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Everything posted by BrianT

  1. 253 running at the moment and all looks good :)
  2. It's definitely the AM setting and as the others have said the 1st core seems to be the important one. No AM and the detail remains constant and I'm currently trying 253 and that seems to work as well
  3. Thanks for the detailed explanation! The AM was the only "tweak" I had in the config so I'll try the 253 next and see how that goes. Autogen draw is 1 down from Max on mine (V.High)
  4. Thanks I'll give it a try. As I said it's early days and so a bit of experimentation is in order. Currently looking at my cpu usage and core 1 is at 100% with the other 7 at anything from 60% to 100% but more importantly the view out of the window is superb!
  5. Well so far so good, losing the "[JOBSCHEDULER]" section (it only had affinity mask in it anyway) seems to have resolved that issue but now I have the micro stutters. grrrr that I can almost live with. As I said in the OP this sim is all new to me so it's almost like going back to school
  6. Trying that now :) I am running AI (UT Live) forgot to mention that in OP. If Michael's suggestion doesn't fix it I'll drop the AI next and see what happens. I've got the flight saved so I can recreate the same settings each time
  7. I have yes I read somewhere on here for a 4 core with HT on I should set it to 116...... bad advice?
  8. Hi all, be gentle now! I'm new to p3d and the QOTS but have been FSX'ing for what seems like century's. I have an i7 6400 running at 4.5 and 32gb of Memory. Graphics is an MSI 980ti. running 382.53 WHQL Software running is P3dv4 and I have the ORBX suite of Global and LC as well as all the regions. I also have Pilots Global ultimate next gen mesh. Sitting on the tarmac at EGKK all looks good out of the window and as you can see from the first screen shot all looks good from outside as well and I have a reasonable frame rate with no stutters. After about 15 - 20 minutes of flying however the view out of the window becomes less pleasing (2nd screenshot) with the ground detail disappearing altogether by the time I get to EGPH. I did also try this with a flight from KDEN to KLAS and had exactly the same problem If anybody can point me to where my detail is going I'd be grateful TIA Brian
  9. Sorry Ash, that one's beyond my skill level! I've scanned through again and hot fix 4 is the latest unless I've missed something
  10. Jim Young, big thanks for getting the Activity Streams working, the ability to filter content and save it is a real bonus!
  11. Jimm I have made no comment on the sites upgrades good or bad nor have I questioned how they choose to progress. Neither did I say "well that's how X website did it" I merely mentioned that on other forums using the same IPB software this option is available and is it something the team are looking at. "I am sure they are always open to suggestions, but when you start making statements like "well that's how X website did it" or "this is what I have seen elsewhere" in a condescending tone, you have to expect someone would react." you can detect tone in a forum post? Seriously! I now know the answer to my original question is no, and I'll not bother responding further.
  12. I asked a simple question "is this something the team are looking into. a simple No would have sufficed. Jim's response was that I was trying to make the site "Very Very" complicated for all of it's users, and that he has no idea how to do it!. I didn't think for once that Jim was/is the person making the changes but he chose to reply. I find the inference that all the users would find it complicated a little insulting to all the users who probably use the same software on other forums. Not to worry I now understand that asking questions is a touchy subject and I won't bother again. JIMM "but realize that the least you can do is respect the team and what they've provided with" I'm not sure how I disrespected the team. If my comment about asking complicated questions is deemed disrespectful then I apologies but respect is a two way street and digging me out for asking a question is hardly respectful.
  13. I simply asked if it was being looked into. I'm not trying to make anything complicated for anybody. I think more likely you have not understood what I was asking. Not to worry I wont trouble you further with asking complicated questions. sorry to be such a burden.
  14. Thanks for the reply Jim but maybe I did explain myself properly. other forums have the option to create your own stream. on the two screen grabs I attached to the op you can see that there is a tab called "Activity" with a drop down of "My Activity Streams" in there I have one called "Brian New" which has only the topics in it that I am interested in and shows me only unread material since my last visit. This is saved as my default stream and whenever I open the forum all my settings are preserved. The "unread Content" stream that is the default does not save the selected topics when you leave the forum and return. I hope that explains it a little better
  15. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but on other sites using this web software there is an option to save your own activity stream allowing you to select individual topics and therefore filter the list of items in the stream. Is this something the team are looking to add or am I missing something obvious?
  16. Same here just downloaded from FSS and installed all working fine. Thanks Steve
  17. Did this ever make it to the Avsm library? if so what's it called?
  18. OK thanks Mark, new request on it's way. MS sure know how to cause you developer chaps grief!!
  19. Hi all you recently sent me two new keys and they've been working fine. Now today I'm getting view only when I run the app. the only thing that has changed that I'm aware of is the recent win10 update. any ideas?
  20. Thanks Ray that's exactly the sort of information I'm looking for. It's long over due for a wipe and restart so even if I stick with 7 it needs to be done.
  21. Thanks Bernard, I'm good on the hardware front, It's really only the Software for FSX I'm concerned about. I will be doing a clean install though as upgrades tend to leave far too much poop behind!
  22. Thanks Johnman, but unfortunately It's been three years of trying this that and the other and it's borderline broke now and a good clear up/out is what's needed. So now's as good a time as any to make the leap.
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