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Everything posted by SoloTwo

  1. Anyway to run UT and use WOAI to fill in the missing airlines?
  2. So which ATC programs have SID and STAR's included?
  3. Accufeel is buggy as hell for me lately never saves the settings for certain planes and half the time reverts planes to a default setting where your max speed is 162IAS. Not the most enjoyable thing when you're in a Cessna Mustang mid flight. At first they denied there was a problem then said they were fixing it but not sure whats going on since.
  4. Hold alt-tab, select fsx. Then hit alt-enter twice it should pop up. Also something I noticed is if I hit the show desktop button on the bottom right of the task bar it will pop up aswell.
  5. Where exactly did you find a full REX-E install? The one on that thread is just an upgrade and is thus only 1.something gb, a full REX-OD install is 7.7gb's.
  6. Thanks Jeff, do you use any sort of land class or GEX tropics? I really want the Grenadines package but there are only 1 or 2 of the airports where I could actually fly into right now with the Mustang but I'm sure down the road when I get a King Air or something else I can always fly there. Right now I'm planning on getting quite a few of the Latin VFR stuff, most of the larger airports I can get charts for from navigraph but I'm having trouble finding ANY source online for Caribbean charts whatsoever. Does the FlyTampa package some with any sort of charts with the manual? I really hate flying into airports without at least a basic aerodrome info chart.
  7. Forgot about something that's even more important, charts. Tried googling around but can't seem to find anything solid. I can get some of the larger airports with Navigraph but not sure where to get the smaller stuff mainly the Grenadines airports.
  8. The only airports I have right now down there currently is Fly Tampa St Martin, to start off I figure I'll get the Cloud9 Xclass Central and South America land class along with GEX Tropics but not sure what else I should be looking at. I know there is a ton of payware airports in the area but I'm not sure which to pickup or leave behind. For reference right now I'm flying around in the Flight1 Mustang so I'm not exactly looking for STOL airports. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. PW Sceneries is currently on my shortlist for freeware though not sure how well that will work with GEX and Xclass.
  9. Which rex texture are you using for water? At one time I had one that looked realistic but for the life of me I can't find it again.
  10. Ugh, well I tried again using all the new suggestions, had my sids and stars all setup. Everything went great till I was told to contact departure, which sadly was a totally different freq than clearance told me and different from what the adventure briefing had listed. Tried contacting it, nothing, tried contacting what should have been the departure freq, nothing. Program closed, RC4 loaded up. RC4 ain't perfect but at least it only takes a couple seconds to setup and never fails mid flight.
  11. And I just installed the HDEv2 textures. Sweet mother of god they are beautiful.
  12. If you have REX-OD and install that update you just get the weather engine, zero textures in the program. Just fyi.
  13. I will have to give PFE another try tonight. Got frustrated with the constant problems with wrong frequencies, duplicate frequencies, and 000.00 frequencies and the atc constantly forgetting about me while approaching an airport.
  14. I would do that but I bought from SimMarket and can't figure out where to download the full version of Essentials...
  15. Glad you're enjoying the program. Tried it after about 10 tries I only had 1 or 2 successful flights. Went straight back to RC4 must less fuss and it works everytime. When it DID work it was pretty awesome but that was rare.
  16. I used to use REX-OD until I discovered the historic weather mode. I did try essentials a bit but just found it too slow and the weather change and loading is just soooo slow and unsmooth. AS2012's direct weather control just works great for me since you KNOW what the weather is going to be when you take off and land, no crazy wind changes enroute to the airport. The best feature is the historic weather, I usually fly later at night and with REX I always had to use night time weather while flying during the day. In that respect AS2012 has totally changed the way I fly now no matter how good REX is until they have that feature I will never stop using AS2012. For the record I DO use REXOD textures and AS2012 for weather.
  17. Yep. And it figures I buy a bunch of scenery and go to fly and no weather. FSX will be on the back burner until its back up. Used to use REX but the historical weather is just so much nicer when you fly later at night and use day time weather.
  18. Well my overclock was causing micro stutters, something I've never had before. Went back to default setting and now I get stable 30 locked fps while in air. Hrm.
  19. Yeah I've gone though that excellent guide quite a few times. Works wonders.
  20. Thanks for all the help guys, I'll order some ram tomorrow, amazing how cheap it is. I remember not too long ago just getting a couple gb's seemed like a small fortune. For the record I overclocked to 4.0ghz and on max sliders I'm now getting over 20fps in my turbine duke at PANC with high traffic and a very cloudy rainy day.
  21. Btw my current memory has a frequency of 668.7Mhz, I have a feeling that's a huge bottleneck.
  22. As far as overclocking goes I did overclock to 4ghz and put my gpu up to 940mhz but then my computer just froze up so I just went back to default after that. Was monitoring temps and everything seemed fine so I might have to screw around with that. As far as ram goes that is one thing I really skimped on when I bought my rig so I should get that sorted asap. Whats the general consensus on the amount of ram? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231486 Was thinking of just getting these for 16gb total sorta as future proof but I'm not sure how much further down the road 16gb's will be required.
  23. Actually after doing some more research I figured out the problem with the super low fps was with UT Alaska's custom autogen in the Anchorage area. Now I'm getting over 20fps there.
  24. Ah I searched for fsx files only thanks. :)
  25. Color me interested in that too, I flew the old ERJ back in FS9 days and would love to pick this up as a longer range biz jet. I enjoyed the X back in FS9 days but the cockpit just looks way too outdated for me. So this sounds like a natural step in my planned step by step plan to work myself up to larger aircraft.
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