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Everything posted by offroad

  1. You really educated my eyes and I think everything in the new pictures looks better than those smoke puffs you made😁
  2. I hope they come up with something that merges some of these networks. Some places desolated flying in Vatsim and vice versa.
  3. For me the FSL Airbus is the single most immersive aircraft. Flies amazing! Don’t flare it like a PMDG 737 though.
  4. It looks like you need to add the VTCC2016_ADEX_TIC_ALT.bgl file to your Prepar3D v4\Scenery\World\scenery map.
  5. Well, FSLabs called it a “quick compatibility update” so I guess we should call it an update too then.😄
  6. It's the first one. You make a bgl for the effects.
  7. Right now I'm trying to add lights. It still needs some tweaking.
  8. I think I got something by altering the layers in the BASE1 file. The only problem is that the baked night lighting doesn't work anymore so I tried to add dynamic lighting.
  9. It has something to do with the z-bias layering of the groundpolys. In P3D they should be negative and I think they are positive. You can check that in ModelconverterX.
  10. You can try the P3Dv4 port I made from Tic’s VTCC. It’s in the Avsim Library.
  11. For me it's actually great! When I'm on C6 (looking towards Amsterdam) I used to get around 25 fps. Now I have 30
  12. Thanks Chris, I will upload it as soon as I finished the details!
  13. Little testflight over the pacific before it will be delivered in september.
  14. Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Nice short flight to let the paint dry of this beauty.
  15. Thai would be very nice and maybe China Airlines which will be delivered in October I think.
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