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Everything posted by bcuomo

  1. As a point of information, I had the same problem with the Black Square Duke. Couldn't load a flight plan into the default GNS 530. I believe this started after SU 15.. Solved the problem by switching to the free PMS GTN750.
  2. Interesting... Thanks, will try it next time.
  3. I had a similar problem with a dead battery after doing the update. Couldn't see a way to charge it. Turning off state saving and starting a new flight fixed it.
  4. I also doubt it's the plane, it's just never happened so frequently. I'm currently using DX 11 and the only add-ons I have in the community folder are aircraft. I did have one airport mod but removed it... Made no difference. I am using GeForce Experience to update drivers. Is there a way I can roll back to 531.29 using that? I haven't manually installed or un-installed drivers in years and so I'm not as knowledgeable as I once was, lol.
  5. With the A2A Comanche I've had 4 CTDs out of 6 flights. I'm on the latest driver. Haven't been able to test other aircraft, but I've never had that many CTDs so close together. Don't know if it's driver, Sim or plane related.
  6. I use my Bravo with the autopilot in this plane and it seems to work for me, unless I'm missing something. What doesn't work for you?
  7. I had a similar issue but the download completed. Another issue I noticed is that downloading from the marketplace or content manager has been painfully slow for the past couple of days. Sometimes it will speed up and then it will slow to a crawl. I suppose it could be my internet provider. Anyone else see this?
  8. Well, here's my opinion. You can make your point without the arrogance.
  9. Did you buy FS2004, then FSX? How about XP 10, 11, 12..did you upgrade to any of those? How about going from P3D 4 to 5? If you did, you "fell for it.". How is this different than any of those? My wish is that there is an upgrade path that allows installing 2024 over 2020 (like how I upgraded from Windows 10 to 11) ...that will keep settings and installed add-ons intact.
  10. Happened to me as well, for a few days. Then it stopped, have no clue as to why. The only add-ons I have are aircraft.
  11. Well, you wouldn't, of course. But the OP is trying to set the NAV, VS, or HDG functions while still on the ground (which you CAN do in some of the aircraft without the AP automatically coming on). But in the case of the 182, the AP comes on when you do that (as it does when I try it as well). My point is...just don't do that. Set them when you're in the air and the AP comes on when it should. And if this is correct behavior for this setup, then it is not a bug.
  12. It was explained by someone else that this is correct behavior for the autopilot because there is no flight director. Now, I'm no expert in this, but if this is indeed correct, then perhaps Carenado "fixed the issue in the last update. And if it is indeed correct, perhaps that's why almost no one else is reporting this as a problem. I even think I've noticed this behavior with another aircraft but, of course, I can't remember which one. I just don't press nav, vs, or HDG until I turn on the ap in the air and, voila, no problem. But if I press them on the ground, like you, the autopilot comes on.
  13. Then why are you here stirring the pot? I seem to remember you bashing people for coming over to the XP forum and doing exactly what you are doing. Sound like hypocrisy to you? And now you cry name calling again? Doesn't that sound childish to you? Do you get pleasure coming here and calling MSFS a game? Seems pretty childish to me. Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
  14. Post reported for being insulting with no good reason.
  15. Okay...did some more testing and noticed that the trigger to the dropping fps is changing graphic settings. Started out with frame rates jumping from 30-50, then went into graphic settings and REDUCED all sliders from ultra to high. then frames dropped to 24. Only thing that made fps go back up is shutting down and restarting the sim. Strange.
  16. It would happen after only a few minutes. I don't recall if it happened after doing something like changing views or it was just out of the blue. Graphic settings were all the way to the right which is how the sim set itself up by default. But turning the settings down had no effect...it was like I had the frames locked at 24. Last night I tried again and I did notice that an update was applied on startup. Frame rates seemed to be up again (in free flight) but they fluctuated quite a bit. Unfortunately I didn't get much time to test it as we then had a major blackout in my area and that took care of that!
  17. I'm having a strange issue. When I start the sim, at first my frame rate will be in the 40-50 range. Then after a period of time it will suddenly throttle back to 24, seemingly locked at that number, even though "unlimited" is still displayed next to the counter. Turning down the graphic settings has no effect. I can correct by shutting down and restarting the sim. Interestingly, it's still pretty smooth at 24 fps. This has never happened in my other sims (FSX/P3D). BTW I am running a 50" plasma TV as my monitor using HDMI? Anybody else run into this issue? Any thoughts on the cause?
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