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Ai Controller (Sid, Jet Route, Star And Final Approach) Beta

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For the example I shown you it does say multi rwy. Unfortunately its only on the file name ( external). The name inside the file is the one that is long and that is the one displayed.



1.2 worked. 1.3B crashes.




OK, add debug=1 and verbose=1 to the end of your .ini file, rerun the program until it crashes, then email the log file to me at [email protected].  I'll take a look at it.




The name inside the file is the one that is long and that is the one displayed.


That's true, I should probably revise the patternname field inside the file to state "multi rwy" as well (in situations where there are excessive runways tied to the STAR).  Thanks!





1.2 worked. 1.3B crashes.




I had the same problem.  I found it was hanging in the graph.txt file.  It was probably the old one, so I deleted it, and AICONTROLLER created a new one...all good so far.


I'll keep testing.





I had the same problem.  I found it was hanging in the graph.txt file.  It was probably the old one, so I deleted it, and AICONTROLLER created a new one...all good so far.

This did the trick! Thanks!

"I am the Master of the Fist!" -Akuma


Thanks for the update Roland, clearly you have put a lot of work into this update cycle so thank you, don't let my words that follow dishearten you. I've only tested the latest version on the ground so far at LEIB and the SIDS and STARS seem to be working OK.


The one thing I still do not like in 1.3b is the autogen landings, they always seem to be recorded too early in a session and as many know the first few landings at an airport after you start an FS session can usually end up bad due to the approaching aircraft coming in too high, because FS spawns then too close and too high for approach. This mostly ends up in a go around if it's an FS controlled flight. So the resulting recorded flight used as a base for the AI controlled autogen landings result in long landings and unrealistic approach angles.


I also notice the aircraft make a few adjustments in the approach angle and it many cases they ascend and make the situation even worse, is it really that difficult to follow a virtual 3 degree slope to the runway TDZ? Excuse my ignorance if that sounds like a silly assumption.


Keep up the good work, I'll do some more AI spotting today along with a flight too.

Cheers, Andy.


Regarding what Andy said, I suggest a small program that can create approaches. The program should be simple to make.here is what it could entail.


- user enters the coordinates of the touchdown zone markings

- user enters the runway heading and altitude and remainder of runway length

- user enters the prefered distance of the IAF and the glide slope angle

- users enters how many fixes to be created between the IAF and the touchdown zone

- the program will then take that info and create some fixes along the given constraints to the rwy threshold


This will be much quicker and more precise method of creating approaches. It would be nice if the program could read the rwy data from makerwys of something so you don't need to add the coordinates yourself. If your approach has a curve etc, you could adjust the coordinates in the created file.


Hope it can be done. Thx


PS. I have witnessed many times ai on the approach file do a little wobble ( wing shake) a few times until touchdown. I think the program is trying to keep the ai on course but that makes it look a little more believable. In reality, planes done land as straight laced as fsx makes it. Pilots do make corrections during landing.


Hi I have a few questions,


If FSX has aircraft under control for the landing does it control the roll out length or is  that still done by AIController?


I have set up my custom STAR's for London Gatwick which seem to work well. Even after FSX has control and gives landing clearance it lets a departing aircraft onto the runway to takeoff so causing the go around! Does  RC4 control the landing and take off of aircraft better than default ATC?


A request on the AI Monitor program it would be great if we could filter to only show one selected airport.


Many Thanks for my hours of AI spotting :)

Antony Curran

A request on the AI Monitor program it would be great if we could filter to only show one selected airport.


While I still remember, would it be also possible to keep the highlighted line selected between data refreshes? When I click on a line to highlight it within seconds it removes the highlight again, so it makes it very difficult to easily keep track of a particular flight.

Cheers, Andy.


Hi I have a few questions,


If FSX has aircraft under control for the landing does it control the roll out length or is that still done by AIController?


I have set up my custom STAR's for London Gatwick which seem to work well. Even after FSX has control and gives landing clearance it lets a departing aircraft onto the runway to takeoff so causing the go around! Does RC4 control the landing and take off of aircraft better than default ATC?


A request on the AI Monitor program it would be great if we could filter to only show one selected airport.


Many Thanks for my hours of AI spotting :)

RC4 does not control ai. The most it can do to them is hold them.

RC4 does not control ai. The most it can do to them is hold them.


