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About Zatoichi

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  1. Or request wx update as soon as P3D loads your flight plan and before you click START?
  2. Anyone use or have opinions about PF3? Anything I should know?
  3. XML error This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <OFP> <fetch> <userid/> <static_id/> <status>Error: Unknown UserID</status> <time>0</time> </fetch> </OFP>
  4. FSHud returns "failed to retrieve simbrief data." I tried this link - https://www.simbrief.com/api/xml.fetcher.php?username= and get an xml error. FSHud support provided the link. My data - ClimbingSeating328 885354 What am I doing incorrectly? Any help appreciated.
  5. Does TFDi tell people when an update is available?
  6. Looks great. I pray the update is affordable for me as I love Pilot2ATC. Tongue in cheek - rename it Pilot3ATC
  7. V6 here. Just flew KONT - KLAS. Everything worked? No issues whatsoever. All the proper callouts & warnings. It picked up ILS, VNAV, whatever I tried...worked.
  8. My next, "d'oh" question: where are the manuals?
  9. V6 here. The update is appreciated. One query of the stupid variety. How to engage the autopilot? I successfully entered all necessary data, but for the life of me could not get it to engage. The yoke was free, ALT was yoke only and IAS by my hand. 'Z' in game to engage seemingly did nothing, never heard a chime when I thought I was disengaging.
  10. Where does one obtain the update? I cannot find it on tfdi's site.
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