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Everything posted by KNOSSOS

  1. Hi! PTA works with several files in [Prepar3D directory]\ShadersHLSL directory. Making a copy of entire [Prepar3D directory]\ShadersHLSL directory (with subdirectories) will be enough. Regards,
  2. Yes. I hope this issue fixed in new beta of PTA: http://www.avsim.com/topic/489018-prepar3d-tweak-assistant-pta/page-30#entry3487948 Regards,
  3. Hi all! New beta PTA 1.61 available here. http://1coder.ru/PTA/distr/PTA_161beta.zip (Sort of bug fixes). 1. Rayleigh scattering tweak a bit more precisely on the horizon. 2. "Terrain haze" renamed to "Haze" and apply now not only to terrain. (Hope issues with autogen with thick haze solved.) 3. Seasons removed from "Haze" tweak (because allowed only for terrain). To install just replace old PTA.exe with new from archive and apply your preset.
  4. I'm trying to find optimal balance to invest time to a free tool that based on constantly changing sim. LOL :smile:
  5. Perhaps, tool needs UI redesign to allow espressions in all tweaks. Thank you, Wills, for suggestions! Kind regards,
  6. Hello, Wills! Your feature request pretty specific to add new separate tweak. You can solve the task by manual editing shader \PostProcess\HDR.hlsl. After PTA preset applying find string bloom *= BloomMagnitude; and replace it with string bloom *= BloomMagnitude * 5 * (1 - cb_mLights[SUN_LIGHT].mDiffuse.g); and 5 please adjust to your needs. (Save the file and clear shaders cache). Also today I upload new minor release of PTA (1.6) with ability to use expressions with shared shaders variables as a post-process parameter. Maybe you also will find it useful http://1coder.ru/PTA/releases.html
  7. If you want manually restore shaders from backup: Before P3D upgrade copy shaders from [Your PTA Folder]\SHADERS_BACKUP to [PREPAR Folder]\ShadersHLSL inc. subfolders. And as Rich wrote above, after upgrading sim, it's good idea to make copy of entire [PREPAR Folder]\ShadersHLSL directory for future. Hi, Garrett! In PTA 1.5 old tweak (left-most column) redesigned. Try new tweak with default parameters as a start point. Or you can switch to alternate version (right columb) which now support seasons. Also in PTA 1.5 both (scattering and haze) tweaks can be applied simultaneously.
  8. No problem, Carsten Already available on the site. (Not testing so much, but hope everything will be OK, Bro ) Please read upgrade procedure here http://1coder.ru/PTA/releases.html Best regards,
  9. Thank you for the kind words, Mike, really appreciated! Does this beam appear without PTA with this aircraft?
  10. Hello! If you have original shader files \PostProcess\HDR.hlsl and PostProcess\FXAAResolve.hlsl put them into C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\PTA\SHADERS_BACKUP\ directory. Or restore original shaders file to sim, delete all files from C:\Users\Ron\Desktop\PTA\ dir and reinstall PTA from distribution archive. Hope it helps.
  11. Most important thing is sky texture. Try another balanced textures (for expample, custom free set from Navid - http://www.navidh.se/repaint.html is amazing or REX sky). If problem remains, use "Reduce cloud brightess at dawn and dusk" tweak in PTA.
  12. Hi! Is it picture with PTA preset applied? Does the cloud brightness remain the same without PTA (with default P3D shaders)?
  13. Hi, Gerard, I don't have solution for such tweak (IMO default P3D reflection is very realistic). Regards,
  14. Update for PTA 1.5 uploaded to site. Fixed bug: wrong color at dawn/dusk with "Atmospheric scattering" tweak enabled. To install just replace old PTA.exe with new from distribution archive and apply your preset. Sorry for inconvenience.
  15. Thanks, Predrag! Unfortunately, Ambient light from GemFX is too complex. It uses special textures from GemFX/Textures/* that can't be loaded without modification of core Prepar3D code. I have no ideas how to load them. Shaders are just part of rendering engine.
  16. This happens because of "Cloud size algorithm" option in REX. You can set default value for this option and then use "Cloud size coefficients" tweak that make the same adjustment.
  17. Hi, Gerard! To make haze slightly blueish slightly increase Blue parameter (for both variants of tweaks) Seasons checkbox works only when tweak "Enable terrain haze" checked. It is not a separate tweak, but parameter for haze tweak. My bad, wrong hint when mouse over seasons checkbox. No tweak for waves size. Enable Rayleigh... and Density depends... are both checked by default because it is default parameter for new tweak, not present in old ini. Just uncheck it and state will save. Upd.: I remove hint from "Season" checkbox and and upload new zip on the site. You can replace exe file. Thanks for heads up. Regards,
  18. No, Gerard, tweaks don't affect the fog color. But when fog is not dense, scattering color mix with it. Thick fog will completely overlap haze effect. If you've done complete uninstall instead of steps listed above, pls install PTA from scratch as described on site. PTA is standalone portable app, you don't need special installer. Please make sure that you have original P3D shaders before installaton.
  19. Hello folks! PTA ver. 1.5 released today. http://1coder.ru/PTA/index.html Release notes: 1. Now custom shaders (post-processing) don't need to be assigned to cameras and will apply to all views. (Increase usability and performance of post-processing.) 2. In addition to effect-specific parameters each post-effect shader has new parameter "DayNightUse". The value of this parameter specifies when post-process will be active. DayNightUse = 0 - post-effect will work all the time; 1 - active only at daylight; 2 - night; 3 - twilight; 4 - day and twilight; 5 - night and twilight. 3. All post-processing effects (ex- custom shaders) now grouped in a new tweak "Use post-processing" on "HDR & Post-processing" page. Please read ch.2 "Post-processing" in help contents or on the main page for detail information. 4. Cloud tweak "Blend distance adjustment" removed from tool. 5. Terrain haze tweak for VFR flights redesigned and renamed to "Atmospheric scattering". 6. Alternate terrain haze tweak (for IFR) now has option to make it depending on seasons. Maximum values for parameters increased. How to upgrade from previous PTA versions: All presets from previous versions are compatible with version 1.5. IMPORTANT!!! If you used custom shaders in presets, you SHOULD first uninstall them from sim by menu command "Actions" - Uninstall custom shaders from sim" in your current version of the tool. Only after that delete old PTA.exe (PTA_33.exe/PTA_32.exe/PTA_31.exe) from PTA directory and unzip PTA.exe from new distribution archive. Also please note that because of the different mechanism for post processing handling, you cannot use PTA 1.5 and previous versions of tool together.
  20. I looked at Ambient light shader code from GemFX. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use it in PTA.
  21. Hi! Do you run PTA as administrator? Also this situation may occurs when you just install Prepar3D, but not reboot PC yet. Try to reboot PC. Hope it helps
  22. If you use HDR, try to adjust TONEMAP_NIGHT_EXPOSURE_KEY in prepar3d.cfg in PTA there are some tweaks for clouds and terrain also: Regards,
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