I've only flown 3 times (Taylorcraft Auster, Cessna 172 and a Swallow glider) and was a passenger each time.
Can't say I enjoyed it because I was on the verge of being airsick the whole time!
I've never flown in an airliner but wouldn't like to for the same reason, and i'd also feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
As far as I'm concerned it's perfectly normal not to like flying, I mean anybody who likes sitting in an airtight tin box 6 miles high at 500mph surely can't be normal?..
PS- I also hate car travel,(I've never had or wanted a car) and have to make excuses not to go when my niece offers to take me out in hers. Coaches and trains I also dislike, I feel sick the whole journey and it lasts for a couple of days afterwards, boy am i weird..