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Ray Proudfoot

3D cockpit - how do you navigate around it?

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Ezdok can be a pain in the ...! Yesterday it took me several hours of setting the views up for the B777. It zoomed out after saving the view. I got around it though.


I also have TrackIR5 but don't use it because I can't find myself a setting I like. After tuning it for days I stopped using it.

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i'm a trackIR4 user & like you ray have hardware such as an mcp panel to set those "flying" commands whilst using it ... thus avoiding the need for mouse clicking (an erring/impossible task for most while panning in trackIR).



This thread has gone off in two directions with me mentioning my MCP-Pro. I need to separate using hardware to make flying more realistic from the views necessary with a 3D panel. TrackIR doesn't appeal primarily because I fly IFR and I think TrackIR is more suited to VFR. But I can see the benefits of Ezdok in setting up custom views and selecting them with a button click.


i also use ezdok but to a limited extent .... mainly to see panels "beyond" track IR's "view" & then only for example if as in the case of pmdg's 77L it has no 2D overhead panel which i would otherwise park on a 2nd monitor.


That sounds similar to how I would use it but I do like to see where I'm going so a high seat position would also be useful. Left and right outside views showing more than the default ones would also be preferable. And the overhead of course,


for me, trackIR is a must below 3000' and is the only way you can as needed "realistically" look outside or scan your instruments just by moving one's head and still with having hands on yoke/trim & throttle ... when i'm on short final i don't expect as in the real to see both at the same time.


I can see its attraction but until I fly VFR I don't envisage needing it. Maybe FSX will change that.


my bottom line (for you ray) ... using 3D requires trackIR plus hardware such as you have but you will never use the main 2D again. unfortunately with the 77L, you'll probably need ezdok as well.


Steve's GIT would appear to be ideal for the MCP-Pro and I would probably go with Ezdok for custom views like programming the CDU and the overhead. That way I can have the best of both worlds. The last thing I want is to revert to using a mouse for the MCP but hopefully that now seems unlikely.

MDF86 / Morvious,


Two contrasting views! :biggrin:  There's no doubt that Ezdok takes some work to get it set up to your liking but as with most powerful programs the effort is worthwhile. Just like FSUIPC and its programming capabilities really.

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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i agree you'll need ezdok with the 77L, but you don't for example with the ngx and its 2D overhead panel etc. (& that 2nd monitor preferably)... but you'll find it a frustration chasing keystrokes & then looking at an overhead view covering the whole main screen whilst taxing etc.


the reason i "coupled" your mc pro investment with a trackIR purchase is that i know that without such hardware for switching, trackIR on its own is not user friendly for its core / recommended / without peer use of panning / scanning (i only use its pitch & slew modes) in vmc / manual flying on the ground, takeoff & on finals ... no autolands & rarely an ils for me !!


for now, whichever you choose, you'll find i'm sure 3D tops 2D ....

for now, cheers

john martin

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I get over 60 FPS on the ground at default Heathrow.


Sorry for possibly hijacking the thread, however I would very much like to know how you achieve that? My computer ain't slow (SB @ 4.6 and GTX570) and my FPS are in 30s at best when using high graphics settings of FSX. And only if I put everything on lowest, and I mean everything, then I barely get 52 in the VC. And that is in Male, no big scenery, only water...


So how do you explain 60fps in Heathrow, if your settings are reasonably high?

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I see the PMDG777 has been released without a 2D panel. Something of a first for PMDG. Having never used a 3D panel could you please explain how you navigate around it. Does it need a TrackIR headset?



Hi Ray - long time between drinks!!


I resisted moving initially to FSX and then to VCs but now I wouldn't have it any other way.


I have Track IR but at the present it is not in the loop - it is connected just not in the loop.


As PC power has progressed the ability to have a smooth experience has increased even though scenery/airports has become more and more detailed.


The T7 is a fantastic aircraft. I get good FPS even ploughing through ORBX airports at YBBN and YMML and that is a good thing for me.


You will not regret the transition from FS9 to FSX just don't think about the value of your previous investment.


Good luck with the move.


BTW, Liverpool are going well - long may it continue :biggrin:


Almost forgot to mention - there is a facility in the T7 that automatically compresses time in cruise if you want it particularly on long haul flights. It throttles up time to 4X or more depending on settings but when it approaches a waypoint with a turn it throttles back to single time automatically, executes the turn then throttles back up and can be set to pause at TOD. I did a 7hr plus flight in a little over 2 and 3/4  hours yesterday with this feature - take off and climb to cruise at single time, cruise at 4X and descent, landing and taxi to gate at single time. Brilliant!!!!

