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DJ Rosko

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Posts posted by DJ Rosko

  1. On 8/30/2022 at 11:00 AM, Verticalsim said:

    Hello everyone,

    Was wondering if you could help me decide on a new airport to do! Preferably small-medium in size (U.S./American airports only). 

    Airports already in development by other companies:
    KPHX, KMSP, KSFO - Flightbeam


    KCVG - Skyline

    MCO - Hancrafted + and/or Taxi2Gate

    KPBI - (Not sure ORBX is still doing it since it's been 2-yrs but)

    My current projects is as follows:

    • KSYR
    • KTPA


    Some airports that come to mind are:

    • KPIE
    • KALB
    • KRIC
    • KISP
    • KGEG
    • KONT
    • KGRR
    • KAMA
    • KCRP
    • KSFB
    • KDSM
    • KMHT
    • KDMT

    Thanks and regards,


    KPBI IS SORELY NEEDED!  #3 airport in the US!   I sent a ton of pics to them but the dev doesn’t seem to work for Orbx anymore! 

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, blueshark747 said:

    Avsim is pretty much the OG of in depth "flight sim politics"

    Redditors nor the majority of official MSFS forum population are as knowledgeable nor seasoned when it comes to in depth first hand experience with 3rd party addon flight sim devs the past 15 years.

    Some may find Avsimmer feedback pretty critical at times, but the majority of the population left here are quite experienced and are pretty accurate at gauging various aspects of this hobby.

    One thing you can certainly count on here is for majority of folks to be a blunt and critical of 3rd party products ,developers and companies with no sugarcoating whatsoever.


    great post-I got flamed on the Fenix thread for pointing out VNAV and other things that need some tweaking in future updates.  But at least Fenix doesn’t claim to be “ground up” when it’s the same old code as Mike T pointed out   


    -reddit makes memes

    -Avsim discussion can get things fixed and features added 

    Although I have indeed made one or two Randangelo memes.  (I may have even been the first one to call him Randangelo™ Patent Pending) 


    apologies to the mods for the 3 posts-I tried to do multi quote from my phone and failed miserably.  

    • Like 1

  3. On 6/20/2022 at 7:18 PM, Mike T said:

    I don't post here at Avsim anymore but I've been here a looooong time. Long enough that I unofficially created the Avsim logo when Avsim adopted a graphic I had in one of my aircraft reviews - I don't remember how long ago. Back then the forums were much more light hearted and people like Ferd Berful would keep us laughing for days (see if you can find the infamous "my hovercraft is full of eels post").  With that said, I decided to post because of all this shade being cast on RJR.

    It appears that RJR has become the new Peter Tishma - and quite frankly if you DON'T know who Peter Tishma is then you really haven't earned your stripes to truly understand who RJR is just yet either. But those of you who have been around know that RJR's reputation started a turn to the south when he announced that PMDG (an American company) would charge for its products in British Pounds in an attempt to extract more money from its customers. Thankfully that's not allowed. You want to talk about uproar?

    Now some are angry because they've paid PMDG for essentially the same base code since FS 2004. Heck if ya know where to look you can see elements from that same model now in FS 2020. Some are angry because RJR's arrogance is often on full display on his forums, and yes, he is very much just a keyboard bully. Definitely not something I would recommend for a company's CEO, but PMDG is not my company to run.

    Okay now that I've pointed out some of RJR faults, please feel free to raise your hand if YOU are without fault. God knows I've got tons of my own but I find that I've extracted much more enjoyment than anger because PMDG exists. Have I paid PMDG hundreds of dollars for the same frikking aircraft over, and over, and over? Yep. Do I enjoy the same frikking aicraft, over and over and over? Yep!

    Am I surprised that PMDG has been reduced to releasing an unfinished beta aircraft? Absolutely - I never thought I'd see the day. I didn't think RJR's ego would allow that to ever happen, but I guess when you have a business to keep afloat then you do what you gotta do. The plan to address the XBox audience to maximize profits backfired. This is why FBW and Fenix have more functional and polished aircraft - to the exclusion of the XBOX profits - even though the PMDG 737 has been in development since before MSFS 2020 was released. But again, PMDG is a business ,and a business exists for ONE reason alone: to provide profits for its stake holders. So...

