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Ai Controller (Sid, Jet Route, Star And Final Approach) Beta

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You can disregard this request. I've got things working somewhat.


My issue is that when I get more than one aircraft on final with another, the one behind it will do a loop circle and then re join back behind the original aircraft, why is this? Referring to Rolland's video on youtube at LAX with multiple aircraft with the pearl effect, how can I get that?


Which settings need to be added from the read me into the .ini to get the best flow possible?


Try this (from p. 3 of the quick reference guide):


AIHoldingAllowed = 3
//Note: AIHoldingAllowed=2, 3 or 4 provide best AI separation! 
AISeparationDistance = 1
AIVectorSortPeriod = 1 
The separation distance in 1.3B should be reduced more than before for the pearl effect(due to a different way separation is calculated).  You might even try AISeparationDistance = 0.75



Issue # 2, at Sacramento, Flight departs gets to about 500 feet, starts the turn on the FRA.FROGO SID, and DISAPPEARS.


Did the AI get close to another AI on departure.  Try AIAntiClosePair = 0 and see if it is still happening.




I view it as you said. And also sometimes i just watch on aimonitor and nothing happens.


That does seem like an incorrect simconnect version.  If you installed FSX SP2, that may not give you the latest version of the simconnect.dll.  Verify the instruction on p. 1 of the readme, especially regarding the link to the Simconnect Installation Wiki at FSDeveloper.  I used to check for simconnect version, don't remember why I took it out of the code, but I probably need to reconsider adding it back.   

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Did the AI get close to another AI on departure. Try AIAntiClosePair = 0 and see if it is still happening.

Nope this was an singular aircraft taking off from Sacramento, don't think there was any other aircraft buy it. I'll add in the value at take a look.


Here's my current INI, all default settings with this added in to the bottom:

AIJetRoutesEnabled = 1
//Note: a source of jetroute data is necessary to use this feature.
//If you have purchased and installed a PMDG aircraft, you can find one
//such source in the FSX/PMDG/NAVDATA folder, where the WPNAVRTE.txt
// file is located. Copy this file into same folder where AIController is installed.
AIAverageWinds = 28040
AIJetRoutesFlightLevel = 10000
AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Jet = 26000
AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Prop = 10000
AIJetRoutesUpperLimit_Prop = 24000
AIMinTripLengthForJetRoutes = 60
AIPreferredJetRoutes = J,Q
AIJetRoutesOrigin = 1

AISpeed1700 = 160
AISpeed1000 = 150
AISpeed500  = 140
AISpeedTouchDown = 135

AIAntiOffAngleApproach = 1
AICircleUntilAssignedRunway = 1
AIHoldForRunwayPattern = 2

AIImmediateForceLandAll = 1

AIFinalPrecisionModeAlt = 3000

AIFinalTurnScalar = 2.3

AIHoldingAllowed = 3
//Note: AIHoldingAllowed=2, 3 or 4 provide best AI separation!
AISeparationDistance = 1
AIVectorSortPeriod = 1

AIAntiClosePair = 0


I know this might be an stretch request but I thought I'd put this out there. At one of my old VA's they had it set up so that when someone chose a flight between two airport pairs there would be an internal query to grab the route for that flight. The route was grabbed from FlightAware's recently used IFR routes page, here: http://flightaware.com/statistics/ifr-route/ The route that was chosen was whichever was most commonly flown, as an example: KSFO-KLAX


24 KLAX KSFO FL260 - FL380 VTU5 RZS J501 BSR BSR2 355 sm 14 KLAX KSFO FL280 - FL380 FIXIT2 RZS J501 BSR BSR2 364 sm 2 KLAX KSFO FL300 FIXIT2 RZS BSR BSR2 364 sm 1 KLAX KSFO FL300 CASTA4 AVE BSR BSR2 382 sm 1 KLAX KSFO FL340 VTU5 RZS BSR BSR2 355 sm 1 KLAX KSFO FL360 EXERT V25 RZS J501 BSR BSR2 362 sm 1 KLAX KSFO FL360 VTU5 RZS J501 BSR

352 sm




My thought is, would there be any way to possibly take the two airport pairs an AI is flying and once it's airborne plot it to fly the route "queried" (I'm thinking a pre compiled airport pair route list would be better than an single query every time an AI departs) ?? Since we can now fly jet routes, maybe we could tell the AI which route points to fly to and not have it be too randomized.




