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  1. I also have an Asrock X470 mainboard with a 3700x as homeserver. I could switch the 9900k for homeserver and then replace the 3700X with an 5800x3d. And then either swap the 2080ti for an 3090 ti or 7900xt(x) Is that an better option? RobB
  2. Hello, Jeez that was stupid not mentioning what I was flying. It is MSFS. Thank you for the good tips. That means there is still some life in the system. You are using 1 monitor or more? (size) (I was not aware that a 1980*1200 monitor is 2k. Because that is just above 1980*1080.) What I also saw was 10-25% usage of cpu and gpu. Even though it is read from an m.2 ssd. RobB
  3. On this moment I am having an older i9-9900k and 2080ti. Tripple 24" 1980*1200 monitors (60hz). Somehow I have flights that a re pretty choppy, so I wonder if an upgrade is something good. I did read and viewed several hardware reviews and I came to the conclusion that the 13900k is beast of a processor. I also have to live with the electricity company. Electricity is nearly 1 euro for 1 kwh (like in in most spots). The 13900k is also a beast in consuming electricity. I have seen that for instance the 5800x3d from amd is a nice contender too. Both lighter on electricity but also a bit down on fps. But what I saw is that the AMD CPU is delivering nice frames. And I wonder if I did read that correct. But also on triple setup? Or do I need to replace the GPU as well for a 3080/3090 or 7900XT(x)? BTW I am slowly leaning towards a tripple 27" 1440p monitor but with a higher refreshrate (But this is future music.). Can somebody shine some extra light? Wether I see it correct, or wether I am talking 100% nonsense. Thanks ahead. RobB
  4. You read it correct. We are going to Beatles. Beatles refer to The Beatles. A very popular popgroup in the sixties and seventies. And they came from Liverpool. In fact is Citylink-va, going to Liverpool. And by that we mean, we are going to open a new hub in Liverpool. The grand opening of Liverpool will be executed with the RJ100. The plane that was just introduced in a couple of flights in the South of Spain. Malaga was the first point of starting our new strategy:”Connecting the dots”. In fact we are connecting our future hubs with the RJ100. Liverpool is our new hub, and following Malaga, in the project “Connecting the dots”. Liverpool connects to the following dots: (LEMG) Malaga (+/- 3 hours) (LFSB) Basel (+/- 1:45 hour) (ENBR) Bergen (+/- 1:45 hour) Look at this map: http://www.gcmap.com/mapui?P=lpl-agp%3B+lpl-bgo%3B+lpl-bsl%0D%0A&R=800nm%40lpl%0D%0A&PC=red&DU=mi&SG=320&SU=kts&RS=best&RC=navy The introduction of Liverpool is all month of february long and can be flown by any pilot. After the introduction, will we take the schedules to its normal rank. And you need to have the rank of Captain in order the mini jumbo. Want to know more about citylink-va? www.citylink-va.com
  5. Eelo, Please have a look citylink-va.com. They have a fleet that comes close. Not completely, but you can allways talk about it. They have a big load of Twinotter flights, and they start with adding the Cessna C207 to the fleet, for specific flights. Next to that do they have a PC12, And a Caravan can be used as replacement for the the Twinotter, C207 and PC12. Ok, they also have bigger planes, like the Fokker 50 (will be replaced with Q400) and Avrojets as their biggest. But if you want to remain flying smaller planes, you are allways allowed. The maincore is twinotter and Fokker. Next to that is this VA building on more hubs, as they do not have planned any really long distance flights. Also look at this post: http://www.avsim.com/topic/481117-citylink-va-news-03-jan-2015/ Greetings, RobB
  6. At first we at Citylink-va would like to express our best wishes to you for 2016. Good health and happiness. Secondly would w like to update you on what is going on in Citylink-va.com. Menu BAE J100 Our hubs Changing the fleet Schedules more realistic Roundup BAE RJ100 We are extending our fleet, by adding the RJ100 to it. We call it the connector. As it connects all of our hubs. Due to our structure and plane choice have we decided to introduce more hubs in Europe. Our fleet consists so far ofPC12, Twinotters and Fokker 50 for our passengerservice, and a couple of BAE 146-300 for our Cargo service. These planes limit a bit our range. And therefor we need a so called connector. We have choosen the Qualitywings BAE RJ for our fleet. And even though you could do Amsterdam to Malaga in 2,5 hours, did