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    Double bass player
  1. Hey, mine is not working too - I think there is some problem with HiFi servers
  2. Dear Robert, I had migration tool installed so I removed it, then removed PMDG, all folders, etc. and made a reinstallation (of both - 737 and 777), I made shure that OC is updated, however problem still occures.
  3. Hello, after update of Boeing 777 I'm missing menus in PMDG operations center, both for 737 as well for 777. I'm owning versions for P3D only (I'm using v2.5), however it says that I have 737 for FSX and no 777 installed. I made full reinstalation but it didn't help. I'll be grateful for support.
  4. That's right. I'm posting screen from my viewer (it's in Polish but sequence of marking remains the same) : Kod wyjątku = Exception code Indentyfikator kodu powodującego błąd = Faulting code ID Ścieżka moduł powodującego błąd = faulting module path
  5. I have one problem with this beauty - during final approach or taxiing after landing or even after quitting, my Prepar3D is crashing, with abnormal code 0xc000041d and faulting module "unknown". I'm focusing on 777 because I have it only with this aircraft. It's not a VAS problem because I was monitoring VAS all the time and it was ok. My specs are Win7 Home Premium (it have 3 days, freshly reinstalled), IntelCore i5, GeForceGTX760, 16GB RAM and Prepar3D v 2.5 Did you maybe meet similar problem or know how to solve it? I'll be grateful for help. Marek Romanowski.
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