Try this (from p. 3 of the quick reference guide):


AIHoldingAllowed = 3
//Note: AIHoldingAllowed=2, 3 or 4 provide best AI separation! 
AISeparationDistance = 1
AIVectorSortPeriod = 1 
The separation distance in 1.3B should be reduced more than before for the pearl effect(due to a different way separation is calculated).  You might even try AISeparationDistance = 0.75




Did the AI get close to another AI on departure.  Try AIAntiClosePair = 0 and see if it is still happening.





That does seem like an incorrect simconnect version.  If you installed FSX SP2, that may not give you the latest version of the simconnect.dll.  Verify the instruction on p. 1 of the readme, especially regarding the link to the Simconnect Installation Wiki at FSDeveloper.  I used to check for simconnect version, don't remember why I took it out of the code, but I probably need to reconsider adding it back.   

I have 10.0.61637 / 10.0.61355.0 / 10.0.60905.0 in winsxs folder




I'm not getting any landings at KPHX, aircraft are coming in way too high, upwards of FL450 and some aircraft are flying around at 550+ knts.


After further evaluation, the pre compiled LA METRO files work just fine and AI fly those procedures. Which leaves me thinking that the files from conversion from PMDG to AI CONTROLLER must not be right???


I have 10.0.61637 / 10.0.61355.0 / 10.0.60905.0 in winsxs folder

The only thing i can think of is the amount of ai traffic i have. I have ice traffic this generates a lot of traffic maybe the program cant handle that?


The only thing i can think of is the amount of ai traffic i have. I have ice traffic this generates a lot of traffic maybe the program cant handle that?

I'm using custom traffic as well that emulates an real world level. I think it's just a matter of getting the correct procedures active for the weather to create a flow that won't cause too much chaos within FS. Having the program alone maintain the spacing has been one of my most difficult issues. Thus I've been using AI Separation to help with that. I open 4 windows. First is reduction at 10nm with refresh rate at 1 second. The next is 20nm at 2 seconds and so on and so forth until 40 miles. My minimum separation is 5nm with a slew back of 3nm.


Unfortunately I'm still getting issues with aircraft that don't seem to be transition from the STAR to the approach phase in an appropriate fashion or even aircraft that will fly in weird directions and then 15 mins later start making their way to the airport. Some even are on the proper arrival procedure but climb in the process.


Nope this was an singular aircraft taking off from Sacramento, don't think there was any other aircraft buy it. I'll add in the value at take a look.


Here's my current INI, all default settings with this added in to the bottom:

AIJetRoutesEnabled = 1

//Note: a source of jetroute data is necessary to use this feature.

//If you have purchased and installed a PMDG aircraft, you can find one

//such source in the FSX/PMDG/NAVDATA folder, where the WPNAVRTE.txt

// file is located. Copy this file into same folder where AIController is installed.

AIAverageWinds = 28040

AIJetRoutesFlightLevel = 10000

AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Jet = 26000


AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Prop = 10000

AIJetRoutesUpperLimit_Prop = 24000

AIMinTripLengthForJetRoutes = 60

AIPreferredJetRoutes = J,Q

AIJetRoutesOrigin = 1


AISpeed1700 = 160

AISpeed1000 = 150

AISpeed500  = 140

AISpeedTouchDown = 135


AIAntiOffAngleApproach = 1

AICircleUntilAssignedRunway = 1

AIHoldForRunwayPattern = 2


AIImmediateForceLandAll = 1


AIFinalPrecisionModeAlt = 3000


AIFinalTurnScalar = 2.3


AIHoldingAllowed = 3

//Note: AIHoldingAllowed=2, 3 or 4 provide best AI separation!

AISeparationDistance = 1

AIVectorSortPeriod = 1


AIAntiClosePair = 0




Looks good, except AICircleUntilAssignedRunway should equal either 0 or the desired initial altitude.  However, AIImmediateForceLandAll = 1 tells the AI to land immediately thereby turning off AICircleUntilAssignedRunway, so it shouldn't matter.  Have you seen any other AI disappear on departure since adding AIAntiClosePair = 0?



