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  1. One thing i find completely bizarre about the MSFS community is the complete lack of understanding about real aircraft. There seems an overall feel that all aircraft are the same and somehow by owning a 777 you are getting an identical experience to having an MD-11 or any other widebody. Just to clarify the MD-11 used some of the best aspects of the Airbus MCDU AND the Boeing one leading to what is even to this day one of the most advanced FMC's ever seen. Having been fortunate to fly the 717 which uses the same system its still more advanced in most ways than any Airbus system and also has features not seen in the most advanced Boeing product the 787. The concept of flight simulation is to be able to get a look at how and why aircraft are different and what makes them different and challenging to operate. A heavy MD-11 is a truly challenging aircraft to fly with very high approach speeds particularly in emergency situations far higher than any 777/787 or 747. At higher weights it takes a lot of thought again far more so than the generally very forgiving 777/787 family. The 777W and 787-9 can be a little trick it max weights but nothing approaching the challenge of a max weight mad dog. Anyone thinking that by buying the MD-11 you are somehow duplicating and will get an identical experience to that of a 777 is very mistaken indeed. Very high igh approach speeds, challenging handling characteristics, very high initial climb speeds at max weights making SID's and on arrival STARS very tricky to negotiate mean its a far more challenging aircraft to operate. The MD-11 became an aerodynamic compromise that gave it very challenging handling traits that hopefully TFDI have built in to the addon so fingers crossed its every bit the beast the real aircraft is. So expand your horizons dont think any addon will be the same as every other addon because just like the real world every aircraft is different some easier to fly ie 777 some far more difficult MD-11. And its a great looking aircraft..lol..sad to see them go in a few years time as they are so great to photograph and looking at it TFDI has done it justice.
  2. Im just hoping they fix the handling so all the techniques, stick forces i used in the real A320 will at least be close as opposed to where it is now ie completely inaccurate. Hard to believe they are more focused on tyre float than things like accurate pitch rates, decel times etc. When the LTVFR modded Airbus feels more like the real jet to hand fly than the Fenix they do have a long way to go.
  3. Flysimwre Lear is outstanding. Excellent flight model frommy experience very close to the beautiful light but stable feel of the real Lear. With Flysimware being a long term high quality dev i wouldnt hesitate getting it.
  4. 32gb? These are all at between 6.7 and 7.7 with the interior on. The highway to frustration starts with ignoring the advice of the people who tested and developed the aircraft about how to learn this Concorde. Its not the same as the previous version by a massive margin so thinking you can get it and "wing it" because you know boats will simply lead to more lawn mowing. Real Concorde pilots took months of study and many sim sessions before turned loose in the real aircraft anyone who thinks they are somehow far more knowledgeable as to be able to ignore advice and counsel well you will be frustrated. No aircraft was more procedural than Concorde so to keep it simple "if you dont follow the procedures you will struggle from day one". No level of multi crew integration has ever been seen in any addon ever that approaches this level of complexity to make the user experience as realistic and "manageable"as possible. With more systems accuracy and more depicted workload increases massively. This is not P3Dv3. There where three crew in the Concorde for a reason if anyone thinks they can manage the workload involved in the Concorde by themself like the Canarsie climb good luck. Youve heard it before RTFM this addon more than ANY other ever requires adherence to procedures, the same procedures used in the real Concorde. Ignore them and expect frustration. You have questions post them at the FSlabs forum for help there is the most knowledgeable people on the Concorde you will ever meet there who are happy to share the passion and their amazing knowledge.
  5. To be honest LM is really the one all current P3D users should be targeting. With a rapidly shifting sim market away from their product was it seems a very deliberate move to release V6 that would break compatibility with its largest user groups. If they are so out of touch with Academic license holders and they where happy to make that call to break aircraft compatibility in favor of some what look like very minor visual improvements then its clear they are moving on to focus on the core market ie professional simulation. They would have to know that the vast majority of the non professional user base had moved on to MSFS so again the majority of their attention would be back to professional uses so killing backward compatibility would only effect a small number of people. Instead of fixing the obvious lighting/cloud/atmospheric issues of V5 and not break any aircraft addons that this deliberate step to change enough such that all aircraft will require updating was a very conscious decision. P3DV5 was a work in progress from first release and LM walking away with the job half done is to me far worse than anything PMDG has done. Leaving 5.4 in the state its in is pretty despicable move rather than fix what we all paid for. We are all left now with a sim with some ugly visuals that have been left unfixed by LM and no real prospect of any fix ever.
