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  1. Hi all Is there any solution for this? https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/1292940_748189748647229_3515580043503040581_o.jpg P3D (any version), Thanks, Santiago V.
  2. First: "Climb/Descend to..." clearance on a SID/STAR DOESN´T mean an unrestricted climb/descend clearance. It ONLY indicates the maximum/minimum level that you were cleared to. So, you MUST comply with the chart vertical profile restrictions UNLESS ATC uses the phrase "Climb/Descend unrestricted to..." or "Climb/Descend without restrictions until..." or "No altitude/level restrictions until...". Second: The same happens with the speed. You MUST comply at all times with speed restrictions UNLESS ATC uses the phrase "NO speed restrictions" or "NO speed restrictions until...". Regards :wink: Santiago Villacorta Franchini
  3. Hi Anyone know how to fix this visual problem? P3D 2.5 http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10572051_633479236784948_8002583016868545933_o.jpg Check pax & cockpit windows https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10353451_633483210117884_91860837901188394_o.jpg Regards Santiago
  4. Please don´t forget updating the SP1D FUEL & ANTI ICE CAUTION LIGHTs indicators. Regards Santiago
  5. The topic started by Joe is very specific & clear. It's a good question and no one answered as it should. I would also like to know the correct procedure! Any RW pilot over there? Regards Santiago
  6. Something I forgot, now about the tail strobe light. There is no tail strobe light on the aircraft, but the effect over the ground is visible... Any idea? Thanks Santiago Villacorta
  7. Thank you Ian, but this effect doesn´t happen with the other variants. Regards Santiago Villacorta
  8. What are those circles outside the navigation lights? https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10984519_622487631217442_8089801706332057095_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/11046826_622487651217440_8046068249413947250_o.jpg Thanks Santiago Villacorta
  9. Kevin You are completely Right! That´s the point. After takeoff the aircraft is not maintaining a proper trimming position as Kevin and I stated above. I say again, this problem is not happening with other NG variants. All flight I do are planned accordly with real world procedures. Probably the FMC takeoff trim calculation might not be accurate, just saying. Try all ZF weights. Ex: 51.4 Kgs. About descent pitch & rate of desc here is a screenshot: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10900094_594527654013440_6316890047133082797_o.jpg Thanks Kevin! Santiago
  10. Billy, Once airbone, try to put the yoke to Neutral position. Do not apply elevators nose-up. You wil experience a nose down behavior. Try with -600 & -800 series it works fine. Santiago
  11. Thanks Kyle for answering. 1.- If you use the FMS T/O page trim value as I do with other versions, it seems that the -700 nedds more trimming settings after airbone. Try to put that value for T/O and you will see what I´m talking about. Porbably the FMS values on the -700 is not correctly modeled. 2.- 3.- No. I´m not using DX10 preview or other texture mods. No FSUIPC module is installed. the problem is only with the -700. Someone else has these problems? Santiago
  12. Some little details/bugs I have noticed when flying this bird: 1.- Trim settings are too low for T/O. Ex: FMC value gives a T/O trim of 4.5, when the aircraft really needs more than 5.0 or 5.5. This is not happening with other versions. 2.- Extremely hard rate of descent & pitch down (4000 feet per min or more & 5° or 6° nose down). Inclusive with max load. 3.- Left Retractable Landing Light contour textures flashing (day and night) Probably these Items could be fixed in SP2. Thanks Santiago
  13. Dear PMDG team, Why my B77x download URL expired before reaching the 365 days.. any idea? Thanks Santiago
  14. I was disappointed when reading about the plans for NGX SP2... Would have been better to have fully completed the NGX software first. I hope the team can reconsider that... The Wx Radar is a must have addon. Regards Santiago
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