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  1. Here's a question I've always had with this. I'm not trying to be critical its an honest question. Why can some companies develop add-ons and sell licenses for those add-ons that work for both products, EX, Carenado. I can buy a Carenado aircraft and legally install it in either P3D and/or FSX for one price. Yet PMDG has to have two separate licenses for two different prices. Again, not criticizing at all, its an honest question.
  2. I'm no expert but it looks pretty flexed to me.
  3. Your loss, AS16+ASCA is amazing. But just to play devils advocate, following your logic why did you buy a PMDG product since their policy is almost identical? Or is it purely selective outrage?
  4. My credit card is ready!!!! The Queens will have a nice home in the hanger with my NGXs and T7s!!
  5. I hope so! P3D prices are a bit spendy as is, I'd hate to have to buy them a second time. I could see a modest upgrade price for existing customers from P3D 3.xx to 4.xx versions.
  6. So.......how does one get added to this "beta team" I keep hearing about! LOL J/K, I'm a nobody in the simming world, I'd never get picked even if it was open to applications...LOL
  7. Why not both!! LOL Seriously though, it really comes down to what you want, the 777 is an amazing add-on and I'm loving every second of it. Personally I plan on hitting the "Buy now" button as soon as the 747 is released and adding that to my hanger as well. When it comes to PMDG you cant go wrong. I have the NGX, 777 and DC6 and love all three!
  8. Also at least skimming the manual helps. This is a study sim and the manual is a must.
  9. That was fast! Thanks!
  10. Probably dumb questions but I couldn't find it addressed in anything so forgive my ignorance but is the Cloudmaster compatible with the Steam version of X-Plane? And does it use the same operations center as the 777/NGX? -Patrick Kazmierczak
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