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About maukro_1990

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/17/1990

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    EDLP (Paderborn)

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  1. Thank you! I red all the manuals but i´m a little bit confused now^^. I followed the shutdown procedure but reseting the IRS is not included in this procedure. Or is it possible to follow the "secure" procedure after every flight an leaving the cockpit? But if i would stay into the same cockpit for starting a return flight, for example, is it not needed to follow the shutdown procedure?
  2. Ah, ok. But why you did not leave the IRS aligned after you leave the cockpit for the next crew? Can you show me a picture of your overhead panel (ngx) ?
  3. Hello PMDG-Lovers. I´ve got just one little question: Which panel state you are using if you start a flight with the 737 NGX or T7? I mean, starting an aircraft from cold and dark everytiime is kinda unrealistic. If i would be a pilot in real life, which systems are on in my aircraft if i enter the cockpit? I hope you know what i mean.
  4. Hello, i saw an light colour option in the fmc options. It´s possible to change the colours of the cockpit etc. (night lights, dim ....) and i´m asking myself how is it in the real world? Are there different cockpit light colours in some airlines? Can you post a video where i can see this?
  5. Unfortunately i had to roll back to windows 7. And now everything is smooth like a silk. I heard that vsync of NI does not work in windows 10 at this time. Maybe this caused my problem.
  6. Yes. You can see my NI settings at my pictures below. Maybe you have better NI options for me? is something wrong with my settings?
  7. Hello! I updated my system to Windows 10 and this windows is just awesome. But unfortunately i´ve got some stuttering in fsx now. Do you see the same problems on your system? I have got a high end PC System and i use Nvidia Inspector. Maybe the vsync does not work anymore?
  8. Hi! I´m a little bit confused about choosing the right autobrake for landing. Can you tell me which autobrake settings real world pilots using during normal landings etc? Normally i take these settings: 777-300ER: FLAPS 30 - AB 2 737-800 : FLAPS 30 - AB 2 Maybe someone can tell me the right Landing settings for this aircrafts. Thank you.
  9. I downloaded and installed the latest installers of both products and can confirm that everything is fine now. I have transparent windows and using FSX ;-).
  10. Thanks Kyle. I downloaded and installed both Products again (777-200LR and -300ER) and everything seems to be fine now. I think that this topic can be closed now.
  11. Is it really fixed? I waited for an announcement from Robert etc. The -300ER is fixed also ?
  12. Yes. Like i said: Systemwise this Bird is nearly perfect. Do you know why it takes so long to fix this window Problem, Kyle?
  13. Exactly like me^^. 737NGX is the only bird i´m flying right now until the windows of our T7 are getting fixed :-D. I know that this is only a visual problem but it´s stange flying the T7 at night and having a dark cabin^^.
  14. I´m sure PMDG will announce the fix/ update. Maybe they will fix this problem this week? I don´t know
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