we choose the RJ. Which takes it up to 3 hours 15 minutes. Well yeahm that is our long distance flight. Our hubs Our hubs consist of Maastricht-Aachen Airport (EHBK), as our company headquarters, Rotterdam (EHRD) for serving the west of the Netherlands and Cologne (EDDK) as our main Cargo hub. In the future will we add: Liverpool (UK) Bergen (Norway) Basel-Mulhouse (Switzerland/France) Genoa (Norther Italy) Malaga (South of Spain) Bilbao (North of Spain as our Cargo hub) Changing the fleet Next to introducing the RJ100 are we going to change our fleet a bit. Until now have we been using the PAOB Fokker 50. With some additions is this plane a nice one, but it looks a bit dated. The staff of Citylink-va has expressed that they would like to change some planes in a more quality plane. We will slowly replace our Fokker 50 fleet by Majestics Q400. In time will we also add a smaller, bushflying plane tot he fleet. Despite the Aerosoft Twinotter is very capable bushplane on its own, but it sometimes feels like a whale or Jumbo Jet on a small airport. As we as staff also expressed that we wanted to offer more bushflying we also found out that smaller planes are better. Therefor have we choosen the Alabeo C207. This plane will connect the German wadden islands to Wilhelmshaven. And the Dutch wadden islands to Groningen. We are not sure if the Caravan will return, or a Kodiak will be added on other airstrips. Schedules more realistic We also have been looking at our schedules. Though some where historically a good trip (over 2 hours) as the only bigger plane we had was the Twinotter. But by now having a Fokker or Dash8, we came to the conclusion that it is better to do those trips on the bigger planes on some some bigger airports. In short we are becoming more realistic. One example is flying with the Twinotter from Maastricht and Rotterdam to Wilhelmshaven. Now we plan a Q400 from Maastricht to Bremen. From there a Twinotter flies to Wilhelmshaven, or Sylt. And from Wilhelmshavenf flies the C207 to the islands. Nice and easy VFR flights. For those who like that. Round up If you like to fly in western Europe and like STOL planes I guess we are the place to be. Visit us at www.citylink-va.com and see if a signup is something for you. That is it, for now. Keep the blue up and happy flying. RobB. President of Citylink-va.com
  7. A bit late, but, In case you are looking for a va, that has smaller birds like the Twinotter, Dash8 and Avro RJ, pay a visit at www.citylink-va.
  8. For your info, I have NL2000 installed at EHBK. Freeware. In FSX original is no ILS on runway 03/04 (depending on version). NL2000 has ILS on 111.55 (03 and 21) RobB
  9. I was until EH309 in NAV mode and switched to Loc at that point. Setting for 270, and slower turning northward. Intercepting ILS at EH302, while having ALT+HDG+APR switched on. Around EH302 the plane switched off HDG en started to turn to 033. At D3.8 the ALT switched off. RobB
  10. Will try it that way, and report my findings. Thank you. RobB
  11. I switched from GPS to NAV around EH302. And used the HDG button. But maybe, I should try to go the point you say, Stupidity is, that I think, that the ILS picks up at D5.8, but after closer inspection of the image I see D3.8 as the real entry point. You are correct. Thanks, will watch this. Still learning, after many years. It is a great hobby, and you can extend your knowledge day after day. ;-) Thanks. RobB
  12. In 2007 the ILS was different. 108.50. But that frequency does not work anymore, when I fly. 111.55 does work. As it picks up in the horizontal way. And I do not have the issue allways. 75% no issue. RobB
  13. @duckbilled, We are looking in our VA to use the Qualitywings RJ70 as business plane. Obviously with lessor chairs then 70. It is good for a trip up to 4 hours, but not to fast either for a trip of 1 hour.. RobB
  14. A screenshot afterwards is difficult. But I do my best, to reconstruct. In short, I was inbound EH302. And turned 360, nearly at EH302 and the ILS picked up near D5.6BKZ. Here is an Acars link to my PIREP: http://www.citylink-va.com/index.php/PIREPS/view/1355 At the bottom is the somewhat how I flew. This exact the moment when the ILS picked up lateral: [21:47] - Flaps to position 1 at 1791ft and 103kts Then a minute later, I had been at 2200 feet and corrected. Tried the Approach again around 1200 feet. Plane pulled up again. I was at that point a bit lower then the ILS shoot be. Hope this is sufficient.
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