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About sameeg

  • Birthday 12/15/1947

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  1. Thanks, Alex. no but? If I google little navmap and click on LNM forum apart from Avsim, nothing happens. Just checked again and everything is fine
  2. Has the forum for little nav map closed down? Myself (Scotland ) and a friend (Bristol) could not get into the forum (25/10/18)
  3. Thanks downscc I will look into this
  4. Hi all Please I need help Firstly my win op =Win7 Card =750TI Platform FSX Gold (Boxed Edt) 8 meg high speed Ram 1 Terra HD J41 Boxe Edition My problem is I install the J41 no probs the first time it loaded into the sim ask for reg key Worked I installed FS2Crew and went into choose aircraft and it loads with a sound of the engines going into C&D I think shows a picture of a J41 the blue spinning wheel starts and after a few seconds crashes the sim staight away Un installed J41 reinstalled still the same thing happens crashes the sim Has anyone ant Idea on this prob as I have noy had a chance to fly this aircraft yet and this was supposed to be my intro to tube liners and it is my first PMDG Aircraft All the rest of my FSX Works fine Regards Mike
  5. I would like to see a few more (Prop) Twins as I don't fly Tube liners Mike
  6. My understanding is Pmg is looking at P3D. Probably like me awaiting the 64 bit platform
  7. I'm sorry Why buy good scenery be it photographic p3d or what ever and then fly at 20000 ft in a tube You might as well just fly default
  8. Well lads finaly got the little bugger working after countless hours running around different sites finaly ended up with 2 dll files in 32 and wow64 and now i just need to learn how to use it for GA aircraft flying at no more than 5000 feet with the new update for Vox that is now working like a dream Cheers Mike
  9. Reply to wanabflyer Yes I have had Vox atc when it came on the market (XP) Then had to pay extra for the 6.2 version (W7) 6.3 never worked on my comp Even Tegwtn West could not fathom that out so I rent back to 6.2 I purchased RC4 2 days ago because I had seen good utube vids with it and MCE (Can't get that to work because of dll files even though they are in win32 and win64) so as of yet I have to say no to RC4 Reply to Ray Proudfoot Thank you yes I have seen that and done what was said But I must be missing something because I still get warning when I try to run flight planner I shall percivere I shall not be beaten by a silly Computer ( I've been saying that since FSX came out) Thanls for replies Mike
  10. No body ever tells you the problems you have installing these programes RC v 4.3 troubel with dll file install Vox v6.2 Runs with your flight plan some times most times not Vox v 6.3 mostly doesn't work on many comp's
  11. Hi Chuck Look up froogle on utube he has put up a vid that may help
  12. Sorry for late reply no I'm not using UTX but Thanks for your time what ever it was that caused this to happen has gone away for now
  13. Stick to 6.2. 6.3 has Too many problems for me
  14. Hi I was flying around southern England last niight with my mate who is based in the USA when suddenly on the left hand side of my aircraft I noticed that the scenery was FSX Default and on the right hand side was Photoreal (Horizon) The cliffs that were supposedly going into the Atlantic ocean were actualy goind into the FSX default scenery any ideas whats causing this to happen Cheers
  15. I first had the boxed version VoxATC for FSX UK and has I moved to Win 7 updated to V6.2 amd now V6.34. I removed all versions of Vox before applying updates I had problems uninstaling Vox several times The computers uninstaller removed vox from the hard drive (I think) but left the Vox folder with all of its components in Program files (86) which I removed manualy Then I had problems with Vox Installing the Aircraft panel, some had Vox+Recent Coms some had just Vox and one aircrafy had nothing (Tegwyn West sent me a programe wich cured that problem) The program is running OK in the sim adding enough AI traffic in the skies (trafficX+360) but as I've said I have no controle over the input fields I can suffer having my call sign as N1151Delta and no PO untill Tegwyn sorts these problems out.But there may be a solution That may be able to resolve these probs
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