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About oscarduran10

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  1. Man i wish we had fsx dx9 water in p3d. Is ridiculous tht fsx is more realistic than a 64bit 2019 simulator i think we need to pressure lockheed to give us fsx water im tired of flying on this fake water
  2. Yes in a default fsx i still dont get no where close to 300 fps no nvidia settings changed nothing. Everything stock. This is weird
  3. Can i even ask how you were able to get 200 to 300 fps on a vanilla fsx? The highest i get on the default ultralight at friday harbor after a new installation is 130fps possibly 150. Im trying to see how you can 200 or 300 cuz that would mean theres something highly wrong with my computer then. I have a i7 4790k and gtx 970 so i dont have a weak system
  4. I have my 4790k running at 4ghz all the time i disabled speedstep and checked the performance tab in windows. But even though its at 4ghz i dont feel like im getting all the speed. Youtube is laggy and other sites as well their not smooth like their suppose to be. For example their not smooth like the computers at best buy and those computers have weaker cpus. The only thing ive noticed is that right after an intense gaming session i go to the internet and everything is fluid, then after a couple minutes it starts slowing down and becoming laggy again. I feel like it should be fluid all the time with a cpu like mine
  5. maybe but p3d is the same too, i actually experienced my first no video on my monitor today. Until i restarted it so idk wat it could be
  6. I have a gtx 780 and a brand new 970 and it happens with both. Unless i got two faulty cards i fee like its the processor that cant send them the frames fast enough?. i got a 4790k by the way
  7. I have tried it in different motherboards, i have tried my two graphics cards. The two graphics all act the same in fsx. Spikes and artifacts when panning. Everytime windows gets demanding or i try to play games the heatsinks go full speed. I have tried two heat sinks. The stock and a h80i. I did memtest and no memory errors. Only thing that is down too now is cpu or power supply. Any opinions?
  8. so i ran it for 20 minutes now and it tops out at 88/89C but only from 3.6ghz-3.8ghz it doesnt go up to the full 4.4ghz. Im thinking if its at 90C at 3.8 full load i dont think this thingcan actually do 4.4, i dont know nothing about computers tho i feel like it is this cpu tho
  9. ight so wats the max temp im looking for like howdo i know if its fried and which setting on prime should i do? Small ffts, in-place large ffts, or blend?
  10. Yes i did uninstall all drivers before installing the gtx 970 and the shader cache i havent cuz that wont make a difference ill try it though. I got a h80i gt. For some reason i got a feeling that the cpu is damaged already though
  11. ill try the dx 10, the other thing is that i got the cpu 1 year ago and throughout the whole year i have been messing with it overclocking and stuff, couple times it overheated. Im thinking it might be damaged. Even tho it passes the intel test can it still be damaged?
  12. So i got a brand new gtx 970 and i still got the same problems if you read my last post. So i guess at this point the graphics card is not the problem. At this point i just wana know if any of u actually have a smooth gameplay in fsx like steady fps wether its 25 or 30. Or do your fps fluctuate All the time? Im starting to think its my cpu or power supply
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