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Is it me or do they look like re runs

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MS has been giving us scenery shots and movies about Flight for almost 8 months and they all have been shots of a very small area of Hawaii! Its like watching re-runs of an opening episode repeatedly. To me this is bad marketing. Come on Microsoft, It has been 8 months and you keep showing us the same thing over and over. Please move on and show us something different for heaven's sake. If you don't have any other area types developed, perhaps you were not ready to announce Flight in August.

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A prime example of why anyone connected with Flight doesn't participate here.

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frankla, they have a contact email....send them a message instead.

Brandon Filer

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A prime example of why anyone connected with Flight doesn't participate here. Thanks,Jim
JimIt would be more polite to address me directly rather than trying to make a example of me to others. I am sorry if I offended you or MS. I will gladly apologize if you show me how I was offensive by expressing my feelings of boredom with my perception of viewing the same scenery area over and over again. ThanksFrank

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frankla, they have a contact email....send them a message instead.
Sir, I don't appreciate you telling me to take my comment elsewhere. While I agree with a lot of what you post, I don't appreciate that you reflexively jump on any one who criticizes MS within few minutes of their postings. Why can't you allow others to express themselves freely without you getting so worked up? To me, most of your postings on this forum are so defensive of MS that you come out as if you were being personally attacked. Why is that?Now as about your reply to my post; did you read the title of my posting? I asked if it is just me or that other people feel the same way. Doesn't that imply that I am inviting people on the forum to share their opinion? How would I do that if I instead emailed MS?

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A prime example of why anyone connected with Flight doesn't participate here.
I agree, seems that people get upset or disappointed with everything MS does. The previews aren't in enough different areas, the autogen is too big, the colors dont look right, the ground textures are blurry, the water doesn't look real enough, the sim doesn't look like a big enough change over FSX, etc, etc.Even if the MS devs that were working on this were allowed to post and interact with us, frankly I am not sure they would want to.Maybe they shouldn't have even released any info on the product as soon as they did and just announced a week or two before release.

Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Sir, I don't appreciate you telling me to take my comment elsewhere. While I agree with a lot of what you post, I don't appreciate that you reflexively jump on any one who criticizes MS within few minutes of their postings. Why can't you allow others to express themselves freely without you getting so worked up? To me, most of your postings on this forum are so defensive of MS that you come out as if you were being personally attacked. Why is that?Now as about your reply to my post; did you read the title of my posting? I asked if it is just me or that other people feel the same way. Doesn't that imply that I am inviting people on the forum to share their opinion? How would I do that if I instead emailed MS?
Your entire post content seems to be directed completely at Microsoft, so it only makes sense that the title is directed at Microsoft, too.I mean seriously, lighten up, dude. Not sure why you're so offended. I never was worked up. I simply gave the idea of email MS...in fact, I thought about doing the same regarding screenshot location, recently. While I'd like to see more areas of the Earth shown as well, Hawaii is a beautiful location. It makes for a great place to showcase the improvements. It really wouldn't surprise me if the demo version of Flight was focused on Hawaii...if you think about what we've seen so far, it makes sense.

Brandon Filer

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I agree, seems that people get upset or disappointed with everything MS does. The previews aren't in enough different areas, the autogen is too big, the colors dont look right, the ground textures are blurry, the water doesn't look real enough, the sim doesn't look like a big enough change over FSX, etc, etc.Even if the MS devs that were working on this were allowed to post and interact with us, frankly I am not sure they would want to.Maybe they shouldn't have even released any info on the product as soon as they did and just announced a week or two before release.
How dare we express our dislike of blurry textures. (GULP) I shall not make aware of my dislike, so thy might not have to correct anything. And now I am trembling for my punishment despite the fact that this was my first criticism of Flight. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED. :( :( :(

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How dare we express our dislike of blurry textures. (GULP) I shall not make aware of my dislike, so thy might not have to correct anything. And now I am trembling for my punishment despite the fact that this was my first criticism of Flight. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR I HAVE SINNED. B) B) :(
It will be ok :( Just dont be surprised if the next batch of shots are from Hawaii again.:(

Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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You people are absolutely ridiculous--and that's based on internet standards. OK, so Frankla's post was addressing Microsoft, came across on the whining side, and fed into your groundless stereotype that all we do is complain. But have you ever thought that maybe the actual substance of his post was legitimate before you bashed him?Even if his post wasn't, how about showing some respect?Frankla, I understand your point. IMHO I don't mind "re-runs" of Hawaii for now. As long as each batch of monthly pictures reveals more and more of MS Flight, which it arguably has been doing. Wouldn't waste any energy dwelling on this though. Stay patient and in due time we will see it all.JSkorna, you've been consistently disrespectful to anyone that doesn't share your opinion.

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Wow. This place is getting nastier and nastier, and this is coming from someone who's seen the worst the net's had to offer in the form of mainstream gaming communities. Frankla's made some valid points, and rather than a constructive discussion, we get pretentiousness and arrogance by a (I'm sure self-ascribed) elite. Absolutely sickening.

"No matter how eloquent you are or how solidly and firm you've built your case, you will never win in an argument with an idiot, for he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous.

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Wow. This place is getting nastier and nastier, and this is coming from someone who's seen the worst the net's had to offer in the form of mainstream gaming communities. Frankla's made some valid points, and rather than a constructive discussion, we get pretentiousness and arrogance by a (I'm sure self-ascribed) elite. Absolutely sickening.
you are not being truthful.. or you have not been on many forums ........ This is nowhere near the worst the nets had to offer.

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Frankla, don't worry about it. I get what you're saying and agree to a large extent.Just as one poster suggests that some people complain about everything Microsoft does, there are also those who will defend everything Microsoft does... :)Andrew

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Without taking a swipe at anyone, might I humbly offer up a counterpoint to "frankla's" post?It seems to me that by keeping their focus on one geographic area, we have the opportunity to take note of the incremental improvements being made in the rendering engine as well as the artwork.If they were to constantly jump around the world with each new set of screenshots and videos, we would be deprived of that opportunity.Just because the focus has been on Hawaii doesn't necessarily mean that the rest of the world is being ignored. :(

Fr. Bill    

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