    At the end of the day RJR knows what Asobo knows, and what Microsoft knows. Flight Simmers will pay for a product and accept it in any state of functionality to get it now. Asobo released an Alpha product and have spent 2 years getting it to a state that it should have been all along. Heck, FSX was never fixed and Microsoft abandoned it. THANK YOU LOCKHEED MARTIN for all of the work they've done to bring it from a sad, broken 32-bit program to a 64-bit program with literally hundreds of bugs fixed and new features introduced. I've enjoyed thousands of hours in Prepar3d thanks to them and I WON'T FORGET IT.

    But I digress - thanks to PF3, AIG, FBW, Fenix and PMDG, I am a MSFS 2020 hard core user. Yes there is LOTS of work still to be done all around but I'm not going to hold PMDG or RJR to a higher standard than anyone else because they talk nice to me. Yeah, RJR is abrasive, and he's made some ridiculous decisions while running his company but so has the head of every company I know - large and small. And the irony is that almost everyone complaining about RJR probably tripped over their dog running to get their wallet to purchase the unfinished MSFS 737-700 on day one. I'm not sure where all this "hatred" for RJR is coming from but man, it's way overdone. And I think much of it is just people piling on with no idea why.

    In the end, is the MSFS 737-700 "ground breaking"? Absolutely not. It has less functionality than the P3D version right now. Is it the best 737-700 for MSFS? Sure is! If nothing else PMDG is lucky in one respect. If FBW had released a 737 instead of a A320, they'd be in REAL trouble right now. 

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!

    Mike T.


    Mike, what a great post!  
    I too have paid PMDG hundreds if not thousands including in EURO’s around 2008 iirc-for the same planes in different sims-sometimes with a new feature or two but I drew the line at MSFS, as much as I’d like to have a Boeing or two alongside my Fenix-which was my first venture into MSFS and bugs with the sim and initial Fenix A320 aside is enjoyable-I cannot give Randangelo (my new name for him since he’s said he’s the “Michelangelo of flight sim” or something to that effect-but I don’t think Michelangelo would reuse the same ceiling over and over again without repainting it or at least sprucing it up a bit) 


    As for the Papa Tango debacle-I vaguely remember a friend telling me to hurry and download AA liveries the second they’d come up due to some of that nonsense back in the day-even stuffing a few on my (dated at that time) Zip100 drive!   For the young’ns who don’t remember-I dug Tom Allensworth’s 15th anniversary blog-I was new to the internet back then and those were the days where I’d eagerly download a 747 or 767 mod from avsim just to have the brown cockpit.  I still maintain friendships with some of my sim buddies of that era tho I’m the only one still simming.  Thanks for the walk down memory lane with his name!  


    • Like 1

  4. Bought the Fly2High version yesterday due to simmarket pics/video.  As said before-the taxi lights are messy-around the runway the terminal the whole 9 yards.  The PAPIs for 24 don’t exist it seems or are in the wrong spot and wrong settings (to the right and way before 24)  It needs a ton of work with little and bug fixes.  Hopefully Ricardo over at LVFR will hook us up soon.  I mean I’m good to support something if it’s worth it but for €18 the F2H version needs some serious updates-he’s selling it on FS.to as well and replied to some constructive criticism saying he’d have some fixes soon™  

    Anyone think the Pachilabs is worth a go? RSW is one of my favs.  

    • Like 1

  5. 6 hours ago, Fiorentoni said:

    So at least you tried. You repeated what Darren already said (ADIRS model; a visual inaccuracy only), explained what Fenix themselves admitted weeks ago even before release (cruise fuel burn; total fuel burn is actually 6% off according to Aamir, so not waaaaay), and finally added one new thing (cruise pitch, which is - in some situations - one degree too high…).
    Then you did what the others did and said obfuscated things like „whacky rotation“ and „VNAV nightmare“ without any explanation, and then „the list goes on“ without even mentioning anything. Are you all doing this on purpose? Are you being paid by… no I‘m not going down Darren‘s road.
     For your information VNAV is doing its job all the time in every flight I made so far, totally hands-off, even in the most unforeseen tailwind situations. It‘s not perfect in regards to speed restrictions (it slows down a bit too late in some cases and remains above the restricted speed for 5-10 seconds), but… „nightmare“?!

