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Everything posted by KrisJ

  1. Thanks for prompt response Vic!
  2. Hi, Question. If i have Windows on C drive and P3D v3 on other drive and I make Windows reinstall after formatting C drive will i need to: 1. Completly reinstall P3D and all addons? 2. Reinstall just P3D and addons will work? 3. Do nothing and P3D and addons will work as it sould? So its a question about Windows registy impact of P3D v3 installation and of addons for it. An advise will be appreciated! Regards, Kris
  3. I installed final release version and replaced dxgi only (from 0.18 - just checked it) and it works (effects are applied). So its true.
  4. I think it is early 0.19 beta that works for me. But every system is different. Try the last pre-final beta. If it crashes try the previous one and so on untill you get the one that works for you. Its just a matter of changing dxgi dll, you dont need to replace whole package each time.
  5. Kyle, one of the pre-release beta versions of Reshade/ SFX 2.0 works. The only issue i have is that it minimise FSX to desktop each time IT refreshes the effects. It happens more or less once per hour of flight. This is not CTD and i am able to maximise the FSX bacik to full screen easily.
  6. Got it. Is there any thread you can point me to where a discussion is held and maybe a solution described?
  7. Steve, i think SweetFX 2.0 doesnt have injector dll file. It puts some .fx files and dxgi.dll into FSX main directory and SweetFX folder. Unless i am unaware of somerhing?
  8. Hi, i am looking for help. I posted it also on SweetFX forum but maybe you Steve already know the problem and resolution? Basicaly the question is: is will SweetFX work with Fixer (v11)? So far i have been using succesfully SFX 1.5 + FlightFX. No issues and great visual experience. Now i decided to move to SFX 2.0 and i cannot start FSX up. It crashes few seconds after launching fsx.exe. My system: W7 64bit, GeForce GTX970, FSX Acceleration, DX10 mode, Steve's DX10 Fixer, nVidia inspector. Any advise how to fix it would be highly appreciated. Kind regards, Kris
  9. Hi, i am looking for help. So far i have been using succesfully SFX 1.5 + FlightFX. No issues and great visual experience. Now i decided to move to SFX 2.0 and i cannot start FSX up. It crashes few seconds after launching fsx.exe. I tried both d9 dll and dxgi one. I deleted App data/Roaming/Microsoft/FSX folder and recreated it. I run fsx.exe in admin mode. Nothing helps. My system: W7 64bit, GTX970, FSX Acceleration, DX10 mode, Steve's DX10 Fixer, nVidia inspector. Any advise how to fix it would be highly appreciated. Kind regards, Kris
  10. Hi, since switching to DX10 my WOAI aircraft are sometimes invisible. I can only see their lights (nav, beacon, strobe, landing). This happenes randomly. But when happenes they do not appear theough entire game sesssion. It makes me thinking about switching to some commercial traffic addons as i wont come back to DX9 anymore since i have Steve's fixer. However any help will be appreciated. Rgdrs, K
  11. Thanks mjr. What you say probably refers to my Tu134 problem. As in case of Il18 i can see from various screenshots in the web that glass transparency issue can be solved. And I guess that is a matter of proper texture file conversion. The question is which ones? Or maybe the solution is different?
  12. Steve, I read the thread. It is said there to create an Alpha template and save it as a DXT5.bmp. But I cannot locate which texture file should be converted (Yes, the windshield one but cannot see it anywhere in the texture folder). Can you point me to the right ones? Legacy settings: all ticked What do you mean by diagnostic? The Diagnostic says that: - Legacy A/C self shadow is set - Legacy A/C Force shadow is set - 8bit fix is on - HD shadows is set. In the Legacy section the reflections are enabled.
  13. Steve, it did not help... See linked image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_GJOP5eUxOSdkJWYVREcTJ0MjA/view?usp=sharing Any idea why?
  14. Och.. Sad. Anyway, thanks Steve. BTW, with Il-18 portover I am also having an issue but different: cockpit windows are not transparent. Like they were painted solid grey. Do you know how to fix it it? Best regards, Kris
  15. Hi, I am having very strange problem. See screenshot attached . My SCS Tu134's VC (this is FSX portover version) turns into this graphical mess regularly. It happens only in Full View. The only way to get rid of that is to move mouse coursor onto the Menu Bar on the top of the screen or pressing Print Screen button. Yes, strange. Funny thing is that PrintScreening does not capture the view of the issue. I have FSX Acceleration, DX10 with Steve's Fixer and SweetFX. Removing SweetFX doesnt help. Fixer is 8x CSAA. Nvidia Inspector is 4x SGSS. All as per guides. PCs specs: i7 4770k, GeForce 970 Strix, Win 7 x64. Help will be very much appreciated. Regards, Kris The screenshot: https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing
  16. Unfortunatelly, it is not SweetFX. The same issue with fully removed SweetFX... :( Any other ideas? Kris
  17. By Scroll Lock. I will remove all the files and folders and see if it helps. Thanks for advice. Kris
  18. Hi, I am having very strange problem. See screenshot attached . My SCS Tu134's VC (this is FSX portover version) turns into this graphical mess regularly. It happens only in Full View. The only way to get rid of that is to move mouse coursor onto the Menu Bar on the top of the screen. Yes, strange. The PrintScreening does not capture it. It captures regular, proper VC view. I have FSX Acceleration, DX10 with Steve's Fixer and SweetFX. Disabling SweetFX doesnt help. Fixer is 8x CSAA. Nvidia Inspector is 4x SGSS. All as per guides. PCs specs: i7 4770k, GeForce 970 Strix, Win 7 x64. Help will be very appreciated. Regards, Kris The screenshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_GJOP5eUxOSRUhYZVF4NEFEa3c/view?usp=sharing
  19. Hi everyone, Just quick question: is SweerFX by default always enabled in FSX or I need to always enabling it via Scroll Lock key after starting a flight? Best regards, Kris
  20. Folks, anybody tested FS2Crew (777 for instance) and FSPassengers with FSX:SE?
  21. Thanks. Thomas' DC-3 is the one i meant. The MAAMSIM one is FS9 native (or even 2002 native?) and is probably 10+ years old now. The CLS v2. I doubt if its going to be "complex systems" edition. They specialize in so called Lite models. I belive they are working on new texturing only. Years ago there was a project on pro DC-10 model under X-Simulations brand. The screenshots of VC were incredible but their site and forum exist no more.
  22. This is the biggest gap in FSX in terms of good quality, complex system aircraft addons, in my opinion of course. There is a nice freeware DC-3 available in the web but it is modern avionics only. While there are many addons of the same airplane developed by different developers, these two are being constantly forgotten. Anybody heard any rummors if its going to change?
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