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Ai Controller (Sid, Jet Route, Star And Final Approach) Beta

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By default I think this app takes command of the AI at 600 feet above ground level after take-off, if there are SID's active for the airport in question. So your runway incursion was the fault of FSX or possibly VOX ATC and not AI Controller.

Cheers, Andy.

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Hi and first off thank you Roland for this great utility. Ive been reading all the threads from the start and I love the way it has developed. I must say I dont know how well it is controlling my Ai as I have limited use at the moment. I mainly fly short hops between UK airports.

I remember reading somewhere about changing landing aircraft to taxi status so they can get controlled by fsx to the stands. Is this not possible am I correct? I had a similar issue while landing at Manchester ATC wanted me to climb to FL210 while I was on approach. I landed anyway and didnt get my taxi instructions. So I cancelled my flight plan and then my taxi option was available. Is this something that can be used to get ATC to taxi the forced landed aircraft to their stands. Was just something that I did and wanted to share.

Keep up the good work many thanks again to Roland and all the testers for getting it to this stage.


Antony Curran

Guest abranpuko


I have a message sometimes: "Less than 1000 ft from users aircraf. the ai aircraft will now be REMOVED from the area. note: runway incursion check occurs when users aircraft on ground, landing and strobe lights on, speed less than 10 kts.


is there a way to change this? when i land, i need some minutes to put strobe lights off and landing lights...but sometimes, i have to be less than 10 kts (depending of circumstances)


thank you!!!


Hello, thanks for the answer again. Unfortunately, on final approach, the turboprop ones continue approaching in 95-105 knots. I have just put waht you recommend to me but nothing change. i suposse i havent done it well. i put:


Seems to be working on my end, are you sure you're observing an AI under control of AIController?  Sometimes, the AI is released from control, such as when it is intercepting an IAF or when a final approach autogen is being recorded.




I like to use VOX ATC, but I don't like the VOX ATC AI traffic. So what I end up doing is using Ultimate traffic 2 as AI, VOX ATC to control my Aircraft (turning VOX ATC AI traffic to zero) and I used AISIDSTAR (and now AIControl) to control the AI Aircraft that they don't get into my way. This worked really well apart from landing at busy airports. I had it several times, that I was on short final and and AI was taxiing on the runway ( I could not say if this happens as well with AIControl as I have only done a few flights so far). Now, if the new AIController version would stop the AI from entering the runway, while I am on short final (similar to what Radar Contact does, which freezes the AI ground traffic while I am on short final) then this would be great.


Great idea, I just finished adding this feature, a new beta will be available shortly.  When the user is on short final below 1000 ft AGL (adjustable) but not on the ground, the ground AI taxiing to a departing runway within 2 nm of the user's aircraft will temporarily be frozen.  The only exception is AI that has already been cleared to enter the runway, they will be allowed to takeoff.  Immediately when the user touches down, the frozen AI will continue taxiing as normal.  Believe it or not, this was an easy feature to add.



I remember reading somewhere about changing landing aircraft to taxi status so they can get controlled by fsx to the stands.  Is this not possible am I correct?


Yes, if the AI lands without clearance, it is not possible to force an AI to "taxi in" status. 



I have a message sometimes: "Less than 1000 ft from users aircraf. the ai aircraft will now be REMOVED from the area. note: runway incursion check occurs when users aircraft on ground, landing and strobe lights on, speed less than 10 kts.


is there a way to change this? when i land, i need some minutes to put strobe lights off and landing lights...but sometimes, i have to be less than 10 kts (depending of circumstances)


Sure, to increase the height (e.g., 2000 ft) just add AIAntiRunwayIncursion=2000 to your .ini.  Should give you some extra time.  To disable the feature entirely, just add AIAntiRunwayIncursion=0 .  I think this is an undocumented feature in the current beta, but if not, it is definitely in the new beta, which should be available shortly.




I teem to me that the AIgoaroundleavearea=0 is not effective. I still have ai that haven't got clearance or a runway sent on a SID and never returns...


Im looking for the ultimate combination of settings to give me the best results to be used globally. Here is what I want to happen:


-ai to follow star and enter the Approach if a file exists

-if no Approach file exists, the ai is to remain at or below the last STAR altitude and approach the airport in an attempt to land with no approach recording

-it would be preferred if the ai gets clearance but if not, too bad


Instead of having the ai circle the airport or doing a pattern to get clearance, how about getting the ai to intercept the runway centerline at say 10nm or user specified and of course keep the ai at the last STAR altitude until it gets clearance as it follows this center line to the rwy threshold? This should be allowed only if there is not an active Approach file in existance for the current rwy.


