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About lukehall

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    Flight simming since my ZX Spectrum!
    Commercial Pilot, Flight Examiner & Instructor, Aviation Manager, Display pilot, Web designer, musician, Dad & Husband.

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  1. I'd like to resurrect this topic because it is indeed an excellent add-on and the guy certainly deserves more exposure. Included with the package download is a very good readme that explains all of the settings but it would be nice if there was a central forum somewhere to discuss its use. So far, I can't find a forum or Discord channel. Does anyone know of such a thing? While I'm here, does anyone know if the possibility exists to disable the GSX popup every time F2GSX makes a request? At the moment, for me, that's the only real spoiler! Cheers. Luke
  2. I'll try and keep this brief! I mainly fly the Fenix A320. I have set up custom views (1-10) using the normal procedure (shift+alt+[number] I may have changed these form the default, I can't remember) I use the F1-10 keys to load each custom view and each one works correctly. However.... Modifying these views using shift+alt+[number] is no longer saving them if I make a change to the view. And, worse still, the custom views I have set up in the Fenix are overriding the custom views in all other aircraft. Even more strangely, if I delete the cameras.cfg from %AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimObjects\Airplanes\FNX320 the custom views I originally defined still persist in the Fenix and all other aircraft. Then, when I attempt to save a new custom view in the Fenix, the simulator creates a new cameras.cfg file in %AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimObjects\Airplanes\FNX320 which doesn't seem to do anything. So, it seems that my Fenix custom views are no longer saving as they should AND they are being applied to all aircraft (I can't save new views in any other aircraft either). I'm hoping that I'm missing something here or doing something really dumb. Either way, It's driving me nuts! What has happened and what am I doing wrong?
  3. Hi, On several occasions recently I have found that the NOAA real weather doesn't seem to be providing current information (or P2A isn't picking it up). For example, last night at time 21:00Z the weather being displayed was still from around 13:00Z. Is there a way to force an update when this happens, or better still, prevent this from happening at all? By the way, congratulations on a fabulous piece of software. 🙂 Best wishes, Luke.
  4. The best way I have found to do this quickly is to keep a folder with all of your edited exported registry voice entries. Then, if windows updates and re-sets the registry entries, all you have to do is double click each of your saved reg files and re-merge them.
  5. Good answer, thanks 🙂 My only real gripe with Orbx right now, is that they seem to be failing in the User Guide department! Their omission of a guide or any configuration options for their MSFS version of LOWI was irritating to say the least. I note now note that the Orbx Direct User Guide button for EBBR also just throws up an error. The guide IS present but I had to go delving through the installation files to find it! 🙄
  6. With an increasing number of products being available through Orbx Central, I'm wondering if there's any advantage or disadvantage purchasing through Orbx Direct, or, is it preferable to purchase a standalone copy via the publisher direct - for example, I just purchased Aerosoft's EBBR for MSFS via Orbx Direct. However, I did pontificate for a while as to whether or not I should purchase from Aerosoft! 🙂
  7. Thanks for your reply @Cpt_Piett. I've been following the thread you've linked to and tried deleting and deactivating several things but it hasn't made any significant difference. I'm guessing there is something deeper and uglier happening within the core simulator... probably explains why MS/Asobo have remained very quiet about it thus far!
  8. Yes, in the normal way of things that's correct. However, the point I'm making is that that whether I'm on the ground or in the air, my processing and rendering hardware still has lots of spare performance headroom (apparently) and there don't appear to be any bottlenecks to performance, so I can't understand where the performance drop is being invoked. If something was maxed out, it would be a different story of course! 🙂
  9. Something fundamental that I don't understand... At a gate, KSFO, clear weather, aircraft in turnaround config. FPS limited in Nvidia CP to 60, VSync on. GPU Usage approx 45%, CPU Usage approx 60%, GPU memory usage approx 50%, system memory approx 40%. All temps at around 50c and no CPU cores maxed out. Network activity 0%. GPU at approx 60% power consumption. Why then am I only seeing 21fps when no component of the system is working at more than about half of its capacity? As soon as I get airborne, my FPS return straight back to 60 or higher if I deregulate them. It demonstrates that my system can produce far higher performance but something is preventing it on the ground. It has to be something in the core of MSFS, surely? Under the same circumstances, if I change to an outside view, and pan around, the FPS are still glued to 21 and don't fluctuate regardless of scenery rendering, or for that matter, changing my settings. I currently have most things on ultra and lowering some of the more influential ones doesn't increase performance. This further suggests to me that the program is limiting FPS, not the capacity of the hardware. Can anyone give any insight into this? Cheers! 🙂
  10. Hi Guys, I have just moved into MSFS2020 thanks to the recently released Fenix A320 but I am having problems with clicking switches etc. in the cockpit. I am finding that unless I am viewing the item pretty much square on and fairly close up, the click spots on stitches, knobs and so on are often displaced from where they should be. For example, if I'm in my normal pilot seat view, clicking buttons on the MCDU is almost impossible as the click spots are not over the visual key positions. This means I have to switch to a custom close up view if I want to operate it accurately. Even in a close up view of the MCDU via the 'Instruments' preselected view, the position of the mouse pointer often ends up clicking a key next to the intended one. It's a real nuisance and it's rapidly putting me off the whole thing. I haven't tried this in any other aircraft yet, so I can only comment on my experience with the FA320. Any advice would be gratefully received! Cheers.
  11. On the whole things look nicer thanks to the HDR and lighting effects, I agree. The issue I'm talking about specifically is poor anti-aliasing and filtering which results in shimmering and less well defined cockpit gauges. The issue has been complained about widely on this and other forums. The quality and effectiveness of the FXAA is very poor compared to what can be achieved at Nvidia driver level, but unlike FSX, P3D seems to override anything you configure in the driver settings. I don't think I am... I have a very well configured and high spec PC - again, the FXAA quality has been widely discussed and slated as being poor in P3D. The PMDG VC looked stunning in FSX but not for me in P3D. Thanks - I have been using the entire internet as my knowledge base! Everything I've mentioned so far has a fairly high impact... It still comes down to poor FXAA performance as far as I can tell. Thanks for your input - I'll keep plugging away at it :-) Capt. Luke Adam Hall, ATPL, FI(unrestricted) CAA(FE/CPL) B.Eng.
  12. I like P3D a lot - it's good that the platform is being developed and I sincerely hope that LM continue to make updates in the near future. I think that stutters are very much more apparent when looking sideways because the relative motion compared to your eye point is higher than looking straight ahead. I notice it when moving on the ground too though, sometimes. Again, i think it's probably because the motion of the ground when close up makes it more obvious. The biggest disappointment for me in P3D is the dreadful image rendering quality and the lack of options for improving it. With just minor driver tweaks using NI in FSX I was able to get an amazingly clean, crisp and well AA'd image with no major performance penalty. As has been well discussed, with everything turned up high in the 'in game' graphics settings within P3D, the image is quite poor in comparison. Shimmering, jaggies, poor shadow AA and vague soft VC in PMDG. I only fly PMDG and the quality of the VC rendering in P3D has been quite a disappointment, as has the lack of available options for improving it. I have been reduced to using high DSR settings on my GPU which does improve things but the performance penalty when things get cloudy is very high. I dearly hope they do something to address this very soon as it feels like I've gone back a few years in terms of pure image quality. Luke
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