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Everything posted by doublebubble

  1. Hi guy's, I need to do a complete reinstall of fsx and I'm wondering how I can retrieve my activation code for my PMDG 747-400X as the URL has expired, I do have the exe file but no code, so is there a way to retrieve it? any help would be appreciated. Cheers Rod.
  2. Thanks Paul, I had a major fsx.exe file problem caused by another addon and had to insert the fsx disc's for a repair and in doing so I'm sure it has upset my FTXG, VECTOR, FSG2010 so on and so on terrain as it's now just not the same, so if I was to do a complete install of everthing (which I'm not looking forward to) I thought I would move it all to my "F" drive which is completely empty and yes it's win7. Not sure what you mean the shortest path possible...F.FSX and F.Fsx SDK? Cheers Rod.
  3. Guy's could someone advise the following, I need to do a complete reinstall of fsx and all addons, I want to remove everything from the default C:\ programs(x86) drive and install onto my free "F" drive so in doing so does all the addons like REX, FTXG, FTXVECTOR, FSGLOBAL 2010, PMDG, ASN etc, etc be installed on "F" drive?
  4. Well, I have been chasing performance issue's for month's i7 Quad core, HT enabled, 8 threads, 16g ram, GTX560M 3gb video memory with an AF setting of 84 and tried AF255 with a really bad constant stutter DX10, FTXG, NGX, T7 every thirty seconds or so for around 5sec's drove me absolutly crazy, setting it up by the all the guides avaliable, countless cfg file rebuilds, days of bufferpool trials, countless driver changes to nearly a full reinstal, the graphic's have always been very clear and sharp except for the dreaded stutter until out of the blue I went against the advise and tried an AF setting of 14 and presto no more sutters, smooth as silk!, so now I'm really confused that is'nt suppose to be an AF setting of 84 with a Quad core with H.T enabled? 14 is working perfectly, thank god I can now start to enjoy. Cheers Rod.
  5. When you find out how to fix this 3-4 sec stutter at a rythmic time please post it, have spent the last 3 weeks doing everything suggested with no change what so ever, going completely nuts. Cheers Rod.
  6. Thanks guy's, but although I'm running a laptop I can say that it's always ran fsx and addons with very suprisingly good performance for which I was very happy with and don't recall this slide show stutter every 30sec's for 5sec's at a time and silky smooth and sharp in between and then something twigged that I upgraded nvidia driver to version 335.23 which seemed about the time this all started so I uninsalled it and reverted back to what I remember being amazing graphic's and silky smooth, the 320.49 driver, and presto the periodic slide show has disapearred, I;m obviously no computer wizz but it;s definately worked, maybe something to do with the refresh rate, vsync, I dont know. Ric, completely agree with you on the soup bussiness and for a long time now have really only taken tweaking advise from the post's by Paul J, time for some simming and not tweaking. Cheers Rod..
  7. Thanks guys I will try your suggestions, the only tweaks I've ever used is the ones advised as per avsim guide and the DX10 how to doc and nothing else, just to verify the AF setting with H.T enabled? Cheers Rod.
  8. Thanks for the imput guys and yes HT is enabled so what do you suggest as a AF setting 84, 255? I've been trying for weeks to solve this problem and have just about had enough. New fsx cfg file rebuilt and tried with no other tweeks except for adding the HIGHMEMFIX=1 with no change, I will disable HT and add the correct AF and see if aomething changes. Cheers Rod.
  9. Thanks Michael I have the Affinity set at 14 but will try the processes page whilst running and see what I get. Cheers Rod.
  10. Hi all, I've been having issues with stutters happening abouy every 60sec's or so for about 5sec's in duration dropping the frame rate from a steady 30FPS to 10FPS and while there are no stutters the sim runs as smooth as silk, I have followed all the guides in setting up fsx, DX10Fixer, tried all combinations of Bufferpool settings fsx settings, Rex settings, cloud resolutions, antivirus settings as well as uninstalling the antivirus program, slider positions and the list goes on to no prevail so I'm here to see if anyone can help me out, I do recall quite a while ago I never had this problem until I installed ASN, but I'm not saying this is the problem it's just not as bad when not running ASN but it still happens. I'm assuming it's some sort of proccess happing that I am just unable to crack. I'm running FSX on an Asus G74X which has always done the job really well. A quick overveiw of fsx addons are, FTXG, REX\OD, PMDG7NGX, T7, RC4, ASN, GSX. I will try to include my FSXCFG file if someone would be so kind to look at to see something that I can't that may help. Thanks Rod. How do I attach my fsxcfg file?