    Now I‘m not negating the fact that there is still much work to do to make this aircraft „perfect“, and the FSL version is obviously doing those things better at the moment, but making it seem like it‘s barely flyable or a Captain Sim-ish aircraft with those obfuscated claims is really wrong and not helpful.

    At least I tried?  You’re clearly just another one just jumping down someone’s throat “there can’t be anything wrong with it” good lord man open your eyes and read!! 

    What am I obfuscating about the rotation?  Nothing BECAUSE it’s plainly torqued.  Did I say it was barely flyable?  Clearly you don’t have reading comprehension.  You must’ve missed my post where I said and I quote: 


    Overall, I’m satisfied and feel I’ve gotten my moneys worth and then some from the Fenix, but today I’m back in P3D flying my beloved A321 with IAEs.  I think they delivered a serviceable, fun to fly and well above average A320 for the time being.  I’m interested to see what they do moving forward to enhance realism and fix the glaring and minor issues.” 

    In addition to THAT, it seems you’ve missed my post DIRECTLY above this where I pointed out the VNAV-to encompass open climb (hello 2G pull ups when reducing speed in open climb)  aka THE VNAV IS A NIGHTMARE and needs tuning because it’s simply way too aggressive. Not to mention it sits at the bottom of the speed bracket in a -2400fpm descent which pretty much no Airbus in the history of Airbus making wings (waves to the geniuses in Broughton) has ever done. I literally have been flying the tail off this plane.  It needs tuning and fixing.  See below for example: 
    Fenix VNAV

    Even BB has said the rotation is cooked-apparently the FBW mod slams the trim to 8° ANU to properly if unrealistically simulate the Ground Mode to Normal Law transition.  

    What else would you like me to be specific about before you jump down my throat some more? 

    • Like 7

  6. 5 hours ago, ha5mvo said:

    Nothing will be fixed if people will refrain from bringing up issues or if their voice will get  aggressively muffled by those who think that the FENIX is just infallible! 

    You just can't say a single critical word without (the same) people jumping at your jugular. There's just to much tribalism going around in our society and these forums are no exception unfortunately.

    In all fairness, the FENIX team do not share that stance and they seem to be open to suggestions whenever they happen to go through.

    I must say, I have done plenty of experiments comparing the flight dynamics to FCOM and official published data and found all of @DEHowie observations to be correct. I don't care who and what he's beta testing for if what he says is true...

    I sure hope those issues are fixable and that MSFS doesn't have too much of that xbox DNA to make things beyond repair but people also HAVE to allow some critical appreciation by others without the latter taking the risk of being lynch mobbed.

    I wholeheartedly agree.  I think unfortunately there’s a ton of stuff wrong but the people jumping down other peoples throats is related to a few things.   For one-people who’ve only used MSFS have never had an FSL or Toliss bird to fly, they’ve got nothing to compare it to-so of course it’s “perfect” to them.  The other thing I suspect but am not entirely sure on-is that the going for the jugular when seeing critical things pointed out about the Fenix is related to the maturity level (or lack there of) of some of the folks throwing the daggers.  

    5 hours ago, lwt1971 said:

    That FSL beta tester has been doing the rounds with his drop-ins here and elsewhere, and his agenda is very clear... but, given that he's not been able to articulate in more detail on those issues and how exactly the Fenix does it wrong compared to IRL and/or other A320 sim aircrafts, can you maybe? I also presume you know what the IRL scenario should be for these cases. Given that @Aamir monitors this forum and has chimed in on this thread, perhaps he can review your detailed findings.

    I'm sorry, when you say things like above, after laughing a bit I can't help but take you less seriously... what is it about the "xbox DNA" that makes things "beyond repair"? do explain if you can please.


    5 hours ago, Fiorentoni said:

    DEHowie did not even elaborate on his "observations" except for one or two, so I'm curious what exactly did you check? What experiments? What were your results in the Fenix, what is the published data you compared it with? If you say you found "all" to be correct, then I'm sure you can tell us about those he said:
    "Fenix OEO,AEO,crz pitch, cruise power, cruise fuel burn,N1,EFB data, incorrect FMGC, wrong IRU, Incapable of RNP AR, wrong fonts, drag model"

    If you don't want anyone "jumping" on you, how about stopping making obfuscated, imprecise claims and instead telling us exactly what you did and what exactly is wrong?

