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About charliearon

  • Birthday 02/18/1949

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    KSFO (Not the radio staion)
  • Interests
    FSX S.F. Giants/Niners

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About Me

  • About Me
    Work? There ain't no such thing. Everyday is vacation day.
    Coffee breaks when I want! Happy Hour-Hourly!

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  1. Still 👎 The landing and taxi lights are part of the model. You may have to substitute the spotlight.bmp in the texture folder of FSX.
  2. Sorry, screenshots are a no-show!
  3. Sometimes faster than light! 🤣
  4. OK, I verified the subscribe/unsubscribe system is working for Newsletters and file library updates. Sent you a PM! Your registration emails shows no subscriptions!
  5. That'll work, Mike!
  6. It happens all of the time to me! Just have to strike another match to relight! 😉
  7. Dig up Spock, McCoy, and Scotty! Put them in uniform and have at it! 🖖
  8. So when you click on "Unsubscribe" you are not getting this next screen I tried it, put in my email addy and clicked continue and it came back and said I was not subscribed to anything, since I never did subscribe. Are you also signed into the Library when you try it. Remember...it's a separate login.
  9. John Luck Pickard? Jean Luc...we, we monsewer!
  10. Uh.....How many years ago were you 67, Bill?? 🤔🤨
  11. Better yet, was the balloon in the spokes that sounded like a motorcycle engine! 😉
  12. The site not only checks for bad words but also any url links!
  13. charliearon


    C'mon, Martin...fish have sex and poop in that sea! Ewww! 🤮
  14. OK, your new post is the only one showing!
  15. Unfortunately, every day! Especially among us older farts who should know better.
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