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About rdtv91

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  1. Just for reference I've had Spotlights for almost a year? and use reshade in P3D and no problems here - so we'll see when the FSL320 is across.
  2. Would be handy Ben if it was able to pull Navigraph data or something?
  3. Couldn't see how to edit this - resolved by reinstalling simconnect from p3d redist folder.
  4. Hi, Recently had to reformat and new Win10 installation with P3D 3.3, I had a few P3D issues with compatiability with ezdok etc so was paying attention to event viewer, I've noticed my RAAS is flagging up this error: Activation context generation failed for "F:\Prepar3D v3\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect ,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="67c7c14424d61b5b",type="win32",version="10.0.60905.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis. Any ideas? Cheers, Ryan
  5. If only UK enroute controllers had a 'weather radar'... at least from my time it was quite archaic, it's very much initiated by the air crew - although when working a sector you can get a 'idea' of where the weather is.
  6. It keeps coming and going, see: http://secure.simmarket.com/hifi-tech-active-sky-2016-p3d.phtml I have it in my cart but now its disappeared and then it re-appeared and then gone... haha *shambles*
  7. Pros - immersive environment & Brilliant wide visuals seeing the entire cockpit... is perfect when taxiing and when landing because of the peripheral view it's perfect - works great with TrackIR Cons - reduced performance (It can eat the GPU, especially with clouds! - although my 980TI manages it fine) and some stretching at the sides but this can be reduced slightly with a higher zoom point (I use 1.0)
  8. I bought the 737 ones back in January, delivery was within a week to the UK and quality is superb, Propper plastic moulds so no wooden DIY job like I've seen elsewhere online or overly plastic that looks fake. Only issue was they were very stiff to get the throttle levers on but that's because saitek throttles seem to have production lines which the width varies ever so slightly between newer and older lines... But after some pressure and using a file I got them on nice and snug and can't imagine flying without them, the immersion of actual handles is amazing!
  9. Very true - well I've bit the bullet and ordered a gtx980ti hopefully this will do the job with Nvidia surround and the 737ngx
  10. Yeah I'm swaying towards a GTX980TI now considering your advice and what I've been reading/ looking at today. I posted a few screenshots above of flying into overcast, I don't use much shadow options and no terrain shadows; mainly flying the PMDG stuff and the main thing I want is to be able to have overcast properly with internal P3D settings
  11. Well following advice, here's a couple of screenshots when flying through cloud with Nvidia surround from GpuZ, my gfx card has 4gb vram but as we all know there an issue with the 970 when in reality it's 3.5GB Vram...
  12. Thanks guys, going to see what my VRAM usage is when in but I don't think it's that high, will look at that as only ever looked at gpu usage % on gpu Z. I only use internal p3d settings with 4x msaa. Will keep an eye on the next range of Nvidia cards then before splashing any cash shall drop my vram stats this evening when in from work. Appreciate all your input this is what makes this community and simulator so good.
  13. Hi Folks, I'll sumarise my situation and my planned solution - any advice whether I am on the right tracks would be awesome. Currently have a GTX970 which is powering 3x 1920x1080 monitors with Nvidia surround (resolution of 5960x1080 - bezel corr) My only issue with this is when flying through cloud where GPU load constantly peaks at 99% which makes overcast impossible to fly near... (99% Gpu usage then brings p3d lagging to near impossible in the ngx - rest of the time it's fine and frames locked all nicely) My motherboard doesn't support SLI, only crossfire and I am planning for a new Mobo and CPU upgrade to skylake later this year so want to hold off... My question is if I were to purchase another GTX970 just now, my mobo supports multiple graphics cards - would running another 970 with a monitor running from that solve the problem in terms of gpu performance and therefore p3d performance in cloud? Some figures: Stretched P3D over 3 monitors - gpu usage is around 85 - 90% over 2 monitors is hovering around 65, peaks about 70ish When on 1 monitor it sits around 50, peaking 60s I understand you can't run surround from multiple graphics cards without SLI in which case I fly the NGX and would it be possible to pull & expand P3D and 'alt-enter' the same way as I do now without any issues and above all would it solve my cloud performance issues Thanks in advance all! Full setup: i5 4690K overclocked to 4.5 stable, 16GB Ram, GTX970, few SSD's Jonathon.
  14. Download dropbox link and follow instructions but back up your files from the ShaderHSL folder in P3D. The mod is good but you also need to make an edit to General.fx (see page 2 or 3 of this thread, and then apply shadow rec for buildings & veg (i have all shadows rec on) and that way it'll appear properly at dusk/ dawn and night.
  15. Agreed with above - we really need to find the shader to tweak simobjects, trees and buildings same way as terrain*
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