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Ai Controller (Sid, Jet Route, Star And Final Approach) Beta

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Dear Roland,


I'm trying to use AI Controller v.1.3A on a second networked computer.  I have ASNext working so simconnect is working.  I have Wide FS working and it connects with P3D.  I have it installed to work with P3d.  AI Traffic.exe running on the second computer shows connected.  The problem is that when I run AI Monitor it says "Waiting for FSUIPC Link."  It never connects with FSUIPC.  I'm running the latest version of FSUIPC and Wide FS.


My SimConnect.cfg file is located in the My Documents folder on the second Windows 8.1 client machine.  My SimConnect.xml file is on the Windows 7 server machine in the appdata\Roaming\Prepar3d v2 folder.  My SimConnect.ini file is on the server machine (Windows 7) in the My Documents\Prepar3D v2 Files folder.


WideFS is in its own folder apart from the AI Controller file folder.


Any suggestions?



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Hello Roland,


Thanks for your brilliant program.

Unfortunately, it has a small mistake. If one pauses the FSX for some time (e.g., 5 minutes) the aircraft movements of the AI-Aircrafts from the Rythmus come. Often it comes to uncontrolled aircraft movements of single airplanes. Your program recognises the break, however, goes on working, nevertheless, anyhow. After the break a lot of text come all at once in the command window.


Best regards,


Gunnar from Magdeburg in Germany


Hi Roland,


I just wanted to report an issue that has me stumped. I run your program on a networked machine. So far, so good.


The last time I opened the program was after having WideFS auto run it. P3D crashed, so I had to close everything manually. I restarted everything. AIController starts and opens OK. AIMonitor initiates but the interface does not open. If I run it again, I get another instance, but no visible interface. Any idea why this might be happening?





EDIT: On a hunch, I set AIMonitor to open maximized. When I then ran the program,it initiated and opened maximized. I closed and reset shortcut for normal window. It ran maximized. I then ran minimized. The program initiated and when I clicked the shortcut.the interface was maximized. I resized the window and closed the program. I reopened the program and it is once again working as expected. Perhaps this may be of some help to you.



Separate issue. I am autostarting AIController and AIMonitor using WideFS. They both open, notwithstanding my earlier post. However, while using the standard Close<n>=Yes in WideFs closes AIMonitor; I have to use Close<n>=Kill to close AIController. Is that an issue for the software?





Hello Roland,


Is there any way to make the aircraft in the LA metro area approach the airport (KLAX) from the correct direction (from out of the area).  What I mean is this.  And by the way, I'm using P3D 2.4 with 100% AI custom traffic from AIG. 


In real life, the primary approach routes into KLAX are sadde6 (aircraft approaching from the north/northwest, usually from northern CA, OR, WA, BC, AK, HI and Asia), riiver2 and/or seavu2 (aircraft approaching from pretty much all the rest of the U.S and Europe), and vista2 (aircraft approaching from San Diego, Mexico, Central America, South America and New Zealand/Australia).  Probably at least 50% of the traffic should be from the east. The problem that I have not been able to figure out is that virtually all of my AI traffic approaches from sadde6.  Does not matter if the flight is from Dallas, New York, SLC etc.  The flights just mentioned should come from riiver2 or seavu2.  I do get some flights via vista2 that are appropriate.  The only way I can get riiver2 approaches to the area is to remove the sadde6 STARS. 


Is this due to a limitation or configuration within FSX/P3D itself?  Is there anything I can do to modify this behavior? 


Oh, and by the way, some of the SID's from LAX have changed, just FYI. 



Brian S.


Hi Brian,


I have also recently noticed it on sadde6 (not as many as you mentioned though, I'm using FSX) that some planes from certain destination should not use sadde6. But I have to confirm that again. I will take a look into the star files.


I already noticed the updated SID and I have started work on this, it's still WIP.




brgds, Ron

Flying P3Dv5 with PMDG 737 NGXu, 747v3, 777; QW 787; Orbx; Chaseplane, AI Lights Reborn Pro, Lots of AI, AIController

Visit www.airlinesim.aero


Hi Brian,


I have also recently noticed it on sadde6 (not as many as you mentioned though, I'm using FSX) that some planes from certain destination should not use sadde6. But I have to confirm that again. I will take a look into the star files.


I already noticed the updated SID and I have started work on this, it's still WIP.






I responded via PM over at AIG.  Thanks for looking into the new SID at LAX.  If possible, can you look at making the Loop7 departure a little tighter.  I don't think in reality they fly out 15 miles before turning.  I tried to use coordinates tracking the loop7 over at FlightAware, but I am not happy with the results so far. Not sure if it's the program, FSX, the AI aircraft, or my lack of knowledge that is the issue. The minimums at the LAX VOR is 10,000 ft as the aircraft loop back to go east northeast. 