My thought is, would there be any way to possibly take the two airport pairs an AI is flying and once it's airborne plot it to fly the route "queried" (I'm thinking a pre compiled airport pair route list would be better than an single query every time an AI departs) ?? Since we can now fly jet routes, maybe we could tell the AI which route points to fly to and not have it be too randomized.


Great idea.  It will take a lot of new coding though...I'll think about it, but it won't make into the next version.  But thanks again for the idea, very good.



I'm not getting any landings at KPHX, aircraft are coming in way too high, upwards of FL450 and some aircraft are flying around at 550+ knts.


Thanks for the image, very helpful.  Just to verify, are those AI under the control of AIController?  If the AI are spawned close to their destination, they won't get assigned a jet route or a STAR.  For example, enroute cruise (under the control of FSX/P3D) is very high and fast.  If not, do you notice these high and fast AI (under the control of AIController at other airports)?



I have 10.0.61637 / 10.0.61355.0 / 10.0.60905.0 in winsxs folder


I'm pretty sure 10.0.61259.0 is the one you need (FSX SP2 or Acceleration).  Looks like you have the older FSX RTM version.  Did you follow the referenced Simconnect SDK installation instructions at the FSDeveloper Wiki (http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=SDK_Installation_%28FSX%29).    



Unfortunately I'm still getting issues with aircraft that don't seem to be transition from the STAR to the approach phase in an appropriate fashion or even aircraft that will fly in weird directions and then 15 mins later start making their way to the airport. Some even are on the proper arrival procedure but climb in the process.


Have any autogens been recorded?  Until that happens (or until a custom final approach file is written), then the AI will leave the STAR and perform the final approach under the control of FSX just like the older versions (unless you write a custom final approach file).  The AI flying in a wrong direction for 15 minutes sounds like the AI exited the STAR with no autogen available, and thus flew under the control of FSX.  However, the AI can't intercept the IAF under the control of FSX because the STAR exit waypoint is probably too close to the IAF, so a stand-off develops.  Try modifying the STAR by moving the exit waypoint further away from the IAF.


BTW, in the next version autogens will be immediately available (no recording process) and AIConverter will also convert final approaches from nav data, so these issues will be avoided.


Where to start off. Good news is that the departing AI disappearing has been fixed. I've been doing extensive testing at LAX using the SADDE6 arrival. Here's my current INI.

//STARs - enter the filenames of STARs.
//AISIDSTAR.exe will automatically pick the most
//suitable STAR based on distance from AI aircraft
//to entry point.
//NO LIMIT on STARs however if you enter too
//many results may become unpredictable.
//NOTE: use "comments" (e.g., "//") to disable/enable STARs


STAR=.\Autogen Cache\*.*

//SIDs - enter the filenames of STARs.
//AISIDSTAR.exe will automatically pick the most
//suitable SID based on distance from AI aircraft
//to entry point.
//NO LIMIT on SIDs however if you enter too
//many results may become unpredictable.
//NOTE: use "comments" (e.g., "//") to disable/enable SIDs