    To take the two above posts into account.  Darren mentioned the RNP-the ADIRS Fenix modeled isn’t rated for RNP-it’s an older model.  Fenix did a nice job of compromising between EIS1/EIS2 aircraft aesthetically speaking.  The cruise pitch is a touch off-perhaps should be a degree or two lower depending on your situation, the fuel burn is WAAAY off, the rotation is whacky, the VNAV is a nightmare (from what I’ve heard due to MSFS limitations) and the list goes on.  I put my noted up above and tagged Aamir-I certainly hope he takes it the right way.  I don’t dare try in the discord or I’ll get jumped on.  

    As for what @ha5mvo said about the “XBOX dna” I believe he’s referring to the WASM language (at the very least-I’m sure there’s more under the hood) which helps port MSFS onto Xbox and I’m sure causes tons of issues-one of them being data transmission and reception outside the sandbox (I’m paraphrasing something a much smarter friend told me there)  If the devs can’t/aren’t allowed to get SDK updates and things they need to deliver better addons-because “it won’t fly for the Xbox version of msfs” then it’ll be broken beyond repair… 

    • Like 2

  7. To be fair, I’m fairly certain that @DEHowie in pointing out issues hasn’t disappeared.  It’s more likely he’s not answered yet cause it’s about 2am where he lives.

    As for myself, I’ve been an FSL die hard for two solid years.  I bought the Fenix on day one and given her a solid three weeks of flying the tail right off the thing.   I’ve quite enjoyed it, but there’s a bunch of nagging issues that bug me to no end.  I’ve also asked a few questions of BB711 and other RW A320 pilot friends regarding the pitch/power couple, over aggressive VNAV, completely torqued rotation/ground mode to normal law blending logic and a few other odds and ends.  As for the answers, they’ve been fairly critical answers from both BB and others regarding the Fenix.  When I asked a few RW pilots (besides BB) who did stream the Fenix, I was told “it’s fine” when it was clearly not “fine” on stream or in practice with the plane-which made me scratch my head as to why they’d say “oh that’s fine” not sure yet I’ll have to go back and watch over again. 

    Overall, I’m satisfied and feel I’ve gotten my moneys worth and then some from the Fenix, but today I’m back in P3D flying my beloved A321 with IAEs.  I think they delivered a serviceable, fun to fly and well above average A320 for the time being.  I’m interested to see what they do moving forward to enhance realism and fix the glaring and minor issues. 

    I’m sure @Aamir can confirm it’s probably a nightmare with this hybrid flight model they’ve had to implement-using prosim/Asobo default/their own custom model.  

    I’ve made a list of stuff I’d like to see fixed up/added etc.  Hopefully some others will like this list and add to it as well to help Fenix along the journey.  


    -Ground model halfway decent but still faster than maybe it should be (AS?)  

    -WXR/PWS (AS)

    -Terrain Radar doesn’t show limits (Asobo or Fenix idk?) 


    Fenix Pros/Cons

    -Sounds are excellent-maybe little too much bass in cruise-something I can’t quite put my finger on-it sounds just a TINY bit off in pitch/harmonics during cruise vs IRL. BUT, I usually fly on IAE’s IRL.  The intermediate approach/flap deployment thrust changes/SPEED-ALT* down low sounds great!  Exterior sound is also amazing!  


    -Far too low of a weight variant-WV008 w 162.2K/142.2K is super low for an Airbus these days.  Would like to see modifiable WVs/OEWs or at least options for more MTOW/MZFW/MLW as well as more configurable cabins 


    -Fuel Burn way off-have used everything from -6 to -16 on SimBrief and still not been quite able to nail down a profile-at heavy weights this will put you over MLW due to the low MLW of the Fenix in general   


    -VNAV is way too agressive and always slows to the bottom of the bracket.  I’ve not only seen it myself but also heard and seen it in other streams. (MSFS/Asobo drag model?)  Open Cl reducing/increasing speed yanks the nose up/hammers the nose down-perhaps this is F/D or AP logic that could be tuned-RW IAE pilot told me the FDs can be aggressive, but the AP will usually not follow the FDs as aggressively 


    -Skalarki support and proper profiles and/or tutorials for home cockpit hardware Bravo/TCA etc etc.  


    -Flap sounds could maybe be a touch louder?


    -Handles pretty decent with the right control sensitivity.  