  6. Id recommend you go and listen the comments of the people who used Concorde extensively for travel about how amazing a tool it was and why it was turned into a profitable aircraft by BA. The people who used it loved the aircraft and the service thats why they flew regularly and where so devastated to be forced back to subsonic travel when retired. BA showed what could be done with it and carved a niche market for high speed travel a void which remains today.
  7. What do you mean no updates? There have been two updates released in the last month one last week. Are you using the FSlabs Control Center for aircraft maintenance etc? Its one of the best maintained addons we have.
  8. This is why because the entire advantage of a program like ortho4xp is you can create FAR more detailed than any sim ive ever seen. The ability to crank up the detail in the mesh is KEY to realistic mountain scenery avoiding the rounded edges seen in lower res mesh like in standard xp,P#D and msfs. Storage is cheap
  9. If you have an old installer the GTN750 works OOB you just need to do an EXE swap while installing to trick the installer into installing into the xp12 directory instead of xp11. Later installers dont work. Nice to have the best GTN back and working.
  10. It does to a limited extent. If you want proper turbulence dynamically generated in P3D id highly suggest Realturb it does a great job of inserting excellent mechanical turbulence and also en route stuf from jetstream transition etc. I was always a heavy critic of P3D's lack of motion or dynamic motion caused by a lack of turbulence and to a lrge extent realturb fixed that. AS still needs more dynamic winds on approach however the lack of changing direction and speed creates still a to stable approach unless winds are strong enough to trigger real turbs excellent effects.
  11. Thats not ai bad workaround and what i do however it offsets all your views so if you hop back inside whatever offset was applied to the outside is applied inside. Still its better than the default view particularly on wide monitors pushing the aircraft to the bottom of the screen. Because i already have a Warthog on my desktop the last thing i need is another seperate controller particularly when i have a mouse which is proven in multiple simulators, xplane, dcs, p3d and every other sim to be a fabulous camera controller. Asobo have like many things been verging on arrogant not listening to the community since early early beta on this topic. Im not making movings all we want is the aircraft in the screen center, the ability to zoom in and out, pan and move the viewpoint forward and back. Every other sim can do it at what point do Asobo listen? Still we have volcanic CB’s and inverted cloud colours three years later so maybe we are all wrong like HAL told Dave, “You dont need that functionality Dave go buy an xbox controller”, “You dont need correctly coloured clouds Dave the real world isnt spectacular enough for our target audience”. Still surely simple controls native to any other sim is easily possible.
  12. I think my post highlighting the multiple very obvious areas which these youtube reviewers ignored proves that quite clearly. Find me a single Airbus pilot anywhere in the world who doenst know that 15 degrees is the go to pitch attitude after take off. Find me one. Its taught on day one sim 1 and used on every take off you ever do. All of a sudden a youtuber is climing out at 20 plus degrees nose up..SILENCE These guys very clearly ignored very clear very obvious problems if thats not evidence that they where ignoring obvious large errors what more would you like?
  13. I would suggest if you think that real world pilots sharing decades of experience flying these real aircraft and teaching and training people on there systems is not valuable to compare with these add-ons that you have to look at yourself and what you expect when someone calls an addon high fidelity.. The aim is accuracy and fidelity and products marketed as such dont get to use it as a catch phrase or marketing tool without being judged for what they where marketed as. As for some of the other idiotic posts here fire away children unlike you guys real world pilots are used to critique and its like water off a ducks back funnily the reverse doesnt apply and its quite hilarious to look at the rubbish written trying to distract from the case at hand ie the lack of accuracy in the Fenix. However having just over 10000 hours Airbus time and 14 years flying the 320/321 and 330 and now another 4 years on the 787 and having trained more Airbus pilots than the entire fenix testing team put together about 20 times over through my career for the little ego driven children here more intent on throwing barbs than discussing clear obvious issues id suggest you head back to your playgrounds and leave the serious discussion about Airbus to those who are interested in serious simulations. Ive also trained pilots both on the ground and in the air. Ive also taught A320 systems, performance and am very well versed in most anything Airbus family. So lets me very clear having bought the Fenix i am "extremely" disappointed. Your mileage may very generally with your Airbus knowledge and just how serious you take simming. and what your expectations are/where. Thats fine if your happy in your little world thats fine but please dont come here and try to tell someone who has more time in the Airbus than most how an Airbus