//Distance in NM that AI is allowed to miss
//waypoint before going onto the next waypoint.
//Default=2 NM
//Degrees that AI is allowed to veer of target
//while heading to waypoint.
//Altitude (ft) below which no AI approach vectoring occurs.
//Note: setting this value too low may cause chronic AI go-arounds.
//Default = 1500 ft.
//Distance (nm) below which no AI approach vectoring occurs.
//Note: setting this value too low may cause chronic AI go-arounds.
//Default = 7 nm.
//Scalar applied to AI turn rate.
//Too high and AI will overshoot expecially
//during long turns.
//Too low and AI might be too slow to acquire
//desired heading.
//Scalar applied to AI speed.
//Alitude in feet above ground level (AGL)
//the AI will obtain after exiting last
//waypoint in SID before being handed
//over to FSX ATC for final vectors to final.
//Default=3000 ft.
//Scalar applied to AI rates of ascent and descent
//Radius in meters to monitor AI for control
//Default (and SimConnect Max) = 200000 meters
// (i.e., about 108 NM).
//WARNING:  Max = 200000 exceeding which will
//cause Simconnect to return an exception.
//Don't assign SID if departing AI is spawned farther away
//from departure airport than this distance (nautical miles).
//Default  = 10 nm.
//Don't assign STAR UNTIL arriving AI is closer to the
//destination airport than this distance (nautical miles).
//Default  = 120 nm.
//Separation distance between AI aircraft (in nautical miles)
//Separation distance between User aircraft and AI (in nautical miles)
//AI allowed to HOLD at stepped alttitudes at STAR entry and/or exit point
//in order to maintain AI separation distance.
//0 (no holding) (default), 1 (holding at STAR entry), 2 (holding at STAR exit)
//3 (holding at both STAR entry and exit) 4 (all STAR waypoints)
//"Going around" (missed approach) vectoring.
//0=No, 1=Yes  (Default = 1)
//If 1 (Yes), AI will be assigned SID to fly.  After exiting SID,
//AI aircraft will leave the //monitored area permanently.   
//If 0 (No), FSX will vector AI aircraft going around using its
//typical VFR like pattern.
//Automatic Selection of STARs based on landing runways in use
//0=No, 1=Yes  (Default = 1)
//If 1 (Yes), AI will be assigned a STAR with entry point closest
//to the AI *and* specific to one of the landing runways in use
//Note: A STAR file with specific runway data must exist (e.g., runway
//data present in STAR file for the montiored airport).
//Note: FSX landing data must also be AVAILABLE for the monitored
//airport when the STAR is chosen (sometimes it will not be).
//Note: If a STAR specific to landing runways in use is not found,
//AISIDSTAR will only select a STAR with the closest entry point.
//If 0 (No), STAR with entry point closest to AI will be selected.
//Make approach vectoring compatible with Ultimate Traffic 2
//or any other AI program that assigns detailed flight plans
//(e.g., jet routes) to the AI.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//Note1: If UT2Compatiblity is turned on (=1), the user is advised
//to also significantly reduce the AImaxspawndistancefromstar value
//above (e.g., from 200 to 50).
//Enable AI Telemetry File Generation for External Program
//Interface to AISIDATAR.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//Full FSX Path to the My Documents FSX Subdirectory where
//FSX Flight Plans are stored.  No Default.
//Note: User may specify a UNC network path.
//Note: This Option is Currently NOT USED.
MyFSXDocumentsPath=C:\Users\My Name\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files
//AISIDSTAR.exe status output to SimConnect console
//screen is more verbose.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//AISIDSTAR.exe status output to SimConnect console
//screen is at debug level (only for bug tracking).  0=No, 1=Yes.
//(Default = 0)

AIJetRoutesEnabled = 1
//Note: a source of jetroute data is necessary to use this feature.
//If you have purchased and installed a PMDG aircraft, you can find one
//such source in the FSX/PMDG/NAVDATA folder, where the WPNAVRTE.txt
// file is located. Copy this file into same folder where AIController is installed.
AIAverageWinds = 18718
AIJetRoutesFlightLevel = 10000
AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Jet = 26000
AIJetRoutesLowerLimit_Prop = 10000
AIJetRoutesUpperLimit_Prop = 18000
AIMinTripLengthForJetRoutes = 60
AILandWithoutClearance = 0
AITrafficPattern = 0
AIAntiClosePair = 0
AITrafficSpeedAdjust = 1
AITurboPropSpeedAdjust = 1
AIPistonSpeedAdjust = 1
AIFinalApproachSlowDownScalar = 1
AISpeedIAF = 180
AISpeed1700 = 160
AISpeed1000 = 150
AISpeed500 = 145
AISpeedTouchDown = 140


Here are some of the current issues I've noticed. First off is for the majority of the arrivals, the entry point is well outside of the visible bubble of FS. When AI first spawn and get assigned their STARS they'll fly out of the area. I imagine this is what the AI CLOSE mirror files are for. Using the SADDE6 I made FIM the anchor point as anything else further would cause the AI to leave the area. I was also successfully able to modify and add in speed and altitude restriction, very happy about that.


The next issue is the time it takes for the AI to be recognized leaving the last STAR waypoint, transferred over to FS and capturing the IAF to record the first autogen OR being given from FS and capturing the AUTO GEN FINAL FIX. To answer your other question, yes an AUTO GEN FILE is being generated and does make things flow better after the initial shock.