    -Drops speed like a rock


    -Climbs like a rocketship even when at heavy weights-frequently 18-20° on takeoff


    -Rotation logic torqued


    -It floats like it has sharklets (quoting V1 Sim-but I wholeheartedly agree) 

    Minor tweaks 

    -FD’s shouldn’t be on by default 


    -ENG page/PB on ECAM shouldn’t be on by default (should be the door page) 


    -AOC doesn’t do very much. It could use some more features like optional D-ATIS in the US and via VATSIM/IVAO (a-la FSLabs style with auto update) 


    -Step Climb/re cruise-ALT CRZ not available in FMA until resetting the PROG/INIT page, FMGS doesn’t automatically apply NEW CRZ FL350 in scratchpad (did this once then not again) Not sure if it’s legit for a Thales box? 


    -Approach Phase (D) pseudo waypoint Seems to go into the flight plan really late a lot of times-later than it should potentially be? 

     -MSFS drag model and Fenix speed dropping fast notwithstanding, it should be hard to slow an Airbus down that fast-especially when the Decel point is on the localizer just priorto G/S capture or the FAF-not sure how accurate this is-but other Airbus sims don’t have it this late.  Will continue to monitor.  Airbus aircraft have extremely slick wings and in general do not go down and slow down

    -Thrust seems overly aggressive-lots of breaking 250kt restrictions (eg: coming into CLB or OPEN CLB out of SPD/ALT after an ALT restriction the thrust just hammers in) 




    -Higher weight variant option/Option to set own preferred OEW/MZFW/MTOW/MLW  


    -That the IAEs and Sharks are actual physical mods and not visual only additions as in some Airbus products. 


    -Full Skalarki support-Prosim or no sim-they should’ve realized that people who would buy their product do own skalarki gear!  This is becoming more of an issue apparently.  


    Things I’m seeing most: 


    -Asobo needs to either open the weather or contract someone that knows how to interpolate and smooth the thing.  


    Hope this might help. 

    • Like 7

  8. 2 hours ago, cavaricooper said:

    With respect to Mark- this is something I would like to see Transport Category developers produce as part of the sim.  The EFB from Fenix is a beautiful thing and expanding on it would only add to the product appeal... not one more external app, please!

    Mark does a nicer job at making things nice and tidy on my iPad-I have an addon with inbuilt MCDU-I just much prefer the Aviaworx version as well-gives folks options. 

  9. 42 minutes ago, Richard Sennett said:

    Remote MCDU would be awesome

    Haven’t heard back from @marcom just yet.  I had emailed him on release day.  Hopefully the ability is there for it to be done-he’s already got the Maddog and Boeing setup in Aviaserver for CDU and iirc Overhead too-not sure I’m not an overhead guy-just flight monitor and like every CDU going for P3D.  

    • Like 1

  10. In regards to support for the Skalarki gear, I definitely hope to see support as my FCU is currently a $1500 paperweight on my desk.   

    As for other hardware, I’ve got a halfway serviceable Bravo profile thru spad.next at the moment-I downloaded the “Fenix A320ceo for Bravo” profile.  Of course it wasn’t all setup how I particularly prefer it.  Many of the toggles are multiple events etc.  I’ve attempted to alter/change it to my preferences-but THAT endeavor has caused me to bash my head against my Alpha yoke several dozen times as I try to configure my 6 different controllers to work with the Fenix.  I’m not so great at the “toggle bit/increment/decrement/set value” type stuff.  I’m very much used to FSUIPC/FSLinda and sending control codes/Simconnect events via either Spad or FSUIPC.  None of the lights on my bravo work yet but I’m not certain the AFC bridge works properly yet.  

    As for the external MCDU support, I’ve emailed Mark Foti of Aviaworx-(he has Aviaserver/AviaOH/AviaCDU/Flight Monitor etc) about a remote MCDU for the Fenix-he’s already got support built in for the other recent high fidelity addon releases.  Hopefully he can get cracking on the Fenix tho I haven’t heard back just yet.  He’s also offering discounts for P3D users of aviaworx products who are giving MSFS a try this month.    

    I’m sure Fenix is extremely busy trying to fix the aggressive VNAV and sometimes strange flight model but they’re probably up against it since it seems Asobo oft times focuses more on video game style features instead of sim features.  

