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  1. I had no performance drop at all. As i said it doesnt look realistic, but better than nothing, i know, from other addons, that a good looking rain effect would take alot of FPS. But i am not sure this did for me, (at least not enough for me to look at the fps counter, aka i didnt realize it at all, seriously). They should add it as an effect you can take on and off in the configurator
  2. SO today on IVAO i flew a nice route from EDDL to EDDM, THEN! At EDDM the weather turned out to be sh*t, and it started to rain, then this happened: https://gyazo.com/0f5045ac994a43f83071ae1be849d22d (dont asked why i parked the plane at the cargo area...) I had no idea that JS41 had windshield raindrop effects, and even it doesn't look very realistic, then its still better than nothing, and this plane just went far up my list of favorit planes .
  3. When i do quick rudder movement/casting, my game drops from 25-35 fps to 8-12. ONLY when i move my yoke. Here is gif were i move my rudders compared to when i dont. You can see the fps counter either in the top left corner (default fsx fps counter). The first part of the gif i dont move the yoke, the last part i move all my rudders at once (it really ######s up everything): https://gyazo.com/1c269b5895aba35e6ac2f09f1ef554e3 Please help ;-;. Best regards: ´Tor Edit: i have tried all the different types of 737s, they all do it Even more edits: Just found out it does the same on the 777, its does not do it on any other aircrafts, nor the JS41. These are my specs: I7 4720HQ GTX 980M 8GB 1600 MHz ram FSX installed on SSD All drivers are up to date, including BIOS and chipset, everything...
  4. hmm yeah ok. I know there is those little "tricks" you can do it, but last time i tried in on steam edition (long time ago though) the IAS didnt work (not because thats so important) and the gane seemed to crash pretty often. I am just gonna try again... EDIT: yeah ok, it seems to "work" now, however i dont remember all the features of the JS41 and what should/shouldn't work so i am not sure if there is some things that doesnt work, my autopilot is a bit weird. But disregardless of that, thats not why i posted this, otherwise i would have simply just followed some other guide here from avsim. I posted this still because i wanted to know the status on the JS41, and i know they arent giving up on it..
  5. I am wondering, when is the JS41 coming out for fsx steam edition? The reason i ask is because on PMDG's website it says in february, was that february 2015/2016, or is it february 2017? I have been waiting so long for JS41 steam edition, i am literally everyday searching for "JS41 steam edition" in hope of finding a new status update on that plane. Yes i know that converting the 777 took more time than expected, and then the development on 747v2 got in the way, same with DC-6, but you've actually been saying in an update back in early 2015 that it just awaits testing, and then you've said this in march 2015: "Pending Updates for the J41: Beta testing the J41 has taken a back seat to the changes we needed to make to the NGX and 777, but will resume shortly. Unlike the NGX and 777, the J41 isn't getting a significant code update, so it is a much simpler test process for us- as it primarily is just an installation validation process. We hope to have that released to you soon as well!" [sOURCE] PMDG i know that "resume shortly" possibly means 2 years to your ears, and that you dont like giving a release date for anything, that's not what i am asking, isn't it possible for you soon to give us a status update on, maybe how the 2 year beta testing is going?? You know what i mean... I am tired of hightech 737 planes and triple-7s (not that i dont like them, they are absolutely great, i am just kinda missing something else to fly at the moment). Plus i read the 400 pages FCOM that you guys made (absolutely awesome FCOM btw.) just to find out that i couldn't play it on fsx steam edition xD. I hope you guys hear what i am saying, i simply want a status update, not a realease date, and i wouldn't care less if you say the same as you said in the other updates . However "primarily just an installation validation process" honestly doesn't sound like a whole lot of work (but what do i know ​) Best regards: Tor Jakobsen
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