It would be nice if there was a separate app that can make the creation of Approach files easier than creating it manually which can cause problems.

Guest abranpuko

thanks clipper!


Well, this is what i have on my ini:




your "AIAntiRunwayIncursion=0" is great. But i continue with "turboprop" landing 95 knots. Could you suggest me your settings for my .ini? like this, i have only to copy and paste (because i have the sensation that im doing something wrong. I was watching aiplanes durng one hour and no: turbopro didnt change to higher in any of the 26 planes! (ATR, embraer, cesnna...).


i would aprecciate too much. thanks again!


A wonderful thing! Allows you to land the aircraft, where this is not possible by default.
Arrival of the first aircrafts in Ketchikan rwy 11.


-ai to follow star and enter the Approach if a file exists

-if no Approach file exists, the ai is to remain at or below the last STAR altitude and approach the airport in an attempt to land with no approach recording

-it would be preferred if the ai gets clearance but if not, too bad


Good points, in the new beta (to be uploaded soon), AIMaxWanderTime will control this behavior.  I think that makes sense.  If the user enters AIMaxWanderTime=0, then they don't want any AI that fails to gain timely clearance after exiting the STAR to "wander" around the terminal area at all.  However, if they set AIMaxWanderTime to a non-zero value, then they don't mind (at least for a certain amount of time) (as in your situation).


If you  don’t want AIController to peform any go-arounds via a SID for any situation, including those that don’t have to do with conflicting traffic, such as bad approach altitude, heading, etc., excessive wandering, add these parameters to the .ini:

AIGoAroundLeaveArea = 0
AIAntiOffAngleApproach = 0
AICircleUntilAssignedRunway = 0
AIFinalApproachTooLow  = 0
AIFinalApproachTooHigh = 0
AIAntiRunwayIncursion = 0
AIMaxWanderTime = 86400
//86400 = one day (very large number)
Also, if you don't want approach recordings, add: AIFinalApproachAutoRecord=0













I think you need to add AIFinalApproachSlowDownScalar = 1 as well (controls additional speed reductions on final approach).  Increasing AITurboPropSpeedAdjust won't work because those are speed reduction scalars.  All the speed reduction scalars are tied to the main scalar AISpeedScalar, which is used to increase/decrease AI speeds across the board.


Try adding this block at the very end of your .ini, then save.  It works for me (the turboprops and pistons fly the same speeds as the jets):


AITrafficSpeedAdjust = 1
AITurboPropSpeedAdjust = 1
AIPistonSpeedAdjust = 1
AISeparationDistance = 0
AIHoldingAllowed = 3
//Note: or 2, 3 or 4
AIFinalApproachSlowDownScalar = 1
AISpeedIAF = 145
AISpeed1700 = 145
AISpeed1000 = 145
AISpeed500 = 145
AISpeedTouchDown = 145


I tried running this program and here is the error that I get. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?



Thanks for the screen shot, it looks like the program is trying to read the inactive folder, which is definitely should not be.  Do you by chance have a SID/STAR path pointing to the inactive folder?  If so, that could cause some problems, especially if you have files in there that are not SID/STARs.  Could you send a copy of your .ini file to me at [email protected]?



A wonderful thing! Allows you to land the aircraft, where this is not possible by default.

Arrival of the first aircrafts in Ketchikan rwy 11.


Good to see!  Thanks for uploading the video.  That little bit of altitude oscillation at the 500 ft AGL mark is probably caused by too much default gain in the control algorithm.  I've been meaning to look at the default values for that, but in the meantime you can add AIFinalAscentDescentScalar to your .ini to experiment.  Perhaps  AIFinalAscentDescentScalar=0.90 or .85 may dampen it a bit.



A new beta version of AIController v1.3B is available at the following link:



If you're using an older (but customized) version, but you want to try this beta version out, perform the following steps:

1) install a separate version 1.3B (stock).

2) test to see if everything seems to be working ok

3) copy and paste in your custom folders and .ini files.  


New:  Automatic "joining" of jetroutes.  This feature primarily addresses oceanic jetroutes for AI.  Here's a good example.  High altitude airways between the mainland and Hawaii (the "R" airways such as R576, R577, R578, etc) end just before the U.S. west coast.   The "joining" feature will join the endpoint of these airways with the endpoints of mainland airways resulting in better jet route selection for AI departing from/arriving at Hawaii airports.  Add AIJetroutesJoinLimit=0 to your .ini to disable this feature.  I've also included a file of northern pacific and northern atlantic waypoints (OceanicWaypoints.txt) whose contents can be copy and pasted into your copy of the wpnavrte.txt file.  The join feature will link these waypoints with each other and with continental jetroutes allowing better route selection of AI traveling the northern Pacific (e.g., China, Japan) and the northern Atlantic (Europe).


