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Everything posted by saed45

  1. if xplane give me 2 things i would move over to the xplane side 1- give me a good AI program. the payware ai is no good. its not a true ai system 2- give me good atc. infact i would be alright with atc if it even behaves and sounds like the fs9/fsx version
  2. really. besides aerofly v2 and prepar3d i havent heard any other sim out there
  3. this is my favorite one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWkB06DU1Nc
  4. you might be right . but xplane is fairly stable. the big reason i think is the ammount of users on xplane. also froggle made an awesome video talking about xplane and developers and its issues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFsiyzF7mXM
  5. these pictures all look awesome but i wish people started making bigger airports. eddf, KJFK, EGLL to name a few
  6. those airports look amazing. and they were all designed using WED?
  7. any link to this video. i have a hard time believing this about orbx
  8. looks awesome. i hope they offer a free obj file so this plane can be added to that air traffic program.
  9. guys i dont own xplane but can i help u guys create OSMs ?
  10. i just bought their VOD. the quality of the video is amazing and i love their work. however the bad thing about the VOD is that u cant download it and u are not able to watch the videos past 7 days. your probably better off buying their DVD
  11. should have bought the new nexus 7. really an impressive tablet compared to the kindle fire hd
  12. is there a way u can make a package or something with installer that it just installs rather than us fiddiling around with it. i would pay for it
  13. he seamed like he had the plane in full controll. how is this possible from a trained professional pilot?
  14. from what i hear some people who have get motion sickness get this. alot of people say once they use it multiple times they get rid of the motion sickeness. and for the complaint that you cant see your keyboard. i believe it wouldnt be that hard to install a webcam inside the rift. by pressing the left side you can disable/enable the webcam on one eye and thus giving you the option to see everything
  15. im pretty sure i seen you on every thread and you say the same thing every time. do u ever get tired of it?
  16. i dont have xplane yet but im thinking of making the transition fro fs2004. this osm data seams to have breathed new life in here but i wish it was easier to install.will wait for easier install method
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