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About leprechaunlive

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  1. An AI to complete the game for you? Possibly the worst idea ive heard in a while.
  2. Maybe, just maybe....they want an A340? Have you thought about that?
  3. Not sure i care about what you say much, but thanks for reminding me of the name Flight1, havent heard that in years 😄
  4. Avsim at its finest....no wonder nearly every dev ignores this place lol
  5. Also, SI actually DONT have your bank details. Do you think theres a guy at SI looking up bank infos and setting thousands of wire transfer the 1st day of every month? i doubt they built their own custom in house recurring payment system from scratch, they are most likely using a service from another company, like shopify, visa, or whatever. Also bis, im failry sure they dont have a link to the avsim forum in their support page....
  6. Im always working on stuff 😋 fun fact, the TV/EFB in the Norseman was coded with a lot of help from ChatGPT 😂
  7. Very true, IF the said SDK's are correct and error free to begin with 😋
  8. Dont bother wasting time on the first mod, the whole set of instructions is 100% WRONG, about basically everything (method, file name, etc). Its the trick with ChatGPT, sometimes it "thinks" it knows, and spill out answer thats look very convincing, but actually, its basically "adapting" a commonly asked/known solution for similar use cases to other application where it doesnt necesserily apply. MSFS dev envirronment is very, VERY, specific, quirky, (some would say outdated lol), so ChatGPT is usually useless for it. PS: quickly looked at your second "mod case", same as the first, dont bother 🙂
  9. hey be my guest and do become a dev, lets see what kind of "quality" you can deliver right? if it is honestly advertised as a "lite" product, and you still buy even tho you want high fidelity aircraft....guess whos the word not allowed in that story...
  10. Very unlikely, there are very few users left that actually wouldnt buy on the MP. The bulk of their sales is already way way behind them now.
  11. One could argue everything is actually handled by MSFS, its just that A2A feeds it infos and datas externally, rather than having MSFS doing the calculations itself. But its basically a mix of native and external "simulations".
  12. Again, not what i said, but be my guest and extrapolate. True, and to my point exactly, some development tools and mechanics are still lacking behing a lot, to be able to "easily" and natively devellop very high and detailed simulation. I know a good few devs that are ranting day and night about it behind closed doors. Then why engage in a topic called "Accusim v2 FM in MSFS2024" AT ALL then if thats the requirements needed to say something.
  13. So is having an A2A like FM a reasonable expectation for a high fidelity sim? IF yes, then MSFS doesnt meet that. Wich is my point exactly, they dont need to, having sold ,as you said, 12 million copies without it. Also, i never ever, EVER said they only cater for the casual flyers, they just prioritize them, wich again, makes perfect sense. Wich is why we'r getting cool more hardcore oriented features only 2/3 years after launch. From the "inside" (wich is plane develloping, wich i do full time) it is quite clear what their business plan and approach is, devellopers of hardcore addons tend to loose way more hair than us (we Big Radials, make planes that are more on the fun/casual side). So im not saying at all its a problem, i actually think its pretty great. But answering the question, is 2024 gonna have an A2A like FM, the answer is still NOPE.
  14. Not going to happen. They are gonna keep the same recipe that got them millions of dollars in 2020, with a few added features to make it feel up to date. Why would they pour money onto this for very little ROI since 95% of the user base are casual flyers that dont need/care about all this fancy A2A thing. If 2024 wasnt on the schedule, then maybe it would make sense, but thats a big maybe.
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