New: User can specify preferred and disfavored jetroutes.  E.g., adding AIPreferredJetroutes=J,U to you .ini results in all jetroutes beginning with J or U being preferred.  Use can also specify disfavored jetroutes (e.g., AIDisFavoredJetRoutes=L).


New: Added anti-runway incursion features.  When the user's aircraft is on short final below this altitude (default is 1000 ft AGL), the airport AI taxiing to a departing runway within 2 nm of the user's aircraft will temporarily be frozen (except for AI already cleared to enter the runway).  The AI is unfrozen immediately after the user's aircraft touches down.  The other anti-incursion feature pertains to user aircraft entering the runway for takeoff.  If the user's aircraft on the ground, landing and strobe lights on, and speed less than 10 kts, AI below this altitude on short final will go around. All anti-runway incursion features can be disabled by adding AIAntiRunwayIncursion=0 to your .ini file.


New: Improved user aircraft-AI collision avoidance for jetroutes.  Any AI flying a jetroute (high speed cruise at flight levels) coming within +/- 1000 ft and 5 nm of user's aircraft will be commanded to ascend/descend as appropriate to avoid collision.  This corresponds roughly to a typical TCAS traffic advisory area.  Also note that AIController provides a different type of collision avoidance during SID/STAR/approaches, specifically AI aircraft flying approximately the same path as the user's aircraft during STAR/SID(s)/approaches/finals will still be commanded to speed up/slow down, but without altitude changes, to avoid the user's aircraft.  This will keep the AI in the proper ascent/descent profile during approach while still giving the user an approach "slot" to occupy.


New: SID(s) can now be tied to a particular runway, i.e., the program will read the runway (if any is present) in the SID file.  Thus, if you want a particular SID file for a particular runway, you no longer have to include an "initial" waypoint close to the departing runway (although you can if you want to).


New:  AIController now supports approaches by themselves.  That is, approach files are no longer linked to STAR files.  For example, you can write a custom approach and/or final approach file for a particular airport.  AIController will monitor that airport and impelment the approach file even though no STAR file was written for the airport. 


Revised:  For those not using the AITrafficPattern feature, which by default is on, the AIMaxWanderTime parameter has been revised to control what happens when an AI exits the STAR, but fails to gain timely approach clearance to the destination airport.  If the user specifies a non-zero parameter (note: Default AIMaxWanderTime=240) (i.e., 240 seconds or 4 minutes), then the user does not mind if the AI "wanders" around the terminal area for a limited time in an attempt to gain clearance.   If the user specifies AIMaxWanderTime = 0, then the user does not want the AI to "wander" even briefly, thus the AI will be immediately vectored out of the area in an orderly fashion via a SID.  Note that the alternate circling approach mode (e.g., AICircleUntilAssignedRunway = 5000) can be used instead of relying on AIMaxWanderTime or AITrafficPattern.


Fixed:  East/West Jetroute Altitude Assignments.


Fixed:  Sometimes AI circles waypoints on final approach when approaching the waypoint from an acute angle.   This tendency has been reduced.


Fixed:  Sometimes AI overbanks and goes inverted.  This should now be fixed!


Fixed:  Sometimes AIController would crash when slewing the user's aircraft (related to a jetroute bug).


Fixed:  Contact address is [email protected].


Important Revision:  A registered version (4.9x or later) of Peter Dowson's FSUIPC utility is recommended to use the full functionality of AIController.  For example, the new AICull function requires FSUIPC.  For networked configuration users, Peter's WideFS (ver. 6.9) is also recommended.


Various other fixes/revisions were also made.


Important New NOTAMS!


ENTERING FINAL APPROACH COORDINATES.  Do not use FSX when entering final approach coordinates for runway positions (e.g., touchdown, rollout) as the FSX in-game coordinate display (shift-Z) lacks the necessary precision (significant digits).  Use the freeware Airport Design Editor X (or similar) instead.


ENTERING RUNWAY DATA.   Ensure the runway number corresponds to the FSX runway description (for whatever airport scenery you are using).  Often, the latest FMS data will reference changed runway numbers that do not correspond to stock FSX runway descriptions.  For STAR files, if the runways do not match (STAR versus FSX), AIController will choose the STAR based on the waypoint having the closest entry point to the AI’s current position (i.e., not based on runway data), which often is satisfactory, but not always.  For Final Approach files, if the runways do not match, AIController might choose the final approach file having the incorrect runway data.