Thanks ysfsim I wasn't sure what it could do. I guess there is only more watching and tweaking I can do to the AI until Roland takes over the ground stuff  :smile:

Antony Curran

Guest abranpuko

Hello Clipper. Well. I dont know what can i be doing wrong....but i have decided after your big help to post you my complet ".ini" here, because, my "atr 72.500, 42,500 etc,etc..." and turboprops, continue deciding to land at 95-105 knots, altought i have put the settings you said to me. (the last lines).

Is there anything in this list i shoud delete or put? All planes land at 135/140, but turboprops "No".

Sorry again for the same question. I was shy to ask it again but after i though that maybe i could also help a little bit explaining my litlle problem.
























AITrafficSpeedAdjust = 1
AITurboPropSpeedAdjust = 1
AIPistonSpeedAdjust = 1
AISeparationDistance = 0
AIHoldingAllowed = 3
//Note: or 2, 3 or 4
AIFinalApproachSlowDownScalar = 1
AISpeedIAF = 145
AISpeed1700 = 145
AISpeed1000 = 145
AISpeed500 = 145
AISpeedTouchDown = 145


Thanks for reading again.



I've watching the AI monitor programme while fine tuning my stars. I have noticed that some aircraft on the stars have there runway assignment and others don't. When does this get assigned and I'm assuming its an fsx job?

Antony Curran


I've watching the AI monitor programme while fine tuning my stars. I have noticed that some aircraft on the stars have there runway assignment and others don't. When does this get assigned and I'm assuming its an fsx job?

fsx assigns runways

The one thing I still do not like in 1.3b is the autogen landings, they always seem to be recorded too early in a session and as many know the first few landings at an airport after you start an FS session can usually end up bad due to the approaching aircraft coming in too high, because FS spawns then too close and too high for approach. This mostly ends up in a go around if it's an FS controlled flight. So the resulting recorded flight used as a base for the AI controlled autogen landings result in long landings and unrealistic approach angles.


This is true, autogen final approaches will be retired when I start controlling ground operations as I'll have all the waypoints I need (runway waypoints) to perform landings.  As it is now though, autogen isn't perfect by any means.  At some airports it works well, at other airports less so.  You can also clear your cache folder of recorded autogens you don't like and attempt to re-record.   You can also turn autogen recording off (AIFinalApproachAutoRecord = 0) and just go with FSX controlled final approaches.  If you're using AIHoldingAllowed modes 2,3 or 4, AIController will still attempt to detangle AI on final approach under the control of FSX by commanding holds at the STAR exit waypoint.  It works reasonably well at moderate (or less) AI traffic densities.




I also notice the aircraft make a few adjustments in the approach angle and it many cases they ascend and make the situation even worse, is it really that difficult to follow a virtual 3 degree slope to the runway TDZ?


The final approach waypoints includes altitude (more useful for custom approaches than the autogen approaches).  That little bit of altitude oscillation (e.g., at the 500 ft AGL mark) is probably caused by too much default gain in the control algorithm.  I've been meaning to look at the default values for that, but in the meantime you can add AIFinalAscentDescentScalar to your .ini to experiment.  Perhaps  AIFinalAscentDescentScalar=0.90 or .85 may dampen it a bit.


Edit: regarding keeping the highlighted line selected between data refreshes, yes, that can be done.  I've had multiple requests for this feature, so I'll look into it. 



Regarding what Andy said, I suggest a small program that can create approaches. The program should be simple to make.here is what it could entail.


Thanks Anthony, good suggestions.  When I add the ability to control ground operations, some of the items you mentioned will no longer need to be programmed (at least for the generic approaches), such as touchdown zones. runway headings, and IAF because I will be reading all of the runway waypoints.  Still, I like the idea of being able to parametrically control things like generic fix displacement, height, and the touchdown zone and perhaps a randomness factor as well.




Hello Clipper. Well. I dont know what can i be doing wrong.


Thanks, that should be working.  You're probably not doing anything wrong.  Most likely a bug.  I'll keep trying to reproduce it and when I do, it should be an easy fix.


P.S. for anyone interested regarding Prepar3D.  I posted a feature request to include a request a SimConnect method to put P3D-generated AI aircraft into the AI TRAFFIC STATE = "taxi in".  As we have discussed in prior threads, this would be an extremely useful feature to allow the most realistic final approaches and traffic spacing.  If you would like add your support to the feature request, I would appreciate it.  The request can be found at:




Please bear in mind that although this feature request appears simple, it could be very difficult and time-consuming to revise the code to support it.  Also, the feature request itself may be too niche to attract the support of Lockheed.  Regardless, I will continue my research into controlling ground operations.  If I am able to do that, I will not need the requested feature, although it would still be very helpful to have it (for my programs as well as for other programs too).




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