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i agree you'll need ezdok with the 77L, but you don't for example with the ngx and its 2D overhead panel etc. (& that 2nd monitor preferably)... but you'll find it a frustration chasing keystrokes & then looking at an overhead view covering the whole main screen whilst taxing etc.

So the 737NGX is a completely different design making it unsuitable with Ezdok? I know it's not a PMDG aircraft but does anyone know how Ezdok works with FS Labs ConcordeX as that is an aircraft I would want to fly.


Because I have another desktop and laptop connected via WideFS I won't have a second monitor for the FSX PC. It sounds as though that would be a drawback for the NGX. In any case once I get this PC I need to prioritise my purchases and the 777 is not near the top. Terrain, weather and airports have to come first.


the reason i "coupled" your mc pro investment with a trackIR purchase is that i know that without such hardware for switching, trackIR on its own is not user friendly for its core / recommended / without peer use of panning / scanning (i only use its pitch & slew modes) in vmc / manual flying on the ground, takeoff & on finals ... no autolands & rarely an ils for me !!


I've tried TrackIR and it seems more appropriate to VFR flying. I doubt I'll do anything more than the occasional VFR flight so it's not something I'm planning but I take your point about its suitability with a hardware MCP..

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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Hi Ray - long time between drinks!!


Nice to hear from you Andy. :smile: Hope you're keeping well.


I resisted moving initially to FSX and then to VCs but now I wouldn't have it any other way.


FS9 is looking quite dated now. When I go down to Pete's and see what FSX can provide I'm sure I'm making the right decision. But until I can try a VC I remain on the fence about whether it would suit me.


The T7 is a fantastic aircraft. I get good FPS even ploughing through ORBX airports at YBBN and YMML and that is a good thing for me.


So no OOM issues then? That combination is meant to be quite 'dangerous' I've read.


You will not regret the transition from FS9 to FSX just don't think about the value of your previous investment.


I dread to think how much I've spent but a lot of that is the hardware which I can still use of course. I've bought quite a few Mega Airports and you get a FS9 and FSX version so those have been a good investment.


Good luck with the move.


Thanks! It will take a bit of effort to get everything running smoothly.


BTW, Liverpool are going well - long may it continue :biggrin:


It's great isn't it? And beating that lot 30 miles east too. :biggrin:  Hope the run continues tonight.


Almost forgot to mention - there is a facility in the T7 that automatically compresses time in cruise if you want it particularly on long haul flights. It throttles up time to 4X or more depending on settings but when it approaches a waypoint with a turn it throttles back to single time automatically, executes the turn then throttles back up and can be set to pause at TOD. I did a 7hr plus flight in a little over 2 and 3/4 hours yesterday with this feature - take off and climb to cruise at single time, cruise at 4X and descent, landing and taxi to gate at single time. Brilliant!!!!



Does it not feel like 'cheating'? I only accelerate when a footie match is on the TV and I can't finish in real time. Great for the trans-Pacific hops though!

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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Nice to hear from you Andy. :smile: Hope you're keeping well.



FS9 is looking quite dated now. When I go down to Pete's and see what FSX can provide I'm sure I'm making the right decision. But until I can try a VC I remain on the fence about whether it would suit me.



So no OOM issues then? That combination is meant to be quite 'dangerous' I've read.



I dread to think how much I've spent but a lot of that is the hardware which I can still use of course. I've bought quite a few Mega Airports and you get a FS9 and FSX version so those have been a good investment.



Thanks! It will take a bit of effort to get everything running smoothly.



It's great isn't it? And beating that lot 30 miles east too. :biggrin:  Hope the run continues tonight.




Does it not feel like 'cheating'? I only accelerate when a footie match is on the TV and I can't finish in real time. Great for the trans-Pacific hops though!

Hi Ray


The OOMs are not a problem for me (touch wood). I have the Uiautomation core file in the FSX folder, minimal touch ups to the CFG file, reasonable but not excessive display settings but most of all Win 7 64. It would appear that most pushing the OOMs envelope have the 32bit version of Win 7 and this really stresses the 3gb VAS. I use a file called process explorer and that shows me that FSX is rarely over the 3gb VAS mark (with 4gb to play with) and very smooth.


I din't feel like I am cheating in the compressed time mode as I only have used it twice and both of those times have been at cruise only and on 7hr plus flights. Right now I'm on an EGCC to ESSA flight in real time. waved to you but you weren't home.