Demo (old AISIDSTAR Ver. 1.2Q, but still helpful):  


Here is a link to the old AISIDSTAR beta thread:  http://forum.avsim.net/topic/408490-ai-aircraft-sid-and-star-controller/






How does this new approach file only system work? Does the ai follow fsx vectors until it x distance from the runway before thr program vectors it to the approach fixes defined in the file? That would be great if that is so, however, does this mean holdings are now void?



How does this new approach file only system work? Does the ai follow fsx vectors until it x distance from the runway before thr program vectors it to the approach fixes defined in the file? That would be great if that is so, however, does this mean holdings are now void?


Similar to the usual procedure, when the AI gets within the STAR assignment range (AIMaxSpawnDistanceFromSTAR), the program checks for a STAR at the monitored airport and finds out it doesn't have one.  It then releases the AI to intercept the IAF, after which the final approach is assigned.  If you have forced landing mode enabled (AIImmediateForceLandAll), then the final will be assigned immediately (no IAF intercept).


Yep, if there are no STAR(s) then no STAR holding points, although I envisioned the approach only mode for airports with less traffic and thus less chance of incursion.  There are however the usual speed adjustments made during final approach to separate the AI. 




Hi Roland. Before beginning I'd thank to thank you for your efforts in building this addon.


In 1.2 I'd start AIMonitor then AIController (starting the latter from inside the AIMonitor interface). No issues. When I do the same in the beta, AIController crashes.


Log below



AI Controller Ver. 1.3B for FSX and P3D 
Read STAR0 filename = .\AUTOGEN CACHE\*.*
Distance to Waypoint Margin of Error = 1 nautical mile(s).
Heading to Waypoint Margin of Error = 1 degree(s).
Altitude below which no AI approach vectoring occurs = 1500 feet.
Distance below which no AI approach vectoring occurs = 7 nautical mile(s).
Turn Scalar = 1.
Speed Scalar = 1.
Pattern Altitude after Leaving STAR = 3000 feet.
Ascent and Descent Rate Scalar = 1.
Monitor for AI within Radius = 200000 meters.
No SID if departing AI spawned farther away from airport than distance = 10 nautical mile(s).
No STAR UNTIL arriving AI closer to airport than distance = 120 nautical mile(s).
Minimum Separation Distance between AI = 2 nautical mile(s) (Note: =0 is off).
Minimum Separation Distance between User and AI = 2 nautical mile(s) (Note: =0 is off).
Allow Holding to Maintain Separation Distance between AI = 3 (No=0, STAR entry=1, STAR exit=2, Both=3, All=4).
When Going Around AI Will Leave Area via SID = 1 (No=0, Yes=1).
Automatic STAR Selection Based on Landing Runways In Use = 1 (No=0, Yes=1).
Compatibility Mode for UT2 AI = 0 (No=0, Yes=1).
Provide Interface for External Programs = 0 (No=0, Yes=1).
My Documents FSX Installation Path for FSX Flight Plans = C:\USERS\MY NAME\MY DOCUMENTS\FLIGHT SIMULATOR X FILES
Verbose mode = 0 (No=0, Yes=1).
Debug mode = 0 (No=0, Yes=1).
Enable AI Jet Routes (Airway) Enroute Vectoring = 1 (No=0, Yes=1).
Preferred Jet Routes = J,U  (Default is J,U).
Status so far: Good, please note the above parameters read by AICONTROLLER.exe from the AICONTROLLER.ini file...
Status so far: Good, please note the AIController.log file is closing.
For LOGGING specify verbose=1 and debug=1 in the AICONTROLLER.ini file.
** NOTE:  Do NOT overlay a SECOND window in FSX/P3D      **
**        for an EXTENDED time while using AICONTROLLER. **
**        Doing so will cause AI control problems.       **

To save space I won't include all of the converted SID and STARS, but here is also a copy of of the AI COntroller ini

