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About 777cap

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    Live to fly..fly to live
  1. Ryan is busy working on the 747 He no longer has time for us lesser beings The queen is priority
  2. Phil Nope. They haven't spoken about that...
  3. Thanks to pmdg's long and tedious development cycles I have successfully become immune to this. Who am I kidding.. I've lost all my hair and I've been biting my nails off. This is stressful
  4. From what I've heard... The radio stack works well with most addons
  5. I'm sorry... Have you asked any particular question? I apologize if I have misunderstood something
  6. Alex, Thanks for reporting this. Very strange. Have you run into this problem again?
  7. I've heard Lufthansa 747's are quite comfortable..
  8. The 747 is the reason I got into aviation. Though I wasn't able to travel on it as a passenger. I was lucky enough to stand inside the wheel well of this beautiful aircraft.(now that I think of it... Really wasn't the best place to be in) Thank you air France engineers If pmdg takes any longer to show more preview shots (at least)... I'll explode
  9. I've been having micro stutters but.. Windows 10 is so darn stable.i wouldn't want to switch back to Windows 7.
  10. Right you are! We need to learn to appreciate the smaller things...a few years ago pmdg aircraft didn't have terrain radars, weather radars were deemed impossible to accurately recreate. Who knows.. Someday we might have a perfect 64 bit simulator.. Till that day Let's just enjoy what we already have. Regards
  11. In your FMC Go to the EQUIPMENT page...You will have the option to enable/disable the callouts in the GPWS page(7/13). Good luck H.M
  12. Works again! I forced my friend into buying the Ngx... Just to show my love for you Robert. VC pictures please.. Pretty please? And I have been speculating the 747 release for the past many weeks. Of course.. That's never going to happen. Right?
  13. I thought the gag order was going to be removed "soon"... Remove the gag order I said and that's an order. P.s: apologies for acting in such an arrogant manner.. Now REMOVE THE GAG ORDER!!
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