Going off of my last comment, I added in VPELA after JAVSI to give AI an better angle towards the airport. The issue is that after AI cross the last waypoint and turn towards the airport, they continue turning so that when they finally get activated to fly to the IAF or the AUTO GEN FILE they have to vector themselves back onto the approach path. With my first few attempts, AI were doing somewhat of an S turn. After I extended the length of the STAR things were a bit better. But this delay between STAR to FINAL when FS takes back over can be problematic.


Using KSMF as my next issue airport, seems the SID being chosen is quite sensitive. Aircraft flying south typical get assigned FROGO and aircraft going to the east or southeast are given DUDES9. I'm getting 99% of my flights using FROGO.


Was doing some viewing at STL, the procedure was being flown correctly by the AI, however, they were landing on the approach path and "driving" the rest of the way to the runway.


I'll stop there. I will continue to tinker still as much as my annoyance level allows. Promising progress though!


Looks good, except AICircleUntilAssignedRunway should equal either 0 or the desired initial altitude.  However, AIImmediateForceLandAll = 1 tells the AI to land immediately thereby turning off AICircleUntilAssignedRunway, so it shouldn't matter.  Have you seen any other AI disappear on departure since adding AIAntiClosePair = 0?




Great idea.  It will take a lot of new coding though...I'll think about it, but it won't make into the next version.  But thanks again for the idea, very good.




Thanks for the image, very helpful.  Just to verify, are those AI under the control of AIController?  If the AI are spawned close to their destination, they won't get assigned a jet route or a STAR.  For example, enroute cruise (under the control of FSX/P3D) is very high and fast.  If not, do you notice these high and fast AI (under the control of AIController at other airports)?




I'm pretty sure 10.0.61259.0 is the one you need (FSX SP2 or Acceleration).  Looks like you have the older FSX RTM version.  Did you follow the referenced Simconnect SDK installation instructions at the FSDeveloper Wiki (http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=SDK_Installation_%28FSX%29).    




Have any autogens been recorded?  Until that happens (or until a custom final approach file is written), then the AI will leave the STAR and perform the final approach under the control of FSX just like the older versions (unless you write a custom final approach file).  The AI flying in a wrong direction for 15 minutes sounds like the AI exited the STAR with no autogen available, and thus flew under the control of FSX.  However, the AI can't intercept the IAF under the control of FSX because the STAR exit waypoint is probably too close to the IAF, so a stand-off develops.  Try modifying the STAR by moving the exit waypoint further away from the IAF.


BTW, in the next version autogens will be immediately available (no recording process) and AIConverter will also convert final approaches from nav data, so these issues will be avoided.

I installed the sdks but i doesnt at the other simconnect version? And i have a newer version than you have? Shouldn't that one be used?


Hi Roland,


I'm having trouble starting the program!


I've just downloaded the software and I'm getting the following error when going directly into AIController.exe:


"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect."


AIMonitor.exe opens but doesn't display any traffic, but when I click the button to Start AIController I get a similar message to the one above, preceded by:


"COULD NOT START AIController.EXE. Ensure the AIController Monitor Program is in the same directory as the AIController.exe file." which it is.


A quick google search reveals that it may be a C++ runtime component issue.


I have 2005 and 2010 C++ redistributables installed.


Can you help?





What I did was download the program and made a separate folder and copied everything from the zip into that folder. I personally don't use the monitor.exe program. I just start AI controller with my folder containing the sids and stars I want to use being active and that's that.


Another issue I'm having. Take note of the Cactus 1782 top right. 83mH7tM.png


I've had this issue at other airports as well. When an aircraft enters the area, even though its been assigned a star it continues to climb and will eventually leave the area. Is that related to if AI is at an bad angle, height, etc that it will leave area via SID? I've also seen this with AI who have been given a runway assignment too, they'll just climb on away until they're out of the area.


Oke it seems that 10.0.61637 is for sp2 and 10.0.61259.0 is for acc. Hope this helps you



There must be a bug. I first had w8.1 then w7 and now w10 and still the ai traffic flips when in cruise and no ai traffic gets controlled by ai controller for a star or sid. Tested this on eham and lowi. 


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