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About ghislain

  • Birthday 11/22/1952

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  • Location
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, Photography and Flight Simming

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  1. Hello, I had the same problem: error creating windows handle -- Ghislain
  2. One or two more questions and I'm all set... :wink: How do I install A2A aircraft and ORBX stuff? As far as I know, the A2A installer is asking for the root Prepar3D folder. ORBX actually replaces the BGLs in the scenery folder... Any advice? Thanks! -- Ghislain
  3. Again, same here. I tried without FSUIPC first. Then I installed 4.4944. Still no go. Prepar3D.cfg shows no sign of my joystick. I tried copying the lines pertaining to my joystick manually (from my Prepar3D v2.5 config file) but no luck...
  4. Same problem here with old Logitech Force. No problems in v2.5. I am on Windows 8.1
  5. Jim, you are right. My bad. Thanks for the tip!
  6. I have the same problem. In my case, it is because I installed Flight 1's Ultimate Terrain X. Those new textures hide the progressive taxi path. My workaround is to change the view using "S" and then cycle to an aerial view using "A". The progressive taxi arrows are visible in this view (I need to zoom in a bit to see them).
  7. Thank you so much!!! It works like a charm!
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