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About AAN1718A

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    Madness Software
  • Birthday 02/23/1965

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  1. The point I am trying to make is that MSFS isn't complete per se, but the quality of the airports are great compared to other simulators. Wait until it's been ironed out before you spend anymore money on it. So far all the 'airports' being dumped into MSFS are ports (In my estimation) and being charged a premium for a few extra blades of grass.
  2. Are people actually buying scenery and airports for FS2020? I can't recall any airport that I visited that wasn't wonderfully rendered. Granted there may be obscure airports out there that may not have everything, but look at what their doing now. Japan has been completely revamped, detailed airports and scenery. Asobo and MS are going to continually develop this platform and update scenery and airports and regions. Can't understand why anyone would spend a dime more than what your already paid for the software. I guess there is a sucker born every minute. Aircraft on the other hand? Different story, but it's also possible they may flesh out the stock aircraft over the years ... stay tuned.
  3. Hi, Thanks for the update. I didn't find any solution except to turn off Defender while installing, still not an option for me, however I think I got away with just installing the CLIENT, CONTENT, and SCENERY installs (in that order) without issue, even though the SETUP.EXE is missing. It is my understanding that you can install Prepar3D that way as well (I could be wrong). However for this experience I let Defender balk at the install while it was running. The install did not produce any errors and so far it's running ok. Time will tell ... Thanks again for your support and insight. Cheers!
  4. Agreed about the exceptions, definitely add your games folder to the exception list for your anti-virus. I do however never recommend shutting off the anti-virus for any reason regardless of whether you trust the site or not. Your download from Prepar3D, Aerosoft etc., which are in my opinion trusted sites and safe, but there is still internet/network connectivity going on other than just your download on your computer for as long as your connected. All it takes is someone malware to get on your system while your protection is off because you are downloading from a trusted site. A situation like that would be rare, but not unheard of. I had no problem downloading Prepar3D while Windows Defender was active, it was just the install that got deleted after I tried to install it. Since this post if from a couple of months ago and I have the same issue today, I can only assume there is no resolution from either Lockheed and/or Microsoft? Either way, it's your computer and just my opinion. Keep it safe guys!
  5. DTG didn't hide the fact the Flightschool will not allow 3rd party add-ons. It's only a simple flightschool program. The big sim will come end of year.
  6. lol, I would rather just download from Dovetail, but that retail channel is not going to be available. I would rather get it from the Windows Store than have to install Steam in order for me to fly. I enjoy that freedom with FSX, X-Plane and P3D, I even have BC2 that doesn't require Origin to be installed. Since Windows Store is baked into the OS, at least it's transparent. I've just had bad experiences having to install other software to run software which runs software.
  7. I noticed DTG Flight School is available for pre-order on Steam. Can I pre-order in the Windows Store instead? I don't like to rely on Steam to play any games. I really don't like the idea of having to install 3rd party software to play games. Steam/Origin, etc. Whatever happened to the good old days where you buy the game (download or box) and you just installed it without the extra crap and got your updates from the game maker. -Cheers-
  8. The point is another piece of software. I currently have to have 2 pay ware and 2 freeware flight planners to get flight plans into the FMS of my various paid aircraft. This is what I mean by having standardization with 3rd party vendors. * Can't we all just get along *
  9. Agreed completely. I honestly would not blink an eye if I had to buy all new ORBX regions/scenery, PMDG aircraft, etc. IF IT'S NEW! If it's going DX11 (would think 12 for the main sim) and 64bits and break compatibility with all existing add-on's then I am all for it. I am honestly tired of figuring out which affinity mask to tweak, or getting the Fiber Frame working at an optimal value, I'm tired of tweaks and config files. It completely takes away from the experience. I got 12 cores at 4.5Ghz and 64GB of RAM and P3D/FSX still stutters while my GPU does nothing. One note of curiosity, if Photoshop can make use of 128GB of system ram if someone has it, or encoding music can do the same, why in the world can't a game make use of it as well? Seriously can't cache scenery into RAM? It's time to make a clean break and start something grand!