works and how it flies. If your happy with fenix move on ignorance is bliss. The fenix was clearly marketed as a top level sim with high fidelity experience with stream after stream highlighting systems "accuracy" and just how amazing it would be. Numerous "real world" Airbus pilots who seemingly managed to forget every basic fundamental they use on a day to day basis flew it around praising its "accuracy". So called reviewers who either dont know or dontcare or who are more interested in likes than facts did the same. Unfortunately its neither serious or accurate in MANY areas. So when i mean accurate i mean good a in its representative of a "REAL" aircraft ie similar systems, reasonably up to date something you would see today on the line. So lets look at the Fenix briefly and believe me i could write far far more. The IRU panel/system in the fenix hasnt been installed by Airbus in over 20 years and the old panel ie keypad etc isnt even compatible with a modern IRU. You see the IRU's in the A320 needed to be modified for the approval of RNP AR as the IRU's in Fenix represent a version long gone from Airbus. Since there replacement the IRU's have been upgraded twice and the analogue panel is LONG gone from the overhead. The Fenix as presented cant even fly an RNP AR as its IRU's are not correct, neither is the overhead panel which are swapped out with the IRU upgrade 15 years ago. So either the systems wrong or the model is wrong. Whatever the case its wrong end of story. Speaking of old lets talk Prosim which is the base for Fenix it itself is extremely old with literally being at least 20 years old as a basis meaning most ECAMS have had extensive modification by Airbus. In short many of the failures are inaccurate with incorrect ECAM information. ECAMS are continually updated as systems develop and change so unsurprisingly Prosim is a long way from a modern Airbus. It might be approved but hey so is the B-17 that doesnt mean it represents what a modern Airbus is like. Lets move onto the flight model. Now every A320 you or anyone would ever fly climbs out at 15 degrees nose up the only exception to this is at light weights and non flex temp departures. Watch ANY video of an A320 departure yep 15 degrees it is. Fenix climbs out at yep 20 degrees nose up heavily loaded!. Its written in FCOM and every pilot who has ever flown any A320 knows 15/12 as the two base pitch attitudes they would of used hundreds to thousands of times. Fenix didnt even get something so basic correct. To blend with that the terribly sloppy handling is nothing at all like the very light touch and feel of any Airbus. In fact Fenix climbs beautifully at 15 degrees nose up "ON ONE ENGINE". In a real A320 if you even tried to climb on one engine at 15 degrees id give you under 20 seconds to still be on this planet. Its impossible for the real aircraft to do, end of story. Unlike Boeings using multiple derates and an ATM ie FLEX Airbus performance is very very predictable and 15 degrees pitch up is the figure you get basically every take off unless your very light or going Toga. Neo's with a larger flex range can get slightly less than 15 but again its a small difference not 30 plus percent. So as any pilot would know Power + Attitude equals performance so it doesnt take long at all to see if you have the wrong attitude and are getting wrong performance then the flight model is simply broken. How broken well thats easy id recommend everyone saying its not broken go do a simple test. Grab the QRH go to the unreliable speed checklist find your weight and set the power and attitude let it stabilize then watch what happens. Yes you get a speed nowhere near that your supposed to. yes the flight model is broken. So now we know its broken what else does that mean. OK it means the N1 on final is wrong, the drag model is broken, the fuel flow is off by a mere 40-50%! Again if you dont care about accuracy do us all a favour go back to playing plastic aeroplanes making vroom vroom sounds running around your house rather than try to make excuses. Did i mention the fuel burn is off by 40% getting 1600Kg/Hr as opposed to the 2450 of the real CFM A320. Yea 40 to 50%. By being forced into a very old A320 systems wise because of the Prosim base Fenix is a hodge podge of multiple real world A320's none of which exist in reality together nor could they as the systems used do not correspond to the capability of the aircraft. A cross between EIS1 and 2 with incorrect fonts and an FMGC standard nobody knows because it doesn't represent any standard. Non RNP AR capable overhead panel with RNP AR capability yea you get the picture.. Now i could go on for paragraph after paragraph highlighting things like Fonts, flight control feel, incorrect deceleration distances/times ie the flight model has huge issues the EFB using non optimized take off data which hasnt been used in 25 plus years. The EFB performance data generated is not even close to what you get out of an Airbus flysmart calculator i have no idea what these guys where thinking maybe a balanced field Boeing style FMC version but its nothing close to optimized data. I mean the control feel on it is nothing even remotely like flying a wingertip driven A320. Fenix even have juniour first officers trying to say that Sharklets have the same drag in the flare as wing tip fence aircraft. Well maybe they better go talk to the Airbus test pilots who put together the initial Sharklet pilot training package