    If anyones got suggestions on coding/setting up thru spad feel free to hit me up!  @cavaricooper I’d be happy to share what I’ve done so far in addition to anything you’ve come up with. 

  11. On 4/14/2022 at 12:00 PM, micstatic said:

    You seem to only (literally) comment on topics about the death of p3d which is somewhat strange and sort of sad at the same time.  I can assure you that there are people with home cockpits in the eights of thousands of dollars who are still getting terrific enjoyment and realism out of p3d that cannot be rivaled in other new sims

    I feel like I know one of these people… 

    • Like 1

  12. For those of you on the fence, it’s an absolute joy to fly.  Worth every penny.  My number 1 addon aircraft. The GSX, SimBrief and even FS2Crew integration is absolutely amazing.  I won’t even consider MSFS until there’s something approximating FSL quality.  Truth be told, aside from the big ticket items… It’s really the little details that make it worth it.  If you’d like a preview you can find my YT channel at “FBWFTW” on YT-tons of FSL stuff there if you’d like (not monetized).  The Maddog is the only other aircraft that comes close for me.  

  13. On 11/10/2021 at 4:34 AM, IanHarrison said:

    It seems you are stuck with this. I have the same DD as you but struggled with Jetways. Now have some connected to the buildings and some just starting in the middle of nowhere. I just make my view point from the other side of the aircraft, so that they are not visible.🤪

    I noticed I had duplicates at KJFK after installing the inibuilds GSX profile-but not at T5 only at the BAW terminal (8 iirc) I’ll have to take a peek at the files and/or do a reinstall.  

  14. 13 hours ago, byork said:

    Hard to say.  P3D is a house a of cards.  It can glitch from time to time.

    But if you're banging the panel open and close in quick succession... maybe that caused it to glitch.



    I kind of figured as much that’s what I was wondering about.  With Cross the Pond being so close-what would you recommend I do to be on the safe side prior?  
    Just a reinstall?  I’m also planning on picking up FS2Crew for the 737ngxu-would installing that version happen to also reset the XACT-DLL file in question?  

  15. 3 hours ago, byork said:

    Sometimes 3rd liveries can induce corruption into the aircraft if they contain errors.

    I would try it again, but use a stock livery.

    There's also a chance it could just be a one off thing if you've made a lot of flights in the past with no issues.


    Thanks Bryan.  I had some issues with my mouse cursor as well (not sure if I can link the thread here from FSL-but I will and a mod can fix it if need be)  First time I’d had that issue-had wondered if it was GeForce experience.  

    When the crash happened-I had turned the FS2CREW panels on/off a few times in quick succession.   


  16. Hi Bryan, 

    Tried out FS2Crew for my beloved FSL A32X’s for the first time and loving it so far (even if it sometimes doesn’t like my Boston accent) 

    Have done dozens of flights with it no issue.  Last night-while climbing out on a short hop and using my hide/show button along with popping up secondary panel a few times in a row, I got the XACT.dll crash.  Ran a system scan etc.  some things were fixed.  I do not have ANYTHING on this PC other than stock windows and Flight Sim apps-it’s purpose built-no DRM stuff or anything mentioned in previous (years old) posts regarding XACT CTD’s.  

    You can see the exact moment of the CTD, what I did before/after in this video (channel is not monetized) @ the 59:00 mark onwards.  

    Again-I had done countless flights prior with zero issue.  Only changes I made were some FSL livery additions.  


  17. On 9/22/2021 at 1:24 AM, ShezA said:

    BTW I have already informed on the forum at SSJ, if you are a donor please send me an email and I will send you the latest Beta for 4.5.

    Shez, @micstatic has told me that DTW is working great in V5 with the latest beta and a bit of tweaking.   I’ll shoot you an email later today for the beta.  Also-thanks again for that Four Stacks Visual!  It was a heck of a ride in!  


    • Like 1

  18. 15 hours ago, sd_flyer said:

    It was a joke! ATIS or METAR in MCDU is nice feature but not realism killer!

    The internet isn’t good for sarcasm most of the time 😜

    As far as the MCDU stuff.  It’s a nagging annoyance to me… But I still fly the things.  Although it’s been a stutter fest on the PMDG Ngxu for some reason lately.  Only changes were orbx trees changing season, a few 3rd party liveries and a win update. 

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