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    MSFS for the win.

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  1. Gave up. Full format and reinstalling the entire sim from scratch now. Kept running kept trying to update etc.
  2. You would click the sec flt plan button again and then LSK R3 to Activate. In Simbrief there's now for the A320 category CFM and IAE versions of the A320.
  3. Bunchy, Dad showed me how to do it through the EFB then through the LSK R2 as always. Only thing that tripped me after was the PERF button to activate the data that was missing for ILS to work.
  4. Thanks. Just flown yesterday now no pilot id anywhere to enter not even in the app.
  5. Silly question. How do you import the FlightPlan into the mcdu from Sim brief?
  6. Late reply to this. He would have found the 3 numbers Hex on left and Decimal value in the Single (float32) line in the Data inspector tab on the right of HxD this after search for text strings regarding the Sky effects if you're wondering how he did it. Technical stuff absolutely, now you know.
  7. Ive not seen the uft update in the marketplace 737 700. For those with the uft can it be hidden or disabled and just rely on the good old FMC?
  8. Never knew this. Always think the worst case scenario in case it does happen 😉 Addons arent an issue thankgod.
  9. Yep unforrunately late to this. Posters corrected this with the mod. Yeah this could seriously mess up the Steam verify system which would result in a complete redownload.
  10. Anyone who still wants the tutorial on how the Steam version is edited from the YouTube video source. Copy the .exe from Program Files(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common folder to desktop. Open HxD64 Open Search Replace menu. Open Floating point tab Select search direction to all for value 1 and 2 Value 3 use forward direction. Change First value from 0.00065 to 0.00508 Change Second value from 0.001881 to 0.00318 Change Third value from 0.000085 to 0.0 Then save to the desktop version making sure you've backed up the original.
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