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Everything posted by ronnie.d

  1. Cheers Kevin. Yes I did notice that later, can you send me the link for ACI if you can find it on youtube.
  2. Unfortunately I was using UT2 as well but obviously it didn't work for me that well :(
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol:……………... Man….thanks for bringing in some humour into this. After a long and hard working flight this is the last thing you want to ruin your virtual career. I know there's few suggestions above but how can I avoid this in future? I use Ultimate Traffic 2…. When did this MD-80 incident happened? Is there an Air Crash Investigation episode for that? Not sure about real life Rick but EGNT has no parallel runways.
  4. Hi Florian. Thanks for your detail response but unfortunately by the time I noticed the Cessna in front of me I had no time to contact tower and obtain further instructions….I was slightly below the Cessna as well so increasing altitude to go around wasn't an option at that stage…so I went with my instinct.
  5. What were my options then as I couldn't go any slower than I was? Turn left/right? But in that case I could have ran into patterned traffic!
  6. Thanks Karim! That gives me some confidence
  7. Hi guys, Sorry if this question sounds a bit odd but I am fairly new to FSX and I have hardly acquired 10 - 15 hrs on PMDG 737 - 800 Winglet. Yesterday on my approach to EGNT runway 25, ATC (FSX default) gave me clearance to land, I was 2nd to land after a small aircraft (possibly a Cessna). There was barely 10 - 15 nm distance between my 737 and the Cessna and I was already on VREF Speed with speed breaks up and flaps 30. On final approach I suddenly realised that my 737 was moving a lot faster than the Cessna and I was about crash into it. I immediately took control and lowered my altitude and somehow managed to avoid the collision and landed before the other aircraft! After reaching the minimums ATC advised me to go around but it was too late so I landed before the Cessna regardless. My question is have you ever come across this situation? How a pilot would handle this in real life? Who's fault was it as I couldn't reduce my speed further without losing lift. Thanks in advance for your input. Ronnie
  8. I have explained it earlier. I kept getting server error messages until the 3rd time when it was successfully posted. But now I can see all of them went through.
  9. That's excellent! Thanks Jim…I hope one of these would solve my problem.
  10. Hi Guys, Sorry for posting it here as I should have posted it on REX's support forum first, but for some reason I can't post in any of their forums (may be my memberships hasn't been approved yet). Anyway, yesterday I installed REX on my system, everything went fine until I went to fly with real wether mode with REX. On the top green text to speech window it's showed me that REX has download current weather information and the very next minute everything blacks out with an Error message: Weather file could not be located…… (can't remember the exact wordings). I haven't touched the default weather on FSX so what have I done wrong? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Ronnie.
  11. Once again thanks for your input Olli! I will definitely try the RXP Radar.
  12. Hi guys, I absolutely love my PMDG boeing series but I am thinking about trying my hands on Airbus. Can you tell me which one will be the best to invest in, and which one will come close to PMDG experience: Aerosoft Airbus X Extended or Wilco Airbus Evolution Series? I have read some comments about both of them but there don't seem to be a very good comparison. Wilco offers some really good features like: Weather Radar, Pushback Steering, Difficult Level Selection etc. Whereas, Aerosoft offers: RAAS features, 16 Checklists, Flight data recorder control etc. Which one's really on the top of it's game? N.B. I am crying out for a weather radar. Is there anyway I can use CS weather radar for PMDG and Aerosoft? Thanks in advance! Ronnie Sorry I have just realised that I have posted it in the wrong place.
  13. I am sure they do. I was just wondering why not many people mentioned REX here. BTW thanks for the discount, it makes it even more attractive! Eagerly waiting for SimAir! Any news on the release date?
  14. There's not many REX fan here....is there any specific reason? I am about to buy a weather add-on and I am confused by people telling different things about different weather engines.
  15. Where can I find it though? They don't seem to be available from sim stores or anywhere else. N.B. there are few links for download but I am not sure they are trusted.
  16. Thanks again Ray. And of course I mean the quality of voice, instructions are far superior :lol:
  17. Hi Ray, Thanks for sharing the info. I made a comparison by watching youtube videos and Radar Contact appears to be very close to the default fsx ATC. But it doesn't appear to be voice controlled...I mean can you speak to the ATC or is it button controlled only? Thanks in advance. Ronnie
  18. Which one's better? and why? I wouldn't have thought so but the problem only started since I downloaded the GSX demo version. No. I haven't started using any weather or ground texture add-on. But I am planning to use them soon. The problem seems to have started since I downloaded GSX demo version.
  19. Cheers Jim. Thanks for the assurance. Now I can buy GSX without having to think about it affecting the ground texture. :rolleyes:
  20. Same here! I got lost yesterday at LFPG looking for the arrival gate. Now I am seriously considering a ground crew add on. Thanks for your input guys but has GSX ever effected your taxiway or runway centreline? Also, as Lusche said do I need Aerosoft airports to use AES?
  21. Cheers Mike. I do use add on airports but I have only got 4 of them.
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