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Everything posted by BluesmanEP

  1. Thanks for the info... I'll try the unload/reload to assist with building 3D cockpits. The .ini file seems to be intermittent. I'll see if I can find more details.
  2. Hey Jean-Luc, I'm having a small issue when installing 2 GNS530 units as NAV/COM1 and NAV/COM2. It seems that the 'master' status isn't read properly. The .ini file has unit the first unit as the master, but when I load the plane, neither unit has the master box checked. Also, when changing the 'crossfill' setting, you need to re-boot the unit. I assume that will read the .ini file fresh during the boot-up. Would it be possible to have the reboot option available all the time? It would make fitting the RXP units into a 3D cockpit soooooo much easier, as you wouldn't have to restart the sim / reload the plane when positioning the window. You could just re-boot the GNS....
  3. I have not found a way to intercept a click on the screen. I have 3 keyboard commands setup: one to popup the default XP GNS unit one to popup the RXP GNS one to popup the RXP GTN I was surprised to see that both the default and the RXP commands will popup the RPX. That's all.
  4. However, there's an interesting aside. If you setup the RXP GNS and delete the standard XP GNS screen in planemaker, you can use the default XP command to popup the GXP screen. Meaning, when you've removed the GNS530 screen object, both the RXP command, and the XP (sim/GPS/g430n1_popup) will open the RXP 2D popup. Unexpected, but kinda nice
  5. Adding the missing folder manually solved my problems also. Thanks for the update!!!!
  6. Hi Jean-Luc I had played around with my NVIDIA settings a long time ago, but have since replaced my graphics card. Now I'm running a GTX1080 using version 378.49 of the NVIDIA driver. I looked at my NVIDIA settings and don't see anything out of the ordinary. Threaded optimization has been set to auto. I set threaded optimization to 'OFF' and started XP, using the same .ini file (minus the debug line), that I'd been using. I still get an instant crash to desktop. I'd be happy to adjust settings to help you troubleshoot. I don't see an easy way to export my settings, so you can see the whole picture... any ideas?
  7. I'm confused. Are you saying that the error happens all the time, or just when there is no debug line? If it's all the time, why would the debug line prevent a crash? I'll leave the debug in, and keep flying. Keeping my fingers crossed that something can be figured out. Thanks!
  8. Haha, got it. Sorry, I misunderstood your post about where to edit the file. I'm starting up the sim now, will post the log file shortly. Ok, this is strange.... When I add the debug line, the sim doesn't crash. I can load the plane, fly it, use the GTN, no problems at all. When I remove the debug line, I get a crash every time. I tried it 4 times, (2 with the debug, and 2 without it). I looked at the debug files that were generated, but they're basically blank. Just a timestamp, and version of the dll. Thoughts??
  9. my .ini file doesn't have that section you mentioned. Here's the file:
  10. Hey Jean-Luc The problem is that I don't ever get an .ini file in the aircraft folder. If I copy one from another plane I get an immediate crash on startup. If I delete the .ini file and try to create a new one (using the menu), I get a crash when pushing the button, and the .ini file isn't created....
  11. Yeah, I also get a crash when trying to use the GTN in the default C172... :(
  12. it's not here. No file called 'crash_log' or anything like it.
  13. Hi Jean-Luc, I removed all plugins (except the basic ones) and launched the Arrow III. There was no .ini file in the aircraft folder when I launched the sim. The sim loaded perfectly well, and I was able to move around the cockpit. When I clicked 'GTN 750' from the plugin menu, I got an instant sim crash. Here is that log file - interesting that the log doesn't show the crash as caused by RXP, but it happened exactly as I clicked the menu button for the GTN, so they've got to be related. Could it be an issue with the scenery? I didn't remove all of my custom scenery. Let me know what else you'd like me to try... Thanks! If I copy over the .ini file I had for another aircraft (the Carenado Archer II), created using the most current version of the GTN software, I get an instant crash during the sim loading. I don't even get to the first menu - 'start flight', 'resume flight' etc. Here's that log file also: If it helps, here's the .ini file that the Carenado plane created.
  14. Well today I'm having no luck. I've been trying (and trying) to get the vFlyteAir Arrow III working with the GTN 750. It seems to make no difference if I start with an .ini file in the aircraft folder, or if I delete it and trigger the plugin to make one. I've even tried copying a .ini file from another aircraft over to the Arrow folder. (The other .ini was created last night, with the same version of the GTN plugin). I'll attach the relevant logs. Let me know what I can do to help troubleshoot. ....Can't seem to attach a file. Here's the log inline (sorry!)
  15. I was getting a crash when loading an aircraft (any aircraft) that already had a .ini file from a previous installation of the plugin. If I deleted the .ini file in the aircraft folder, I was able to load perfectly, and open a new GTN window by selecting from the menu. ...Don't have any logs or anything because it's all working fine now. Hope that helps.
  16. How do you install a second copy of this plane into the X-Plane 11 folder? When I unzip and run the installer, it tries to repair / update my XP10 installation, and I don't have the option to install a new copy. Thanks! -edit- The other thread says to just copy the XP10 folder to XP11, but others are saying that this causes problems. Just wondered how everyone had done it? Thanks!
  17. I agree!! I've had the GTN750 for a few months now, and I think it's by far the best add-on for XP! I'm impressed with the functionality (of course) but the interaction between RXP and the customers is great! Would be good for other developers to emulate Really looking forward to getting it running in XP11 on my 7" external touchscreen. Thanks!
  18. Wow. I just bought this a few days ago, and already several updates. Nice work!!
  19. Thanks for the RegEdit tip! It worked great! Now I just wish all developers would include that information in their plugins. Many have blank spaces in those fields. Thanks again
  20. Hi RXP, Thanks for the update - charts and everything are working perfectly! I was looking for the version number in the details view of the .xpl file, and don't see anything. Here's a screenshot. I'm using the most current version of windows 10 if that matters. It also wasn't clear to me that the version number in the e-commerce installer is the version you currently have installed. I thought it was showing the version that is going to be installed Thanks!!
  21. I was also unable to get the update automatically. I had to reinstall using the original installer. I actually bought the plugin today, so I had several installs, and I got a warning about licence activation. Everything seems to be working correctly, so maybe I wasn't actually out of installs. Is there a way to see what version of the plugin is installed? I haven't been able to find anything in-sim (Garmin trainer version, but not the X-plane plugin version). Thanks, I'm really looking forward to using this!!
  22. A toggle macro in the LUA menu might be all that's needed. Thanks! Is there a benefit to using the script with NOAA disabled and manually set weather? If not then a script-wide toggle might be perfect. If so, I would be very interested in being able to run the script over manual weather, not just NOAA. Thanks!
  23. Is there an easy way to toggle this script on and off? I temporarily disabled NOAA weather (wanted to fly CAVOK), but every time I change the weather settings in the XP menu, they're automatically put back to the real-world weather. All the tabs in the weather menu seem to be disabled also. Most of the time, I LOVE this addon, but sometimes I'd still like to be able to set my own weather. Is this possible? Thanks!
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