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  1. Excellent! I'll hold out then since 2.5 requires a fresh install. Don't want to go through installing and setting up twice. Looking forward to P3D 2.5! Cheers, Aaron
  2. Thanks for the additional info guys, I have ORBX Aus, Nz and a bunch of payware planes and just had a read in the p3d forums over at ORBX. Looks like I'll have to wait for a new set of libs due to the new structuring before moving to 2.5 just like J van E mentioned. Tempted to just buy the academic at 2.4 now and not wait for 2.5 lol. Rob, just curious but can we expect 2.5 soon as in this month soon? Thanks
  3. Thanks so much for the confirmation guys, much appreciated. I'll wait for 2.5 to be released then, can't wait to test P3D out! Hope my PC can cope with it. Exciting times ahead Cheers, Aaron
  4. Hey guys, Been away from FSX for almost 12 months now and looking to getting back into it but this time with P3D. Been doing a lot of reading over the past few days and just wanted to check if the upcoming P3D v2.5 will require a full re-install? I have just formatted my FSX HDD and don't really want to go through it again if I purchase V2.4 now and a complete re-install is required when V2.5 gets released, which by the sound of things is fairly soon. Thanks in advance guys and looking forward to trying P3D out Cheers, Aaron
  5. Wow that looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up Adi. I already own a few of the godzone airports and as a fellow Kiwi myself, I am really looking forward to Robin's new NZWN so this is a win win! Just a quick question, I am currently using orbx NZSI at the moment and if I were to get this subscription, would I need Robin's VLC for this to work? Cheers
  6. This is going to be awesome! Just curious but how is the package coming along? :rolleyes:
  7. Glad you got it sorted Bruce :smile: have fun with this awesome bird! Aaron Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
  8. All I did was send an email to support at majestic requesting for an invite code with my name, order number and which store I bought it from and got an invite within a few hours support email is support at majestic software dot Com. Hope this helps Bruce! Regards, Aaron Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
  9. Beautiful shot of the FDX livery! :Drooling: So excited for this beauty :yahoo: Aaron
  10. happyhour


    Thanks for the Fedex shot Mike, spectacular. Can't wait to watch the freighter video you made Kyle. Pure awesome :lol: Looking forward to the Fedex freighter screenshots too Luke Aaron
  11. happyhour


    Thanks for posting the Fedex livery James! Don't use Facebook much so haven't seen that pic before, awesome. Great pics of some of the freighters so far, keep em' coming! :lol: I would love to see the Aerologic and Fedex in more detail too if possible Kyle ^_^ Thanks in advance! Aaron
  12. happyhour


    Here's to hoping some kind beta tester will take a snapshot of the Fedex livery if PMDG have made one B) I remember reading one of the livery posts that the fedex livery will be included here: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/415762-so-theyre-making-all-777-liveries/ in post#5 Aaron
  13. happyhour


    I would love to see the Fedex 77F livery on the PMDG777 ^_^ Aaron
  14. Wow, fantastic shots! Glad I clicked it Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I use OPUS and used to have this problem too, here is the way I have always fixed my F12 view and it works every time for me: TOP DOWN VIEW IN FSX Reset 1) Go to cameras.cfg (c:\users\<yourname>\appdata\roaming\microsoft\fsx) 2) Find: [CameraDefinition.006] Title = Top-Down Guid = {A2849229-938A-448f-8AC6-01EF2291C171} Description = This is the description of the map or top down view. Origin = Center SnapPbhAdjust = Orthogonal PanPbhAdjust = Orthogonal Track = None ShowAxis = Yes AllowZoom = Yes InitialZoom = 256 SmoothZoomTime = 2.0 ShowWeather = No XyzAdjust = FALSE Transition = No ShowLensFlare=FALSE Category = Outside HotKeySelect=4 3) Change the HotKeySelect=4 to 6 4) Go into FSX and change View camera 4=F12 to View Camera 6=F12 Can't remember exactly where I got this but I think it might have been back when I was using EZDok before moving to OPUS. Hope it works out for you! Aaron
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