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No News Is Bad News ?

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Because I am no spring chicken, and have been around the block a bit, I am getting concerned. When a company has a dynamite new product, with a high expectation of acceptance, they generally can't wait to tell the world at least a little about what they are planning to do.Here, in Flight, we have zero. nada.... nothing.... and that is alarming.What that does, is tell me there is change, and an acceptance issue is looming. And that also tells me, as a fairly avid FS guy, not to get too excited.....I say that simply because they don't appear to be.Bob - Las Cruces, NM

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Bob,They seem to be releasing a snippet video about once a month. Given that Flight is not even in beta yet, I wouldnt get too concerned about the lack of info at this stage. I am sure we will see the media machine in full swing come March next year, about 8 months prior to the planned release in holiday season 2011. I wouldnt want to see a half baked product anyway, as much as they probably dont want to show one. The released videos so far are only just over a minute long combined, (not much to go on) but already the savages have ripped into them about poor content :-)

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Because I am no spring chicken, and have been around the block a bit, I am getting concerned.  When a company has a dynamite new product, with a high expectation of acceptance, they generally can't wait to tell the world at least a little about what they are planning to do.Here, in Flight, we have zero. nada.... nothing.... and that is alarming.What that does, is tell me there is change, and an acceptance issue is looming.  And that also tells me, as a fairly avid FS guy, not to get too excited.....I say that simply because they don't appear to be.Bob - Las Cruces, NM
Bob,  I believe that in the software industry .. it is typical to not talk about a details of a software package until its into beta testing.   If the company talks to early about features and benefits that dont make it through beta .. they would have a PR battle to deal with.   In MS's previously releases .. we didnt hear much about the title 1 year in advance of release.

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DB...You both add a good points. Thanks !They did get ripped to shreds here with FSX deservedly or not. And if they have a bad taste in their mouth, I can understand that. They did have an unusual product in that they had way more function than any hardware could easily handle.But the flight sim world is enormous when taken globally. And yes I get frustrated coming here only occasionally now because it is all speculation.Just a little of what they intend to do would be nice. Last time I came here looking for something on this, nobody even new if it was going to be a simulator or Google flyer that works on their cloud platform.I just think they could throw out a few more crumbs to a very large group of very interested enthusiasts who have already proven their loyalty beyond anyone's doubts and for a long long time.Bob - Las Cruces, NM.And to "mgh below.... On that last sentence, Your right !!!!

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Microsoft would be very foolish to give details now of features or facilities it intends to include in Flight. Despte its best intentions, it's always possible that some may have to be omitted before release. Can you imagine the howls, screams, and foot-stampng there'd be in these forums if that happened?

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Microsoft would be very foolish to give details now of features or facilities it intends to include in Flight. Despte its best intentions, it's always possible that some may have to be omitted before release. Can you imagine the howls, screams, and foot-stampng there'd be in these forums if that happened?
That’s a really good point. Features get cut and scaled and there’s hell to pay if the public finds out.It’s one reason why people are constantly reminded not to discuss their work - and the official message is so carefully arranged.And still developers get caught by this all the time...like FSX and DX10.

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Yeah, after what happened with FSX (and who can forget those parody videos with the FSX dev, Tail Dragger, doing door-to-door market research in Tacoma...), I don't think we're going to be hearing a peep from the Flight1 Dev team at all...Too bad, though...

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Come on... I understand all that.But they can tell the many millions of people who have supported them for 25 years things like "it's a simulator", "it will be open architecture", and simple things like that.These decisions are "in the can" and not subject to things like "will it include SIDS, STARS, etc.Combined with the facts that they called it "Flight", use the term "flying experience" only, and have sealed the can on even a snippet of what it's about, I continue to maintain that these things add up to an issue of concern for the more avid flight simulator enthusiast, and I believe they owe us some generic basics on what they intend to do.We are their customers, and right now we are being ignored. If they were going to seal their lips 100 percent, why make the announcement in the first place in what is getting to be a long time ago.Who can honestly say they come to this particular forum, knowing full well that they are not going to find out anything ?These companies ALL have a very high payed "public relations" guy or gal, who is paid that big salary to know how to satisfy the public's thirst for information without compromising the product. And, they have the authority to do that, after doing their own due diligence with the developing body. They serve a roll. Right now I think that person at Microsoft is not doing a very good job after all this time (my opinion only).FSX got off to a bad start. That's the "roll" I'm talking about. I frankly am starting to get a bad atitude and I sense it in others too.Bob - Las Cruces, NM

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Microsoft owe us nothing. We bought Flight Simulator in the past and Microsoft sold it - end of obligation both ways.