Hi Brian,


I will certainly look into loop7 as well. The waypoints must not be too close to the airport, otherwise the handover FSX -> Aicontroller for SID will fail.




brgds, Ron

Flying P3Dv5 with PMDG 737 NGXu, 747v3, 777; QW 787; Orbx; Chaseplane, AI Lights Reborn Pro, Lots of AI, AIController

Visit www.airlinesim.aero


Hello Roland,


Is there any way to make the aircraft in the LA metro area approach the airport (KLAX) from the correct direction (from out of the area).  What I mean is this.  And by the way, I'm using P3D 2.4 with 100% AI custom traffic from AIG. 


In real life, the primary approach routes into KLAX are sadde6 (aircraft approaching from the north/northwest, usually from northern CA, OR, WA, BC, AK, HI and Asia), riiver2 and/or seavu2 (aircraft approaching from pretty much all the rest of the U.S and Europe), and vista2 (aircraft approaching from San Diego, Mexico, Central America, South America and New Zealand/Australia).  Probably at least 50% of the traffic should be from the east. The problem that I have not been able to figure out is that virtually all of my AI traffic approaches from sadde6.  Does not matter if the flight is from Dallas, New York, SLC etc.  The flights just mentioned should come from riiver2 or seavu2.  I do get some flights via vista2 that are appropriate.  The only way I can get riiver2 approaches to the area is to remove the sadde6 STARS. 


Is this due to a limitation or configuration within FSX/P3D itself?  Is there anything I can do to modify this behavior? 


Oh, and by the way, some of the SID's from LAX have changed, just FYI. 



Brian S.


Okay, did a few more tests looking at incoming STAR approaches.   I noticed a few aircraft from time to time would come into the STAR bubble and be identified as "new", then would be assigned a new AI index number 194, which obviously is typical.  An example was Air Canada flight 799 (C-FGYL) came into the bubble from CYYZ and was assigned STAR=KLAX RIIVER TWO ARRIVAL HECTOR TRANSITION WEST RUNWAYS begin vectoring.  This was about 15 minutes into monitoring.  Perfect, just how it should be.  But after a few moments, it is reassigned  as "new" again (same flight number and registration), was given a new AI index number 199, STAR = KLAX SADDE6 FILLMORE TRANSITION WEST RUNWAYS begin vectoring.   I am almost positive this happens to several aircraft right when AI controller is initially loaded (properly assigned the riiver2 arrival), then all of the aircraft are suddenly moved over (reassigned) to SADDE6, and the reference to the riiver two arrival in the spreadsheet log that was initially correct disappears.  This seems to be the issue.  What would cause this?


Brian S.


I'll stop there. I will continue to tinker still as much as my annoyance level allows. Promising progress though!


Thanks for the feedback.  A lot of the approach issues you mentioned (including the need to intercept an FSX-generated IAF) will be eliminated in the next version.  Regarding the landings short of the runway, probably a bad autogen recording (the recorded FSX approach landed short, which does happen).  Again, autogen recordings are going away next version.



Getting so tired of fsx. I found a thread on avsim about this problem and deleted my simconnect modules now the wont install but it seems that sp2(sdk) installs 10.0.61637. You can this by yourself. Install sdk sp2 and look at the dll in the core utilities/lib/managed folder. http://forum.avsim.n...nect-v61612590/


It is a mess, at least with P3D AIController will work with the default simconnect, which is also installed by default I believe.



"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect."


This can be a painful problem to trouble-shoot in terms of having to remove and re-install a lot of files.  Your installed Windows OS is probably an OEM version that has runtime libraries misconfigured (nothing you did).  What does the application event log say?  I can make some suggestions, but is your computer fully backed-up and non-production?



Is that related to if AI is at an bad angle, height, etc that it will leave area via SID?


That's probably it, although it is hard to verify without using AIMonitor.  You can turn off a lot of bad approach checks.  



I have Wide FS working and it connects with P3D.  I have it installed to work with P3d. 


Can you very via the AIController console screen...it should give a connect or not-connected message during startup.  Are you using P3D 2.4?  I haven't tested this latest version yet.  


Is anyone else having problems with P3D 2.4?  




Unfortunately, it has a small mistake. If one pauses the FSX for some time (e.g., 5 minutes) the aircraft movements of the AI-Aircrafts from the Rythmus come. Often it comes to uncontrolled aircraft movements of single airplanes. Your program recognises the break, however, goes on working, nevertheless, anyhow. After the break a lot of text come all at once in the command window.



Understood...I'll look into erratic AI movements after long pauses.  The quick-scrolling text (after a long pause) is related to the control issue.  



