2. I recently updated LNM to 2.8.10. Since then, I have encountered a problem with flight plans generated in XP-12. I can load a flight plan into X-Plane and it appears as normal. However, when I attempt to insert an approach, I cannot do so because it won't list the destination airport (KPGA). It only gives me the option for the departure airport. The same problem occurs when using the L1000. Also, attempting to load the flight plan in ASXP 12 results in an error message that the flight plan cannot be parsed. I dropped back to the previous version 2.8.9 with its Little XpConnect and now flight plans procedures function properly. The 2.8.9 flight plans will also load into ASXP 12. I examined the flight plans from both LNM versions in Notepad++ and noticed one difference in their structure. The 2.8.9 plans contain the entries ADEP and ADES whereas the 2.8.10 plans list DEP and DES. If I change the 2.8.10 plans from DEP to ADEP and DES to ADES, they work in X-Plane and ASXP 12. So, is this a problem unique to me and my setup? Regards, Gerry
  3. Judging by your avatar, you must be watching lots of Austin's videos.
  4. If your theory is correct, why do you suppose that the feedback mechanism is failing for some and not others as we are all using the same code? Gerry
  5. Hi Al, I'm using Windows 7. I did do the "fix" for 2.6, but I believe this sudden pitch up happened once before the fix. I usually use spd hold during climb. I haven't tried v/s through 29,000 but will do so next flight. Regards, Gerry
  6. I just finished a flight and the same thing happened to me using FSX. Gerry
  7. I didn't reinstall the Payload Manager that came with the update. The previous version seems to be working fine. Regards, Gerry
  8. How do you set the digital clock to sim time?
  9. So, how do I install it without RXP and Milviz? Anyone done this?
  10. In my cockpit, I have the GNS unit and a weather unit to it's right. I use ASN. Does Roland's gauge allow me to use the existing cockpit weather unit on the right without RXP or Milviz? Regards, Gerry
  11. Hi Matthias, Thanks for your suggestion, but it did not work. I eliminated Window 3 completely and inserted your Vcockpit entry as such: [Vcockpit43] size_mm=512,512 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$RDR150 background_color=0,0,0 gauge00=RolasnRadar!ORadGauge,85,40,335,265, sweep|beam|icing //gauge01=CONTROL_PANEL!clipboard RADAR, 90,50,330,250 Your Vcockpit number is different than mine and I don't understand why that would be. You also mention the RXP gauge but I am using the GNS that came with the plane, not an RXP gauge. Regards, Gerry
  12. Hi, I installed Roland's radar in the GNS panel config file according to the instructions at Flysimware: [Window Titles] Window00 = CONTROL_PANEL Window01 = AIRCRAFT_OPTIONS Window02 = GPS_PANEL Window03 = RolASNRadar WX Radar Window04 = START_INSTRUCTIONS Window05 = DOOR_INSTRUCTIONS Window06 = PAYLOAD_MANAGER Window07 = New GPS Window08 = Airport Chart [Window03] size_mm=100,150 position=2 visible=1 Window_pos=0.05,0.65 zorder=4 background_color=16,16,16 alpha_blend=0.80 gauge00=RolasnRadar!oRadGauge, 0,0,100,150, sweep|beam|icing [Vcockpit43] size_mm=512,512 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$MV_WXM background_color=0,0,0 gauge00=RolasnRadar!ConeRadGauge,85,40,335,265, sweep|beam|icing gauge01=CONTROL_PANEL!clipboard RADAR, 90,50,330,250 I copied the dll file to the Gauges folder and installed the VC2013 C++ x86 libraries. However, the radar unit is blank and I can't get it to start. Any advice as to what I might have done wrong would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Gerry
  13. Hi, I installed Roland's radar in the GNS panel config file according to the instructions at Flysimware: [Window Titles] Window00 = CONTROL_PANEL Window01 = AIRCRAFT_OPTIONS Window02 = GPS_PANEL Window03 = RolASNRadar WX Radar Window04 = START_INSTRUCTIONS Window05 = DOOR_INSTRUCTIONS Window06 = PAYLOAD_MANAGER Window07 = New GPS Window08 = Airport Chart [Window03] size_mm=100,150 position=2 visible=1 Window_pos=0.05,0.65 zorder=4 background_color=16,16,16 alpha_blend=0.80 gauge00=RolasnRadar!oRadGauge, 0,0,100,150, sweep|beam|icing [Vcockpit43] size_mm=512,512 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$MV_WXM background_color=0,0,0 gauge00=RolasnRadar!ConeRadGauge,85,40,335,265, sweep|beam|icing gauge01=CONTROL_PANEL!clipboard RADAR, 90,50,330,250 I copied the dll file to the Gauges folder and installed the VC2013 C++ x86 libraries. However, the radar unit is blank and I can't get it to start. Any advice as to what I might have done wrong would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Gerry
  14. Hi Maarten, I followed your advice earlier and was successful in eliminating Microsoft aircraft and the helicopters from the tile list. However, several updates ago, the Microsoft planes and helicopters began to appear again in the tile list. Has there been a change to the criteria of selecting aircraft in the tile list? If so, how can I eliminate them again? Regards, Gerry
  15. Hi Maarten, I am having problems creating flights with a departure or destination based on latitude and longitude. I'm wondering if this is because the format for longitude and latitude entries in the flight plan is different from the format in the FSX Map View. It is done in degrees, minutes and seconds as indicated below: The data for a mooring point will look like this: N54 19.22 W129 13.17 Heading 156 Altitude 0 Speed 0 The N54 19.22 is the Latitude (be sure to add the space and the decimal) The W129 13.17 is the Longitude Heading or Mag is the direction your aircraft is pointed ALT ... always set this at "zero", it finds the altitude of the land when it moves. Airspeed ... always set this to "zero" otherwise you'll be moving fast! In FSX, bring up the MAP VIEW ... then enter the data in similar to below: Note: be sure to use the proper spacing and decimal for each entry. The entry in the flight plan option in SimLauncherX appears to be in a fractional equivalent instead of degrees, seconds, and minutes. When I attempt to launch a flight, it causes a fatal error in FSX with a restart. Regards, Gerry
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