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Everything posted by TooWings

  1. Plus of course you can interact with all modes of transport in GTA..... ...but be careful if you're accident prone! ;-) http://www.tubechop.com/watch/6371741
  2. BTW. Did anyone spot Concorde landing then disappearing again in that train-sim clip that I posted earlier? I hope DTG do better than this on the next flightsim..... https://youtu.be/99nB-FtSoLE?t=1070 It's sure come a long way since GTA-SA 11 years ago.....
  3. I feel the same about TS-2015. It seems to me older versions ran smoother and often looked better, with or without add-on routes. This for example..is hard to beat for 'realism' ........ https://youtu.be/99nB-FtSoLE?t=715
  4. To me Trainz is OK but tends to have a toy-town look about it -while DTG's Train Simulator seems much more realistic...so much so that when I 'drove' the TS-2014's 'UK east-cost mainline' a while back..every turn I took, and every station I pulled into, looked and felt like the 'real-life' journeys I'd made many times before. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/47_fdPS-gZA/maxresdefault.jpg
  5. It's been mentioned numerous times that the vehicles and aircraft in GTA are not copies, but many are modelled on existing types, i.e. 747, Lear-Jet, Cessna, Extra etc)...and Eurocopter.. http://media.gtanet.com/gallery/gta-5-screenshots/fullsize/17.jpg The point I was making was: like LHookins said, at least give us 'some' sort of damage modelling, anything but the current static 'crash' screen! The GTA bird strike feature for example, could easily be modelled into a next gen flightsim/game, meaning that an engine could fail, or a wind shield could shatter - but hang on, maybe screen shatter is too gory for many simmers ;-) But at least give us scrapes on the paintwork if a plane should crash-land or clip a building etc, ;-) https://youtu.be/Kf9eYM9rAhc?t=87
  6. What part of the LHookins comment that I posted wasn't clear? i.e. ....
  7. But surely such 'gory' crash damage is a natural part of 'real'-world flying, as are bird strikes and wing and gear damage etc. Such damage modelling is now part of a number of modern sim/games including GTA-5, yet we've had cartoonish 'crash' animations happening in MSFSim for well over a decade, and even now in the 21st century. Bird strike https://youtu.be/sH_kNC-fzto?t=33 Agreed. This, for example, is just embarrassing.... https://youtu.be/U8HQjTMeMqk On a lighter note. I spotted this video shot at Edinburgh castle. Birds obviously cant tell the time ;-) https://youtu.be/J43d43m-ptk
  8. You mentioned 'worrying', not me. Ah yes, of course, 'normal' conversation. ;-) Its okay though, I'll understand if you don't wish to enter a science-based discussion that does not fit with your current world-view. In that case I'll keep it simple and say yes, on this planet, (and who knows, perhaps on other planets as well;-), games that simulate flight in a semi-realistic manner may well be traditionally called simulators, but my point again is that these 'simulators' (and related hardware and operators) have in reality no physical existence (only virtual) and exist only within our awareness. But perhaps you have scientific evidence to the contrary? http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16095-its-confirmed-matter-is-merely-vacuum-fluctuations.html#.VZgEOvAwBQc
  9. Exactly...and that was my point when I said that all of life, including you and me, is a simulation (or game) because our brains are 'persuaded that what we see and experience is 'real'. Yet quantum physics is discovering that what we call 'reality' is just a 'freaking' illusion created within consciousness. ...So even life itself can be viewed as either a game or simulation, or both. Pixels on our conscious mental screens, or pixels on our flight-sim/game monitors - its all the same since the building blocks of matter (particles) that make up your computer, mouse and flight-stick etc also make up your body and brain and universe. But these particles have in reality no substance to them, so therefore neither do the objects and things that they are built from..such as your computer, your brain and your universe etc. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20600-quantum-magic-trick-shows-reality-is-what-you-make-it.html#.VZf8HvAwBQd "The atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts." -Werner Heisenberg
  10. In which case all of life, including you and me, is a simulation because our minds, as you correctly said, are 'persuaded that what we see and experience is 'real', yet modern science is discovering that 'reality' (matter, time, space, colour etc) is in fact an illusion created within the brain, or more accurately, within consciousness. Welcome to the Matrix! ;-) https://youtu.be/CQdFT8t4YgQ The reason why I posted that clip wasn't to show the nose wheel collapsing but rather the nose itself burying 6 foot into the 'virtual' tarmac. (Not as real as it gets;-)
  11. But it's not a big deal though, its simply people making their point of view as to whether FSX etc is a sim or a game. But I have noticed that quite a number of those who defend it as a 'simulator' do so quite aggressively using phrases like ..' The name of the freaking program is Flight Simulator". It is after all only pixels moving about on a screen. Nothing to take too seriously ;-) ....As real as it gets?