which highlighted the prevalence for floats and long landings generated by the lower drag wing. Why am i having to adjust control sensitivities when it should fly perfectly well with linear control sensitivity just as the real aircraft? Fly By Wire is simple the side stick in normal law commands a roll rate. That means ANY dev can use linear curves to set a required deflection to generate a roll rate. Its not rocket science its very basic in fact. Yet the fenix is like flying a 737 needing large sidestick movements unseen in a real Airbus. With the complete failure to implement the external flight model the million dollar question is if it will ever fly remotely like a real A320 as my experience is its right now not even close to the beautiful light fingertip handling of the real A320.. Fenix where very good at marketing and this impression of it being amazing is very well spun. It has some VERY nice systems rendition which is to be highly commended even if it doesn't know what generation its from an airframe number or the decade its supposed to be from. The overhead panel from a first gen A320 with modern brake system and new aircon controllers, like i said its a mish mash. if they had simply said hey lets do a 2015-2017 A320 then at least it would be timeframe accurate with system and display consistency. Its very obvious to anyone who knows an Airbus well enough that it has significant problems but that are well founded in FACT like Airbus FCOM and the QRH its easy to find the issues. Many wont care and thats fine but for the people out there who want there simulation to be "accurate" and 'reflective" should care. Those who dont know but bought this on th epremise it was study level should know. I loved flying the Airbus but for anyone thinking this is somehow the "best" or close needs to look elsewhere for that experience right now. Hopefully fenix can get the eexternal flight model to work so some semblence of fidelity to the flight model and controls can be restored. Now this doesnt mean you may wont enjoy Fenix but lets be very clear the Fenix was marketed and talked up as being the "ultimate" Airbus and its a VERY long way from that indeed. Why are all these things important? Ill tell you because the team at fenix promised, marketed and sold this product as a study level Airbus A320 how many times did they say it would be the best?. . How are you supposed to fly an Airbus which handles terribly, has a mish mash of systems drawn from over 3 decades, has a drag and thrust model so wrong you cant fly the values used in every take off every day by every A320 in the world. Anyone saying this is "study level" either doesnt know what study level implies. I'll tell you what study level means and SHOULD mean to every developer. It means that anyone with suitable amount of real world experience could sit down and do 80-90% of whats covered in a real world type rating then hop into a real full motion sim and apply that to safely fly it. That is the ultimate test, they would already be familiar with the ECAMs, failure management and flying the aircraft with familiar power settings. These things are important in an Airbus as when your flying direct law approaches you MUST know what power setting to set ie what N1, what pitch attitude. Right now the fenix can do none of those because the flight model will not allow accurate power and pitch values to be used. This is why flight model is SO important in an Airbus because when all the automatics fail and it turns into a 737 you need to know the powers and pitches off by heart. if you dont good luck enjoy the ride in. Why cant i use the very rules, guides and gates i used in the real aircraft in thousands of flights in every type of weather imaginable in the Fenix. Experience from the real world doesnt lie and you cannot hide issues either. If you dont like what i have to say sorry get a ticket in the far queue and wait in line. Having been simming for over 35 years i have beta tested for MANY developers(not just Labs thanks) and i still do as a means to to try to enhance products to give the most realistic simulation experience you can get on the home platform. if you dont like realism thats ok there are plenty of aircraft in the market for you. Study level simulations are the high ground of flight simulation and several developers have worked for many years to ensure quality and accuracy are the prime areas of concern. Devs like PMDG, FSLABS, Majestic, Leonardo have all strived to ensure maximum accuracy for a given platform. Ive never seen streamers and so called reviewers ignoring blatant obvious errors that are the tip of a large iceberg of issues and seemingly pretending even when using non standard procedures compared to what they do real world they remained silent. Again if you like fenix thats fine by me go enjoy your Airbus but its certainly not what it was marketed as or what i paid for. PS to add im not here to help Fenix im a paying customer who happens to have done a lot of real world Airbus flying and expected so much more based on the marketing hype. I was looking forward to a great A320 in MSFS maybe that can still happen. if your expectations have been met thats fine but mine have not particularly based off how it was presented and what it delivered.
  14. I hope they do as many people bought this on the basis of the way it was marketed AND on the words of well respected influencers.
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