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Everything posted by saed45

  1. XP10 is def the future. there needs to be alot of issues fixed but that can be done. its not broken like fsx. if you guys have time you should really listen to the interview i listed above. its really informative and i think it will really brighthen the mood for xplane users.
  2. i think PMDG is def developing a 64 bit version for xplane. if you listend to the recent interview he had for frooglesim, they asked him what someone should do if they wanted to get into this industry and robert said that they should learn how to work with xplane. here is where he said it. i already timed it for you guys
  3. is this a new problem for everyone? i believe im having the same issue. maybe its related to a new update on windows?
  4. hes probably giving advice about fsx by saying if that card runs on fsx fine it should run fine on fs9
  5. so in active camera you can hit a button while in vc and it scrolls through different panels?
  6. can it do the same thing for panels as ezdok does? thats the only part im interested in
  7. does anyone know if there is an app simlar to ez dock for fs9 or if they will make it for fs9?
  8. i have never understood why no one has made an ios and android app that could talk to fs over the internet? not only could the app hold data for charts and but also it could be used to do the fmc and stuff
  9. yup. i was reading about its capabilities and it recognizes alot of hand gestures. perhaps maybe someone can make an addone where turning a nob can be simulated or gesturing up and down will turn on and off something. would be pretty cool with ez dock and track ir i think
  10. this is a bit off topic but this might be the second idea. https://leapmotion.com/ i was thinking of using that as a mouse. from the demo videos its very responsive and it might work. coming out in jan i think for 79 bucks
  11. i just found out about this . its pretty cool thing for a freeware. gonna donate. live around kphl. awesome airport
  12. my problem is not really ai taxing too slow or fast. my problem is them turning at odd angles rather than following the center-line.
  13. so i have noticed that when my ai aircraft taxi they make very sharp turns rather than following centerline. is there anyway to improve this so they dont make sharp turns?
  14. so not to sound rude but did anyone actually give me the names of addons for vfr california? sorry im kind of a noob
  15. it looks like they only make fsx version. i have fs9 installed
  16. hey guys. im thinking about getting an account on pilotedge. i know the serve california alot and i was wondering if you guys know any good vfr scenary for california? thanks
  17. the problem is your avionics arent on. for some reason u can tune in but if ur avionics arent on u cant make contact.
  18. found this. apparently it works http://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/2867/fs2004-dark-cockpit/
  19. just wondering if there is a way in fs9 so when i load up the planes they always are shut down and i need to start them again?
  20. im gonna try this one. thanks great solution. that worked.
  21. does anyone know a book that has some kind of lessons similar to the fs lessons?
  22. yeah know about that trick. doesnt work. thanks tho
  23. so i have fs9 and im trying to do the flight lessons. however reading it in 1920 screen resolution is extremly hard because its so small. is there a pdf version where i can put it on my tablet and read them?
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