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About flamer

  • Birthday 01/01/1989

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  1. When you do a speedtest the results are in bits per second (so your getting 50 megabits/sec) when you download a file in chrome it shows in bytes per second. There are 8 bits in one byte so you can multiply the chrome download speed by 8 to convert to bits/sec which should be close to the speedtest result
  2. https://github.com/AIRLegend/aitrack Its free, runs on the PC and uses your webcam.. so unlike smartphone versions there is no lag waiting for the data to be sent across wifi.
  3. Start a new free flight, select departure point and choose flight conditions, select custom weather, change the ground level wind to be a 90 degree x-wind at 25 kts, add another wind layer at 2000 feet same direction/speed, click back to map view, see the wind has updated in the icon, load the flight, roll past the limp looking wind sock, rotate and take hands off the controls and I'm flying straight as an arrow. Anyone else have this, or anyone else have wind working correctly? (live weather is disabled)
  4. When I switch to external view, how can I stop the camera floating around the aircraft? I want just a locked position?
  5. Works good inside cockpit but when I switch camera to outside it doesn't work. Anyway to have it work in both?
  6. Started the sim today after using it for 2 weeks, for some reason it started asking me all the initial setup questions again. When I went into controllers, all my controllers have been defaulted again. I'm resigned to the fact I will need to redo them all again, but is there a file somewhere I can backup once I have done it again incase this happens again?
  7. Saitek cessna yoke = no Saitek throttle quadrant =no Saitrk trim wheel=no Saitek combat rudder pedals =yes
  8. That's weird, i just have one and it hasn't shown up at all. Did it just show up for you or did you have to plug unplug it to detect it?
  9. Seems like there is a resolution for controllers (manually setting them up) but what about panels? I have saitek multi panel / radio panel / switch panel no life from any of them by default. I installed spad.next trial which seems to get them working but would prefer a free solution.
  10. I actually managed to solve my issue, the "min movement" value in fsuipc was very high for the throttle, after changing that to a lower value I managed to get a far better improvement in throttle repsonse, I would not say butter smooth but lets call it $50 smooth!
  11. try plugging into USB port that is directly on the motherboard and try a few different port,s sounds like its not getting enough juice.
  12. Hi all, I have the saitek throttle quadrant, been using it for a while now and have it configured in fsuipc. What I am noticing is, with the mixture lever, it works pretty good, its reasonably smooth and idle cutoff on the lever shows 0% on the sim, and rich on the lever shows 100% on the sim so all good there. but the throttle lever, I go full throttle and sometimes it will show 100%, some times 88% almost something different everytime. When I pull back to idle on the lever (into the detent area) sometimes its 0% sometimes its 12% etc - same spot different value. When I looked at the axis config in FSUIPC, sure enough, putting the lever to full 4-5 times in a row shows a different max value everytime! The other issue is, using the throttle from idle 0% and slowly pushing it up wont register any change until it jumps to 26% so its not smooth at all. Have played around with the slope but has not made any difference. I guess this is a cheap hardware issue, but would be great if there was a way to fix it. If all also fails I might try setup the pitch lever as the throttle!
  13. Would be interested to see comparison of the 8600k vs the 7700k. More power per thread on the 7700k and only a tad more expensive.
  14. Hi, no its not a good PC. CPU is most important, you would have no luck trying to run pmdg on that. If you are wanting to get a machine for flight sim your minimum would be i5 2600k + gtx 680 For a good experience you would need a minimum i5 6600k + gtx 970
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