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Come on... I understand all that.But they can tell the many millions of people who have supported them for 25 years things like "it's a simulator", "it will be open architecture", and simple things like that.These decisions are "in the can" and not subject to things like "will it include SIDS, STARS, etc.Combined with the facts that they called it "Flight", use the term "flying experience" only, and have sealed the can on even a snippet of what it's about, I continue to maintain that these things add up to an issue of concern for the more avid flight simulator enthusiast, and I believe they owe us some generic basics on what they intend to do.We are their customers, and right now we are being ignored.  If they were going to seal their lips 100 percent, why make the announcement in the first place in what is getting to be a long time ago.Who can honestly say they come to this particular forum, knowing full well that they are not going to find out anything ?These companies ALL have a very high payed "public relations" guy or gal, who is paid that big salary to know how to  satisfy the public's thirst for information without compromising the product. And, they have the authority to do that, after doing their own due diligence with the developing body. They serve a roll.  Right now I think that person at Microsoft is not doing a very good job after all this time (my opinion only).FSX got off to a bad start.  That's the "roll" I'm talking about.  I frankly am starting to get a bad atitude and I sense it in others too.Bob - Las Cruces, NM
First of all . MS has said that the title will have elements for the casual player and the enthusiasts.  Also,  the "BIG" salaried PR person is doing their job.  Flight has created a bit of a buzz .. at least 1yr in advance of its release.  Finally,  no other MSFS release had much detail this far in advance of relase .. and you have enjoyed previous releases.   Relax a bit ..  :(

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It looks to me like their PR team is getting exactly what they want - lots of buzz, frustration, attention, and speculations* without spending a cent.* I have read all these wonderful speculations and conclusions regarding Flight. Let me see if I got it right - All current FSX addon developers will have to migrate to being Firefox Addon developers. You as a consumer will have to buy each wing separately from the online FlightAppStore where you will be paying a subscription fee each month to be able to use the cloud-based casual game without disks in your browser. And, everyone can agree that MS are idiots for not basing Flight on FSX, and at the same time they're idiots for basing Flight on FSX.

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It looks to me like their PR team is getting exactly what they want - lots of buzz, frustration, attention, and speculations* without spending a cent.
I wouldn't say they did it without spending a cent. Surely the lady doing the voice over wasn't doing it out of the kindness of her heart, 'It's so fun' I'll do it for free!The people involved with producing the video and setting up the web pages likely don't work for free either.Regards, Mike Mann

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I come here every so often in the high hopes of finding just a shred of something new, and all I ever get is non-stop speculation that for the most part runs off the charts on improved experience issues. Just look at some of the thread names and the many number of messagesIf those high hopes do not get delivered, MS has created a PR sales nighmare with their core fan base of giant proportions.And that is what the public relations people are supposed to prevent in setting a basic tempo.Following the past, in the world of games on computers, other operating system options, and drastically changing gamebox hardware in a world of severly reduced disposable income, may not necessarily be the smartest move.I for one, do not have high expectations based on what little I've seen and heard so far. Sounds to me like a free Google map cloud-based flyer with three stock airplanes that someone with a $350 Walmart computer can race with others on the Internet if they buy Windows 7 only, and it will run smoothly. And we experienced flyers will have nice scenery. Frankly, thats about what I get from what they have said so far. It doesn't say simulator as far as I know.Now, if I get more it will be a good thing....... :( Bob

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I for one, do not have high expectations based on what little I've seen and heard so far. Sounds to me like a free Google map cloud-based flyer with three stock airplanes that someone with a $350 Walmart computer can race with others on the Internet if they buy Windows 7 only, and it will run smoothly. And we experienced flyers will have nice scenery. Frankly, thats about what I get from what they have said so far. It doesn't say simulator as far as I know.
Webisode 2 gives the info very clearly: it will be a simulator. Big%20Grin.gif Does it look much different than FSX? Does the plane behave much differently than it would in FSX? No and no. So, I would bet money, that this is not going to be a little game. MS would be making a HUUUUUGE mistake; there's no reason to get rid of the FS series and create a game in its place. Would just be a very bad idea.

Brandon Filer

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