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Everything posted by FlyBaby

  1. Not so... Does LR sell XP through the ORG? Does LR have a way to get feedback for its product outside of the ORG? Only recently? How long has LR known about the ORG? Did Austin himself have an account there? Blaming the ORG for Austin's failure to engage with "his" users to get feedback to improve "his" sim is simply wrong. Austin knows there is plenty wrong with XP11...there just isn't any incentive to fix it further without attaching a revenue stream to the effort.
  2. But we can't blame the ORG for where XP is today...as a sim...that part is on Austin and the direction he chose to take the sim (features / engagement / updates etc). I just don't think that he had the vision (or maybe even the desire) to bring all of the pieces together (mass market appeal, engagement with users and 3PDevs, store etc.) like MSFS to substantially grow its user base / revenue potential. LR should have been at the forefront of all things Xplane...
  3. That wasn't my point....how many is the question...and it "seems" like...not enough True...but that is not all on Austin. Although I was surprised to see him respond "personally" to a heckler in the comment section of his YT teaser vid. The issue is that he did not cater to what the users was asking for (somebody else did)...nor did he looked to really partner with 3PD vendors over the years; ultimately he missed the opportunity to have in-house...what is essentially the ORG... Ultimately MSFS has the ORG (minus the freeware section), but they showcase freeware addons and site within their weekly updates, even communicating with freeware Devs...which is how Working Title got on board. With the release of the XBOX this, they are snagging up another "user base" segment...
  4. Not so, there were users who held onto XP10 a while after XP11 released (didn't you?). That always happens. How many is the area of concern / question. LR does not really market / advertise XP, and they certainly don't have mass market appeal, so a large crowd of new members (your everyone) is less likely. And a 2022 release is just more time for the competition to expand and make any new features in XP12 seem ordinary (like clouds). Many Devs follow the crowd. Some will certainly stick around, but with a smaller user base, I am not sure how well that will work for XP12. I never really followed PMDG, but was surprised to see that they don't really develop much for XP and seemingly stopped updates for the DC6....while making plans for MSFS and encouraging folk to buy from the marketplace. To me, that is a huge reality for a take that a well known Dev has regarding the 2 platforms. However, the user base has to be there to support all development, and that (to me) is the main concern / question to be answered. Time will tell...
  5. Been that way for 2 years now... The question is will XP11 users still hold off on XP12 if the new features really don't move the needle much, including performance.
  6. Again, no excuse for a 2+ month delay...none. And he should have fixed it....and he did. He was making money off of a product that he knew was broke (store version), and dragged his feet for 2+ months to get the update on the store.. BTW...many other devs seemed to be able to pass the MSFS certification process during that 2 month delay. Well, I was not talking about a week....the Iris issue was more than 2 months. No excuse.
  7. True that is an issue. I thought that users still had access to the support threads even if banned. At this point, I would only post if needing help or helping someone, the bias over there for any other discussion / opinions keeps me away. I have not purchased from the org since the summer of 2019, but I do still update products and check the freeware section.
  8. They are all supposed to update on the store, but that has not been the case, at least in a timely fashion. For example, the Iris Jabiru was more than 2 months late (after releasing an update on other stores) for the marketplace while still selling a broken version (flaps issue) on the marketplace. One customer stated that he bought a second copy from another store just to get the update version. Be it no updates or late updates, I don't see where Asobo / MSFS has addressed the issue. it is a shame because Devs can steer folk to their own stores by not updating the MSFS store promptly. I no longer buy exclusively from the marketplace due to the issue with updates.
  9. I think if you count all that the org has to offer outside of the forums.....freeware....store etc.....it is quite large.
  10. wait...lol I have the same addons and dont get these visuals, especially the animated people on the beach. Are there certain settings that i need to get the people on the beach?
  11. For me, the org actually saved XP. Aside from the drama that goes on in the forums (much like many other forums), the members really do go the extra mile to help others with any issues. The freeware section has definitely expanded the usefulness of the sim for me, and I have not had any serious problems with their store. To me, the Org is a good source for many things XP if you can stay away from the nonsense.
  12. In my experience, Paypal is much simpler and faster to get a resolution / refund than the major credit card institutions, and you can immediately communicate (last time I used it) with the Vendor. I had vendors refuse to answer emails until I used the PP portal, they would answer then...immediately. IMO, LR needs an in-game store for the continued revenue to fund further / frequent development etc (much like the continued revenue they get from the mobile platform). But hey, it has to make sense (not necessarily business sense) to Austin. Given his track record...I don't see it happening, but I would definitely support an in-game store if he did.
  13. Got it... This is why I usually use paypal when shopping on sites like this. PP has always made the vendor refund my money...they really protect consumers. My issue with the one org sale was that the plane did not have the avionic features as advertised; the Dev even admitted (on the forums) that the features no longer worked in an updated version of XP and that I should be refunded.
  14. What... I got a refund from the org...also guided another member to file a paypal dispute (and he also received a refund).
  15. Trying out the EPSON LS500... So your eyes could tolerate the OLEDS...much like a projected image?
  16. True, my issue with a large TV is that sitting almost directly in front of it can irritate the eyes, plus reflections from the glass screen.
  17. I had been trying to decide for a while, large OLED or projector screen. Just built an 80 inch projector screen...so I will see how this goes once everything is hooked up.
  18. Go back and read what you originally wrote...other than that, I will catch you on the next topic...
  19. Trying to narrow the scope after making such a general statement is so transparent, that I would have to lower mysellf beneath the antics to debate about it. Carry on...you have already proven my point.
  20. This has absolutely nothing to do with the context of your original statement about MSFS and VFR. But hey...thanks for all of the effort you put into deflecting...
  21. So you make a comment about VFR, I ask a question about VFR (twice), and then you write this... ...in the form of a question to hide the fact that you are trying to evade the point. Thanks for clarifying that you make a lot of statements about MSFS that simply are not true (like it takes 2 hours to download scenery). Good luck with the ortho and "experimental" clouds...because that is obviously the answer to "bleeding eyes" (your words). I am sure that you have spent more than 2 hours chasing those rainbows...
  22. More name calling from you....and you apparently are not "ignoring them" as you post these interesting thoughts to somehow get them to leave.
  23. Really? because you also said this... So again I ask.. So, what VFR flight have you attempted to take in MSFS where you were hindered by lack of view distance / elements needed for VFR, and just couldn't make it?
  24. This is his usual MO. Deflection... So, are you suggesting that MSFS can't produce this visual at all for VFR to navigate home some 30NM away? So, what VFR flight have you attempted to take in MSFS where you were hindered by lack of view distance / elements needed for VFR, and just couldn't make it?
  25. There are just too many contradictions here...in one thread you say that Vanilla XP visuals make your eyes bleed. You have also posted about ortho and experimental clouds that basically comes down to looks. One of the greatest so called insults about that other sim...is that it is a VFR sim, which, in and of itself is a great thing for those newbies looking to get into flight / flight training (...VFR). You are definitely interested in the looks of a sim....if you were not...you would have just stuck with Vanilla XP. And again....is PMDG actively supporting / updating the DC6 for the latest versions of XP11? Are they announcing new planes for XP? Or have they abandoned XP as a development platform? Looks Matter...
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