  12. Agreed..and since the 'goal' or 'competitive' aim of most 'flightsim' users is to take-off properly and safely and then land properly and safely, FSX etc is therefore clearly a game -as these activities are goals ..or to be more generous, FSX is a game/sim. But anyway, life itself is a game..and we are all but players playing our part ;-)
  13. Gamers get a bad press, but in reality they are mostly fine upstanding people....... ;-) http://uhull.virgula.uol.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Prato1.jpg
  14. When I was heavily into FSX I called it a simulator; nowadays though I'd call it a 'simulator-game' since it contains scenarios and challenges clearly designed for pleasure and entertainment, plus FSX is classed as a game suitable for '3 year olds and above'. In addition the default install folder is 'Microsoft Games", and the DVD has the words "Games for Windows" on the box..... http://flightsimulatorgamez.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/buy-flight-simulator-onlinebuy-microsoft-flight-simulator-x-gold-edition-pc-game-online-xhuinpot.jpg
  15. ...don't forget the side-mounted outside toilet! ;-) Classic. Anyway, so we've enjoyed some northern/Yorkshire in-flight humour, plus the southern humour courtesy of Mr Bean; ...then there's those Scottish Air Traffic Controllers......
  16. . I just got home ten minutes ago after driving through wonderful sunny Yorkshire (Yarm to Harrogate to Skipton then onto Lancashire). Anyway, just wanted to post this Brit-flight video....
  17. ...and probably the only flightsim where your co-pilot/instructor actually yells out in fear at the moment of impact. ........ ;-) https://youtu.be/Iqnv1_GUWKg?t=555 WiKi quote... "Flight Unlimited received positive reviews from critics and was a commercial success; its sales exceeded 780,000 copies by 2002. Reviewers lauded its realism, flight instruction, graphics and sense of flight, but some criticized its high system requirements". ;-)
  18. . Regarding memories of the FU series: I liked them all, but FU1 blew my sox off at the time with its adrenaline fuelled flights in the Pitts etc. Circa 1995 it was one of the most advanced flightsim/games at the time...... Enjoy..... Quick link (bypassing intro and flight manual etc) > https://youtu.be/Iqnv1_GUWKg?t=412 Full video
  19. Cheers Christopher. You might also like these GTA scenic flight vids.... Barnstorming fun.-with perhaps the funniest ending to a flight video ever ;-) https://youtu.be/PwCWOPNOtQI?t=697 F16 fun flight..... https://youtu.be/eIKNcqCYvRI?t=387 GTA-5.sightseeing, coastal route..... https://youtu.be/PwCWOPNOtQI?t=191
  20. Ah yes, Flight Unlimited. I loved that series. I remember doing a scenario where you had to fly a patient from an asylum to somewhere..and at some point I think the outer limits theme-tune starts playing part way through the flight. I cant recall the exact details but it was a spooky and unique experience. FU landing.... https://youtu.be/uajE4wv4K64?t=109 GTA-5 'hard knocks' crash landing.......
  21. Like I said, many FSX users enjoy flying in GTA-5's multi level environment. True its not world scale, but personally I'd much rather fly around casually in prop planes and helis in GTA-5 where there is 'life' on the ground as it were. But as you say..its different target markets. Each has its positives...and not everyone wants to drive to the hangar... ;-) https://youtu.be/v0k3hmEVaeY?t=58
  22. I think you'll notice that in the GTA video above, and in the previous two GTA videos I posted, the pilots didn't hit things ..although the guy (above) could well have hit say a wing when turning at the end of the runway if he wasnt careful and looking out. My point being that in FSX you cant do that since the wing will simply slice straight through nearby ghost planes, trucks or fences etc. Hence FSX tends to give us a false sense of reality in as much as wing-tip bumps and knocks while taxiing etc are all but ignored.. Again I'm not knocking MSFS..as I've used it for over 10 years, just pointing out the limitations that we've grown up with. Accidents do happen in real life.btw... https://youtu.be/o30McrW636o?t=17
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