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About rjquick

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  1. RGB values only go from 0 to 255 and can only be as 'bright' as your monitor. Lights at night will always be a large compromise compared to real life.
  2. That is like "I never change the oil or filter on my car and everything is fine". There are a lot of things like that you can get away with many times, but it doesn't make it a good practice and it may very well may bite you at some point. To then argue that "someone else did it and was OK" or "I've done it before and it was OK" is not valid. It is particularly interesting for this to be a subject in Fight Simulation seeing that aviation accident reports are filled with stories of people doing very risky things (because they've done it many times before and got away with it) and it finally catches up with them. It would be good idea to make a Flight Simulator Shutdown Checklist and be sure to follow it.
  3. This is the type of thing that people do that they don't mention when they are having problems with flight simulator. Only Microsoft/Asobo developer folks could tell you what is going on with the program when you exit a flight and go back to the main screen. It is obviously doing something, I doubt it is just a timer that is intended to annoy the user. It is important enough that the game sets a flag when the shutdown is completed properly, hence the 'safe mode' prompt the next time if not done right. If you are not shutting down the program properly, you kind of lose the right to legitimately complain if the game goes wonky on you. People always wonder why there are some that seem to have constant problems with the game while others rarely ever do. The fly on the wall sees them shutting the computer off in the middle of a flight because they have to go somewhere and don't want to wait for the shut down. The fly never talks though.
  4. The D.C. landmarks, including the White House, look quite good IMO in the new update. The White House lawn has the helicopter landing marks which I've come kind of close to landing on with the Cabri. Real helicopter pilots make it look so easy.
  5. They did a nice job with it IMO. I just wish they would've did some work on the airport (KABE) as well. They didn't even add any lighting there.
  6. Frustrating for sure. BTW: As of 8:25 PM ET. Xbox is still saying there is an issue and it is taking 'longer than anticipated' to resolve. It would probably be best to just avoid FS until they get it fully squared away. It is still quite possible that people's settings will magically be OK again once everything on the server end is working properly. Who knows what the heck is going on right now. Equipment issue, bad code in an update, some kind of hacking? IDK. Just speculation at this point.
  7. Your setting are are saved in the cloud so it makes complete sense that they are missing if there are server troubles. The bigger question is whether the settings should be saved on your computer as the primary source and 'also' saved in the cloud as a backup.
  8. I may do that. First I have to swap out the spring air with summer air on my car tires. I'll deal with the computer later.
  9. Welp. The Xbox Live status say it is OK so I guess I'll be reinstalling Windows and FS from scratch to try to fix it.
  10. I'll have to take a look at the Fenix 777. By all the accolades, it must be really something.
  11. $400k isn't all that much for a person let alone a business. I think I read somewhere they have 10 or so people working there. Should be OK though as sales will probably be strong for while.
  12. The 'time' the 777 releases today will mean nothing a week (or a day) from now. Just be thankful if this is the main thing in your life causing you stress.
  13. Having a 777 cost the same as a 737 would be unrealistic and break the feeling of immersion. A 777 costs 3 to 3.5 times as much as a 737.
  14. Everybody is biased in one way or another. Everybody.
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