EDIT: On a hunch, I set AIMonitor to open maximized. When I then ran the program,it initiated and opened maximized. I closed and reset shortcut for normal window. It ran maximized. I then ran minimized. The program initiated and when I clicked the shortcut.the interface was maximized. I resized the window and closed the program. I reopened the program and it is once again working as expected. Perhaps this may be of some help to you.


There's also some info. in the NOTAM part of the readme regarding this issue.




I have to use Close=Kill to close AIController. Is that an issue for the software?


Shouldn't be a problem.




In real life, the primary approach routes into KLAX are sadde6 (aircraft approaching from the north/northwest, usually from northern CA, OR, WA, BC, AK, HI and Asia), riiver2 and/or seavu2 (aircraft approaching from pretty much all the rest of the U.S and Europe), and vista2 (aircraft approaching from San Diego, Mexico, Central America, South America and New Zealand/Australia).  Probably at least 50% of the traffic should be from the east. The problem that I have not been able to figure out is that virtually all of my AI traffic approaches from sadde6.  Does not matter if the flight is from Dallas, New York, SLC etc.  The flights just mentioned should come from riiver2 or seavu2.  I do get some flights via vista2 that are appropriate.  The only way I can get riiver2 approaches to the area is to remove the sadde6 STARS. 
Is this due to a limitation or configuration within FSX/P3D itself?  Is there anything I can do to modify this behavior? 


I think this is due to where FSX/P3D spawns (injects) the AI.  I've noticed what you've described.  I could base STAR selection in part on where the AI is coming from rather than its spawn position, but then that might be worse.  Probably the best approach is limiting the active STARs as you're doing to get the right mix.



I will certainly look into loop7 as well. The waypoints must not be too close to the airport, otherwise the handover FSX -> Aicontroller for SID will fail.


Also, don't forget 1.3B should allow you to tie SID files to a particular runway simply by entering the runway number in the runway field.




An example was Air Canada flight 799 (C-FGYL) came into the bubble from CYYZ and was assigned STAR=KLAX RIIVER TWO ARRIVAL HECTOR TRANSITION WEST RUNWAYS begin vectoring.  This was about 15 minutes into monitoring.  Perfect, just how it should be.  But after a few moments, it is reassigned  as "new" again (same flight number and registration), was given a new AI index number 199, STAR = KLAX SADDE6 FILLMORE TRANSITION WEST RUNWAYS begin vectoring.   I am almost positive this happens to several aircraft right when AI controller is initially loaded (properly assigned the riiver2 arrival), then all of the aircraft are suddenly moved over (reassigned) to SADDE6,


That doesn't sound right.  Was there any weather (wind) updates taking place?  A re-assignment should only happen after a significant change in landing runway (e.g., west landings to east landings).  However, since this is happening when AI controller is initially loaded suggests it might be due to weather updates, even though the weather isn't forcing a runway change.  I'll look into it.  Thanks. 


That doesn't sound right.  Was there any weather (wind) updates taking place?  A re-assignment should only happen after a significant change in landing runway (e.g., west landings to east landings).  However, since this is happening when AI controller is initially loaded suggests it might be due to weather updates, even though the weather isn't forcing a runway change.  I'll look into it.  Thanks. 


As you know, the prevailing wind is from the west (off the ocean) at KLAX, and the aircraft land from the east except during the very later overnight hours for noise abatement or during Santa Ana winds conditions.   While they may be weather updates (OPUS) going on, it should not have effected anything because there is no real change in the prevailing wind.  It's automatically kicking all of the RIIVERTWO approaches (I can see them pop on the screen for a few moments) within 30 seconds to a minute over to SADDE6 approaches (deleting the first approach) every time. 


As you know, the prevailing wind is from the west (off the ocean) at KLAX, and the aircraft land from the east except during the very later overnight hours for noise abatement or during Santa Ana winds conditions.   While they may be weather updates (OPUS) going on, it should not have effected anything because there is no real change in the prevailing wind.  It's automatically kicking all of the RIIVERTWO approaches (I can see them pop on the screen for a few moments) within 30 seconds to a minute over to SADDE6 approaches (deleting the first approach) every time. 


Yes, the weather updates should not have affected anything because there was no runway change, but it might be a bug.  Do the re-assignments continue during an extended flight sim session, or do they tend to happen at the beginning?


Yes, the weather updates should not have affected anything because there was no runway change, but it might be a bug.  Do the re-assignments continue during an extended flight sim session, or do they tend to happen at the beginning?

  Both.  It's just more noticeable at the start.  For instance at the start, I can see maybe 4 or 5 riiver2 approaches immediately, and within a minute, they have all disappeared (reassigned).  Others just gradually come appear as "new", then are reassigned. 


The way that I start everything is FSX, OPUS (whichever weather you use) AI CONTROLLER, then I go into my settings and load my AI. That way every 3rd party program affecting AI is already running before the AI get injected. Might help out your issue some Regulate.


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