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About LinuxFlightSimmer

  • Birthday 08/27/1994

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    Montréal, QC

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. No problem with FlightFactor addons, they all works in Linux. JARD dont support Linux, but I got the A320 v2.3r4 to work, but not the A330. Others addon I know support and work well in Linux are the JRollon CRJ-200, Rotate MD-80 and addon from FlyJSim, Carenado.
  2. Hi, I want ti introduce you my Twitch Channel http://www.twitch.tv/linuxflightsimmer I broadcast principally my X-Plane flight, currently in cruise between LPPT and ENGM as SAS4716 on IVAO. Arrival at Oslo scheduled for 1900z
  3. I disagree, I own the FF 777, the FF757 and the JARD A320. My favorite of the three is clearly the FF757, the FF777 is second and the JARD A320 is the last. I found the system on the JARD to inferior in modeling when compared with FlightFactor, plus the JARD A320 have some problem with the FBW implentation. For me me the FF757 is a nice upgrade from the FF777, the 3d cockpit is more accurate with better 3d and textures and the system are a bit more complex (improved system modeling and failure, dual FMC, simulation of both engines options)
  4. Look at my specs, I have AMD FX8350 with GTX670 and it's running well, i'm satisfied with the performance
  5. Some screenshots from my yesterday flight from Montréal to Philadelphia and back to Montréal with the JRollon CRJ200 in X-Plane 10 Boarding for KPHL at parking 88 Approaching Philadelphia Airport Arrived at KPHL, Terminal D Climbing out of RWY27R at KPHL, Inbound Montréal Enroute to Montréal, some nasty weather below my aircraft Back in Montréal, unboarding at parking 89
  6. That's why i'm using X-FMC and it work great
  7. I think that it will possible to download the main game with the default area like the demo and get parts of the world in DLC
  8. This will only be a textures pack or it will contain a special plugin ?
  9. Yes, It's the JARD A320neo and it use SASL, in the plugin folder there the lin.xpl
  10. Hi, I've found someone on Facebook who said that the JARD A320 v2 was working in Linux and he posted some screenshots, so I decided to try by myself and see if it's running. Even if on the X-Plane.org Store they say the plane is not compatible, my test revealed that the plane is really working in Linux, since have realised a couple of flight with no problem.
  11. Here a couple of screenshots of my flight from Salt Lake City to San Diego, using FlightFactor 757 in X-Plane 10. Scenery in Salt Lake City is default airport and mesh. For San Diego, I'm using a conversion of a MSFS Scenery. Climbing out of Salt Lake City: Arrived at San Diego:
  12. The 757 is a good choice, I own it and it's probably the best aircraft add-on availaible at the moment in X-Plane 10. For scenery, http://www.xpscenery.net/ is a nice place to find scenery. I recommend a free add-on, HDR Environment X II, that will change how the sky and the clouds will looks in X-Plane.
  13. Good news, i'm happy to know you're still working on an add-on for X-Plane 10 ! It's maybe to soon to ask, but are you planning to support the all three operating system X-Plane 10 can run on ?
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