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I have to say that the robotic voices of RC4 is for me more off-putting than using the default ATC. PFE does a much much better job with realistic regional voices that are much more acceptable.


Sometimes I don't use ATC either. If I want to run a full FP end to end then of course yes. But if for example I'm testing a new element of the panel e.g. oxygen delivery system, then I'll just juncket around the sky without ATC or weather. That's the beauty of the sim. One can either follow the rules to the letter (if the model permits) or discard them altogether.



I do have to say that although I don't use any ATC ,I do try to observe the correct rules ,I taxi correctly and don't push ahead (through) any other aircraft , I wait my turn before takeoff ,and use my TCAS to check for inbound aircraft. During a flight I may tune to centres (just to break the silence sometimes) perhaps use flight following for similar reasons ,but I don't interact with ATC or use it for my IFR flights, this does have advantages although not strictly Kosher ie No constant ATC prattle which can be very wearing specially in the busy U.S. or Europe,no go arounds and also (a minor point) but eliminates a source of sometimes sound stutters as well.

Actually I don't really have any gripes with the default ATC but after ten years or so as a sim pilot I just prefer the sounds of silence.

PS I will contradict myself now and say that I DO use ATC after landing just to get a progressive taxi to parking.


cheers Andy


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Also, if you'd like to tweak the default ATC, check out EditVoicePack. It's got a few newer features you can use, and it has updated phraseology as well.


You can also tweak the communications speed in the .cfg file to make ATC sound less like they are in the process of freezing solid.



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I too used Radar Contact back in the day--FS6, probably--and in FS9 I use the default ATC by choice, although only very rarely for the entire course of a flightplan. Normally, I start on the active runway, take off, vector myself onto my flightplan, and let it go at that until I'm about 150 nm out from my destination (I fly mostly commercial jets), at which time I report in and start following commands as issued until I finally taxi to the gate. The default ATC does have some quirks, though, and if the simmer is unaware of them, he can easily get "lost". The main thing I've found is to watch my airspeed. I always descend down to FL 300 at 240 KIAS, at 220 KIAS down to FL200 (or 50 nm out from the airport, whichever comes first), then at 200 KIAS until I get vectored onto base. Following those guidelines, it's only very rarely that the default ATC seems to simply lose track of me, a quirk of FS9 which I used to encounter all the time.

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Airspeed instructions are given by PFE but not on the glideslope. But one should always establish between 170-180kts, gear down 160, OM 140. So that you can achieve Vat easily.

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Another nice ATC tweak is a set of files you can download here under the title "Relaxed ATC." It gets rid of a number of the most frustrating aspects of the default ATC. Couple that up with AI Smooth to reduce (not eliminate!) go arounds and default ATC can be an adequate, and at times even very enjoyable component of the sim experience.


On the topic of "go arounds" - Rafal pointed me to a very useful little tool - FSUIPC (registered version) "traffic zapper." Now, when some twit of an AI pilot gets in my way taxying or on approach, I just hit the assigned key and he (or she) disappears with a very satisfying explosion sound. I just wish Pete Dowson could give us something like that for driving in the real world!! Wouldn't it be nice to vaporize some jerk who just cut in front of you or ran through a red light????


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