  11. Simulator depiction options/Show in sim message is unticked but still comes up. Cheers Rod.
  12. Yes it's the ATIS weather report, I am unable to see a check box in ASN to stop it from appearing as I would just rather stop it from appearing, I dont use FSXAssist, I forgot to look but maybe it's a RC4 thing. Cheers Rod.
  13. Hi, could someone please advise me on how to disable the green message bar from appearing across the top of the screen? Cheers Rod.
  14. Thanks for the replies, I raised the fixer AA to 16CSAA and for sure is a lot better but it's introduced a bit of stuttering with NI AA left at 4SGAA so I'll drop it down to 2SGAA in NI and see how we go, thanks again. Cheers Rod.
  15. Hi, I would just like to ask if there is a fix for the badly shimmerig runway lines? I'm using DX10 fixer with AA set to 8CSAA in the fixer and 4 x SGAA in NI, the hole sim is basicly shimmer free and extremely sharp except for the runway lines, if anyone has an idea that would be great. Cheers Rod.
  16. Thanks Mephic I have seem some files in a temp folder but am unsure whether I should delete them or not thanks for heads up as I thought ot removed those files after the install. Cheers Rod.
  17. Hi all, I've just installed Fs 2010 Global and have noticed that it has used 71gb of hard drive space when its advertised at 25gb, is this right, I installed it with FSS disc's of which there are 6 disc'sis this correct. Cheers Rod.
  18. Interesting, what if you don't tune to 122.00 do the stutters appear then? I will try this and above suggestions went I get home so you don't have to kill the app as I can still listen to weather atis via RC4 atc which I've performed many times this way out of habit but the stutters are still there doing it this way as well, stutters on the fly as well turn ASN off stutters gone. To me it seems like a weather injection stutter, as it is rythmic happening in about five minute intervals for a few seconds, all ASN settings are at default weather injection 15min's, I will keep investigating and see what becomes of it Cheers Rod.
  19. If someone could advise me of something else to try that would be great as having ASN installed and being a long time user of ASE with no stutters I get constant stutters with ASN, ASN turned off no stutters so I'm starting to get a little dissapointed when reading how other simmers are having a great expirience, I have done all the tweaks advised ( ASN update, the antivirus thing tried different cloud distance's but no go. I'm using DX10 fixer with Rex textures, FTXG. Cheers Rod.
  20. Great Adi, been having the same issue with SFX 1.5.1 dark screen and after searching the SFX presets site checking all 1.5.1 presets with smaa unchecked saw that the LIFT-GAMMA-GAIN settings were alted so tried a few and dark screen gone, mucked around a bit myself but just couldn't quite get it right so have just tried your adjustments and I thank you using them along with shade and DX10 AA back to sharp with great graphics and colours. Cheers Rod.
  21. Thanks Paul, as I've been using SFX for a long while now especially with DX9 and ever since DX10 fixer was released but did a few stint's last nite without it and just using bare DX10 and found that the AA is so much better and must admit that bare DX10 is most likely the way to go just need to get used to not useing SFX so on the fence as to which looks better but do feel that I'm falling over to bare DX10, again many thanks. Cheers Rod.
  22. Hi Paul, thanks for the advise and performed that excersize but the gamma range or should I say the technicolour was so strong it looked more like a negative photo and when I turned Lift-Gamma-Gain off it reverted back to the dark ink colour again so I'm slightly confused as to what to do, but with sweetfx disabled the AA is great. Cheers Rod.
  23. I'm wondering if anyone else has an issue with sweetfx v1.5.1 where upon installing this version I get the fsx screen looking completely dark ink blue and have read that turning on SMAA in the settings file eliminates the problem which it does but in doing so doesn't it mess up the AA? I'm running Steve's DX10 fixer which is fabulous so with all the AA choice's with DX10 to get it right does it mess with it by turning SMAA on in sweetfx, hopeing someone can enlighten me on a fix or just revert back to sweetfx V1.4. Cheers Rod.
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