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About blazer05

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  1. None of my purchases are shown. Franklin Duncan
  2. Where does one find these fixes? Franklin Duncan
  3. Thanks - I needed this today. Franklin Duncan
  4. Thanks Bryan - no need to do a panel search. After adding the PATH you mentioned - I forgot the most basic of computer fixes - reboot. After the reboot, I now have FS2Crew working with FSLabs aircraft. Thanks for your patience.
  5. Where do I find the panel.cfg files you refer to. Adding the path didn't seem to work.
  6. That looks like a solution. I also want to ensure that my posts do not appear to be critical of your product at all. I knew it was something you could figure out and get me corrected. Will report back and let you know if this solves my issue.
  7. Yes it installed to my P3d folder - so my understanding is that is correct. Tell me if this is my issue. P3d is on my E drive (an SSD card) but FSLabs A320 is in the Documents/Prepar3D V5 Addons folder This is on my C drive = C then Users/name/Documents/Prepar3D V5 Add-ons/FSLabs/SimObjects/Airplanes - then folders for all my FSLabs aircraft. Sorry to be so slow to realize this is probably the problem.
  8. Where would I expect to find the FS2crew files? Wouldn't they be in the same group of folders as the FSLabs aircraft?
  9. Reinstalled and no joy. Can I manually add the correct entries to the panel.cfg?
  10. I used the address for one of my SSDs. But when installing your program found the location without issue. Franklin Duncan
  11. I will go back and check to ensure I enabled FS2C per the manual. I always run with Admin rights - it solves so many issues. Franklin Duncan
  12. Under VEHICLES - INSTRUMENT PANEL - saw no mention of FS2Crew. Now what?
  13. Thanks Bryan - I am not at my PC but I will check this tonight. Your support of your product is among the best in the flight sim community. Franklin Duncan
  14. Okay, here is what I have done: 1 - reinstall - no joy 2 - make sure FS2Crew is enabled - Yes - but no joy on FS2C starting with the FSLabs A320 loaded and at the gate. 3 - make sure Auto Feather is assigned to "U" as all my FS2C are. 4 - FS2C works with all my other aircraft OK - FSLabs A320 is loaded at the gate running on GPU and parking brake is set. Then I press U to open FS2C and nothing. I also have UGCX and it continues to work with FSLabs. OK - I am probably missing something simple but I am at a wall here. Your help is appreciated as always. I love FS2C. Franklin Duncan
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