  10. Agreed for the most part, I understand the need for 3rd party developers to be able produce new content for the sim, but that's the keyword "NEW". If some parts of the sim were closed then we would not have a need to have 6 different flight planners to populate 3rd party FMS data for example. If we were able to create and load a flightplan from the sim into the FMS's of PMDG, Majestic, or Airbus for instance, that can be made mandatory along with other content. Not asking to kick 3rd party developers to the curb, I would not live with my FSXif it wasn't for PMDG, ORBX, etc., but' it wasn't what it could have been out of the box. Now DT has an opportunity to create something wonderful and not with just basic capabilities. If the product was re-done from the ground up and spectacular out of the box the right way, we would not need 3rd party addon's at launch day and can wait until they create new(ish) content. I know ORBX is working with DT and most likely others as well, which is good they should be working on content NOW and not waiting until after the sim is release so the wait would be as long as you think. MS Flight wasn't touted as a full fledged flight sim from the jump, so I don't know what comparison can be made with that. You are right though, we live in a I want it now society and that unfortunately is going to cost us all regardless. If it's Steam or Windows Store, I know we going to be DLC'd to death. "If you want you aircraft to have landing gear get the DLC for $5.00" (Over-exaggerating of course, but you get the idea) X-Plane - Not sure what to say about that. I've had XPlane since it came out and still don't know how to use it, way to many addons and no airports (well I think there are 15 now - that only took 5 years) It's like learning autocad (got that from another post - it's true) - Don't believe me? Try getting WorldTraffic for Xplane if you want AI traffic (actual liveries are separate), You have to learn programming. Way to much effort. Interesting Thought: 64Bit XPlane Graphics/Scenery (Seasonal of course) + FSX/P3D Operation (Commands, menu's etc) + Unreal Engine 4 (or some sort of engine). Wonder what that would produce? Imagine a sim that doen't need: Rex for Clouds/Textures - The clouds aren't crappy out of the box. MyTraffic 6.0 - Because there are actual liveries and world planes GSX Ground Environment - Speaks for itself ASNext - Because there actually might be a weather engine out of the box EditVoicePackX - Because it has the proper ICO lingo ProATX/X - So we can actually make a flight IFR flight plan with ATC w/o digging up tech specs for each aircraft. I would pay the $120+ for that for a sim like that (only once though :smile:), you guys do with P3D, every time a major version comes out, go ahead and pay them another $60 every year. (Isn't that like renting a flight sim?) -Cheers
  11. I could not have said it better myself. New Flightsim + Backward Compatibility = No Benefits. I say that having spent tons of money on FS9, FSX, XPLANE, P3D just like everyone else. Having a new sim made to use existing scenery/aircraft/add-ons is a mistake. I would think third party developers would jump at the chance to refine their wares for a new platform, it would be a source of revenue, but I am worried that they too will just create special installers (Think ORBX) to install the same scenery over all simulators. It won't be long before FTX will have a quadruple installer for X-Plane. Don't get me wrong, I fully support 3rd party developers and have most of their major items (PMDG, FTX, AIRBUS, etc). But I agree with HiFlyer on the fact that lets start from scratch and make it right this time. Don't make it Steam only game so that you can nickel and dime us on DLC. What would really be a hoot is to be able to use or cache scenery into RAM (for those of us who have 64GB of memory). If Photoshop can use it, why not a flightsim?
  12. Agreed. I just hope Dovetail is look at these posts. It's hard to please everyone and I realize that. I just hope that it's Re-Done from the ground up keeping in whatever agreement was made with MS and just build a flightsim that's 100% GPU, and the latest DirectX API's. Everything else would be gravy.
  13. Honestly, I hope it breaks compatibility with everything. If it's a new sim, then please make it a NEW sim. I understand everyone invested a lot of money in scenery and add-ons, I am no exception. but adding backward compatibility will often times contain legacy code and decide if they should allow current 3rd party software and sacrifice what it takes to make something spectacular. If it's made right the first time, I'm hoping I won't have to buy scenery in the first place, with the exception of perhaps some airports and of course aircraft. An example for this would be the use the FMS. It would be nice to force 3rd party aircraft makers to standardize flighplan loaders. I have to use 4 different flight planners to load into the FMS. ProATC/X for PMDG, Quality Wings. There is nothing for Majestic except the internet. It would be nice to create a flightplan in the SIM and it loads into the FMS of whatever aircraft I have, PMDG, Airbus, etc ... whatever. My wish? Marry X-Plane (Graphics) with FSX base programming (Updated of course). That would be a hellova sim.
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