You will love FSX - I'm sure and one other thing take a look at OPUS for your weather, It has cameras built in and is a real good piece of kit. Made in England as well!!!

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Hi Andy,


Glad to hear you're not suffering with OOMs. I'll use ProcessMonitor to keep an eye on the memory used.


I was only pulling your leg about cheating. When I fly KSFO-EGCC I do it overnight and use RC4 to pause the sim 180 miles out. That's another form of cheating I suppose. :smile:


The reason I didn't see you is they're using westerly departures. If you take-off on 05L with a HON SID you fly right over me. I'll definitely wave then. :biggrin:


Checking FSXOpus now. I might need to start another thread about the best wx engine.

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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EZDOK is a must have . You can EVEN have a cinematic flow between your camera setups by for instance hitting the 1-9 on your keyboard and even the camera cinematic speed is adjustable. After learning it takes me 3 minutes to setup 15 cameras with this piece of software. 


Michael Moe

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EZDOK is a must have . You can EVEN have a cinematic flow between your camera setups by for instance hitting the 1-9 on your keyboard and even the camera cinematic speed is adjustable. After learning it takes me 3 minutes to setup 15 cameras with this piece of software. 


Michael Moe


I'd say that OpusFSX is the new must-have. It does everything that Ezdok does (including everything you mentioned above) PLUS it is an excellent (I dare say the best available) weather engine. So it's something like a "buy one, get one free".

Stefan Keller


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Im not even sure complex VC's like PMDG can be fully utlized without tools like EZDOK...sure its a pain to setup at first, but you will get used to its quirks and will become indespensible. 

Intel i7 10700K | Asus Maximus XII Hero | Asus TUF RTX 3090 | 32GB HyperX Fury 3200 DDR4 | 1TB Samsung M.2 (W11) | 2TB Samsung M.2 (MSFS2020) | Arctic Liquid Freezer II 280mm AIO | 43" Samsung Q90B | 27" Asus Monitor

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I've tried TrackIR and it seems more appropriate to VFR flying. I doubt I'll do anything more than the occasional VFR flight so it's not something I'm planning but I take your point about its suitability with a hardware MCP..


TrackIR is BETTER suited for VFR flights but that doesn't mean it's not good in tubeliners too! Yesterday I did a 10,5 hour flight from EGLL to KSFO on VATSIM in the T7 and I used TrackIR all the way. Worked fabously for the whole flight. The biggest practical use is definitely when moving around on the ground, on final approach and doing the checklist. But it's actually great just sitting there in the cockpit looking at the ground and clouds and imagining you are actually up there flying!  "I spy with my little eye something that starts with a c..." :D

Krister Lindén
EFMA, Finland

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I'd say that OpusFSX is the new must-have. It does everything that Ezdok does (including everything you mentioned above) PLUS it is an excellent (I dare say the best available) weather engine. So it's something like a "buy one, get one free".



Thanks - Did not know that - how ever you know when your washer has a build in heater and something gets screwed ?  :rolleyes: You loose and your wife starts to send you washing your clothes. Sometimes mixing things is not so good....ha ha


Michael Moe

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I'd say that OpusFSX is the new must-have. It does everything that Ezdok does (including everything you mentioned above) PLUS it is an excellent (I dare say the best available) weather engine. So it's something like a "buy one, get one free".

Interesting. But the one thing that OpusFSX doesn't have is its own cloud textures. So you have to buy another one that does (REX?) or use a freeware one the name of which escapes me. All adds to the cost.



TrackIR is BETTER suited for VFR flights but that doesn't mean it's not good in tubeliners too! Yesterday I did a 10,5 hour flight from EGLL to KSFO on VATSIM in the T7 and I used TrackIR all the way. Worked fabously for the whole flight. The biggest practical use is definitely when moving around on the ground, on final approach and doing the checklist. But it's actually great just sitting there in the cockpit looking at the ground and clouds and imagining you are actually up there flying! "I spy with my little eye something that starts with a c..." :D


When on a longish flight I tend to get the newspaper out and reading that would probably not give me the best TrackIR experience. :wink:  But I take your point that on the ground looking around it's miles better than the default views. Perhaps I should invest in a neck brace. :biggrin:

Ray (Cheshire, England).
System: P3D v5.3HF2, Intel i9-13900K, MSI 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G, Crucial T700 4Tb M.2 SSD, Asus ROG Maximus Z790 Hero, 32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR5 6000Mhz RAM, Win 11 Pro 64-bit, BenQ PD3200U 32” UHD monitor, Fulcrum One yoke, Fulcrum TQ (pre-production).
Cheadle Hulme Weather

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