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Reputation system

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No Rolf, it was nothing like that. Someone made up a FUNNY question in the middle of the thread and I wrote a FUNNY answer, and it was that FUNNY answer that was removed. It's all good in the end!! Wonder if there are any un-frozen rivers out there today?

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I would also welcome the return of the reputation system. Even if it is just the positive votes only.



Alex Ridge

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Is it just me, or is there a new kind of voting system? If it's really there, I like it. It's very... different, but in an inspiring and refreshing way! I think I like it.

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I like your post Florian :lol:   Thumbs up from me and we'll see how this voting system works out!

Chris Sunseri




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Tom is pulling our legs.  ( :P)


Bad Spelling?  "Keep in mind that AVSIM is a multi-national (...) site (...)", taken from:




Had to try it out, couldn't help myself Oliver  :lol:


K lets all behave so this one stays, we are easily amused aren't we  :P

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I'm glad to see the new function that allows a user to "like" a post enabled.   For me, this is not about acquiring useless internet points, but I value having a mechanism in place to offer a quick reward to authors for noteworthy posts. 

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Yeah, I might have to remove that one. :ph34r:



Already done. Thanks.




I'm glad to see the new function that allows a user to "like" a post enabled.   For me, this is not about acquiring useless internet points, but I value having a mechanism in place to offer a quick reward to authors for noteworthy posts. 


Differentiating between "dislike" and "disagree" might help, too: I may disagree with a statement, but a "dislike" may be too strong as an assessment.


Even though the button colours look a bit "Johnny767-ish" ( :P), we really should give this system an honest try.

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Personally I like the old up only system. (It didn't need a scoring system though) but it listed the posts liked, so you can get an idea, whether your post helped, or not. Without the down vote you eliminate the misuse of it as well.  I get satisfaction when I post a response to someones problem, that I know helped them and/or someone else.



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Bingo!  Tf51d has hit the nail on the head.  There was no potential for or any abuse or silly games with the old system, just a helpful feedback mechanism.  True, some folks have said you get the same result with a PM, but it may be too much effort or someone is feeling shy...point is that the old approach served a simple purpose and I was kind of disheartened to see it tampered with.


I rather like the new replacement, as one can offer more substantive feedback on the posts than just a simple "like".   To have posts voted up or down like , messing with the traditional chronological order of posts, just never suited this community and it's mission.

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I agree with Tom (tf51d) on the list of liked posts - that sure was informative for myself to see which kind of posts is actually valued (and of course satisfying my ego was part of that, too :lol:, but it wasn't really about counting and keeping score). If it's possible in any way, it would be nice to have such a list back again.

But apart from that, I really love and enjoy this new system!

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This new reputation system is already showing it's ugly side. I keep seeing mini-wars in threads between people downvoting everything the other person said regardless if it's relevant to the original post that was downvoted.

I also see a lot of lurkers with 0 posts going around down voting everything but with nothing to explain why they disagree or why they don't like what the person said.

This is really no better then having the green/red buttons. It just lets egos run wild and detracts from meaningful discussion and content.


The best system I've seen in a forum is what the Orbiter forums use. You can "thank" someone, and your name appears under their post. No +green numbers to show how awesome someone thinks they are...all "thanks" that are given appear on the individual posts and don't accumulate in someone's account.

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I agree with you. If, in the course of a discussion someone says "Hey, I don't agree with you, and here's why" than I don't really have a problem with that as long as they aren't overly patronizing about it.  That is, afterall, what a forum should be all about, and spirited debate is the name of the game.  If someone gives me a big red smacker though,  then it feels more like the digital equivalent of Up Yours, and I don't care for that so much. I'm trying to be disciplined with it, but once someone hits that red button, it's a bit escalatory, and requires some will to be the bigger man and not say "Oh Yeah?" especially if you've had a run in with them before.   I haven't really myself seen anybody going totally medieval yet with it, likely because we all live in glass houses now, so that's one positive, but it still leaves a bad taste.

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