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About Harrier77

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    Rugby, UK

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  1. Hi Nico, thank you for your work to try to solve the problem. I have little hope that the data provider will fix this, so it looks like the RT update is not going to provide the service we expected. With this news I do not expect that I will renew my license when the time comes, such a shame.
  2. I have noticed this issue too. Luckily I managed to save a copy of the airports archive from yesterday morning before I ran PSXT today, which I have put back into the airports folder so that I have a good working PSXT today until Nico finds and fixes the issue.
  3. Thank you for looking into this as I too was expecting an improvement in the qf values after the RT update, but I am not seeing this at the airports I regularly visit.
  4. The coverage is good, but the live aircraft often disappear whilst taxiing or when stopped, then re-appear, and they often jump some distance on the taxiways instead of a smooth taxi. This is what my comment referred to.
  5. I am not seeing much improvement I must say. Airports like LFMN and VHHH are not improved, there is still poor ground coverage at these airports. I will also wait for Nico to get back from his vacation and look at the airport files and the data stream before I make a full judgement. Also, I have had an email reply from Balthasar about a forum, this is what he had to say "I'm also taking the feedback on board to create a forum for RT. Looking into options at the moment.".
  6. Well said. This is exactly the point I have being trying to make. Hopefully there will be a forum for RT, either on it's own or within this PSXT forum, with Balthasar taking part. As AeroMaster12 says, PSXT and RT are dependent on each other so maybe RT discussions can take place in this forum?
  7. Yep, seen it. My sub renews in 6 days, so I will check out several airports in the next few days to see how much things have improved before I commit.
  8. Hi Nico, I believe that RT users have been very patient. The drop in data quality and quantity occurred in September 2023, it's now 8 months since then with no resolution. The main point of the post is about communication. As subscribers to a service the least RT users should expect is regular updates from the data provider, especially if the service has deteriorated. RT subscribers do not get any updates, we are left in the dark. If Balthasar does not want a forum for RT (which would be a good solution), then regular email updates to his subscribers should be the minimum expected from him. With all respect to you, saying "Balthasar is working on a solution" and "enjoy the airports that are well covered" is not good enough, particularly as the message has not changed in many months. RT subscribers need to hear from Balthasar directly, please. In addition, we need to have some clear indication of when a solution will be in place so that we can make an informed decision about whether to continue to subscribe or not. I am not being confrontational here, I am merely expressing my disappointment with the RT service and Balthasar's customer relations. Peter
  9. It would be good to get something from RT on what is happening with the data streams, the silence over many months is deafening.
  10. I agree completely, Balthazar needs to start to communicate with his customers so that we know the state of play for RT.
  11. Same for me too at the moment. There is definitely something up.
  12. Hi Pierre, I have clouds at Ultra in MSFS settings and decrease cloud quality ticked in Experts Settings. This works well for me giving me Ultra clouds most of the time with the occasional drop to High in dense areas. Peter
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