//Distance in NM that AI is allowed to miss
//waypoint before going onto the next waypoint.
//Default=2 NM
//Degrees that AI is allowed to veer of target
//while heading to waypoint.
//Altitude (ft) below which no AI approach vectoring occurs.
//Note: setting this value too low may cause chronic AI go-arounds.
//Default = 1500 ft.
//Distance (nm) below which no AI approach vectoring occurs.
//Note: setting this value too low may cause chronic AI go-arounds.
//Default = 7 nm.
//Scalar applied to AI turn rate.
//Too high and AI will overshoot expecially
//during long turns.
//Too low and AI might be too slow to acquire
//desired heading.
//Scalar applied to AI speed.
//Alitude in feet above ground level (AGL)
//the AI will obtain after exiting last
//waypoint in SID before being handed
//over to FSX ATC for final vectors to final.
//Default=3000 ft.
//Scalar applied to AI rates of ascent and descent
//Radius in meters to monitor AI for control
//Default (and SimConnect Max) = 200000 meters
// (i.e., about 108 NM).
//WARNING:  Max = 200000 exceeding which will
//cause Simconnect to return an exception.
//Don't assign SID if departing AI is spawned farther away 
//from departure airport than this distance (nautical miles).
//Default  = 10 nm.
//Don't assign STAR UNTIL arriving AI is closer to the
//destination airport than this distance (nautical miles).
//Default  = 120 nm.
//Separation distance between AI aircraft (in nautical miles)
//Separation distance between User aircraft and AI (in nautical miles)
//AI allowed to HOLD at stepped alttitudes at STAR entry and/or exit point
//in order to maintain AI separation distance.
//0 (no holding) (default), 1 (holding at STAR entry), 2 (holding at STAR exit)
//3 (holding at both STAR entry and exit) 4 (all STAR waypoints)
//"Going around" (missed approach) vectoring. 
//0=No, 1=Yes  (Default = 1)
//If 1 (Yes), AI will be assigned SID to fly.  After exiting SID, 
//AI aircraft will leave the //monitored area permanently.   
//If 0 (No), FSX will vector AI aircraft going around using its
//typical VFR like pattern.
//Automatic Selection of STARs based on landing runways in use 
//0=No, 1=Yes  (Default = 1)
//If 1 (Yes), AI will be assigned a STAR with entry point closest
//to the AI *and* specific to one of the landing runways in use
//Note: A STAR file with specific runway data must exist (e.g., runway 
//data present in STAR file for the montiored airport).
//Note: FSX landing data must also be AVAILABLE for the monitored
//airport when the STAR is chosen (sometimes it will not be).
//Note: If a STAR specific to landing runways in use is not found,
//AISIDSTAR will only select a STAR with the closest entry point.
//If 0 (No), STAR with entry point closest to AI will be selected.
//Make approach vectoring compatible with Ultimate Traffic 2
//or any other AI program that assigns detailed flight plans
//(e.g., jet routes) to the AI.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//Note1: If UT2Compatiblity is turned on (=1), the user is advised
//to also significantly reduce the AImaxspawndistancefromstar value
//above (e.g., from 200 to 50).
//Enable AI Telemetry File Generation for External Program
//Interface to AISIDATAR.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//Full FSX Path to the My Documents FSX Subdirectory where
//FSX Flight Plans are stored.  No Default.
//Note: User may specify a UNC network path.
//Note: This Option is Currently NOT USED.
MyFSXDocumentsPath=C:\Users\My Name\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files
//AISIDSTAR.exe status output to SimConnect console
//screen is more verbose.  0=No, 1=Yes (Default = 0)
//AISIDSTAR.exe status output to SimConnect console
//screen is at debug level (only for bug tracking).  0=No, 1=Yes.
//(Default = 0)
AIJetRoutesEnabled = 1

Thanks for any help you can provide also let me know if you need more information.

"I am the Master of the Fist!" -Akuma


Similar to the usual procedure, when the AI gets within the STAR assignment range (AIMaxSpawnDistanceFromSTAR), the program checks for a STAR at the monitored airport and finds out it doesn't have one.  It then releases the AI to intercept the IAF, after which the final approach is assigned.  If you have forced landing mode enabled (AIImmediateForceLandAll), then the final will be assigned immediately (no IAF intercept).


Yep, if there are no STAR(s) then no STAR holding points, although I envisioned the approach only mode for airports with less traffic and thus less chance of incursion.  There are however the usual speed adjustments made during final approach to separate the AI. 



thx again. This would help a lot. I currently have AIImmediateForceLandAll=1 and AILandWithoutClearance =1 active. Is this redundant?


Could you possible make a naming format change to aiconv? I really hate seeing such a long name for a STAR that is assigned. It forces me to keep resizing the window headings to just see the actual STAR assigned .Could you cut out the runways that star is for in the <patternname> heading? ie.




where this would suffice:



thx again




In 1.2 I'd start AIMonitor then AIController (starting the latter from inside the AIMonitor interface). No issues. When I do the same in the beta, AIController crashes.


Anthony, just to verify, did the program start crashing with beta version 1.3A or 1.3B?  If it started with 1.3B, does it crash around the point the console states it is reading a generic graph file?





thx again. This would help a lot. I currently have AIImmediateForceLandAll=1 and AILandWithoutClearance =1 active. Is this redundant?


Yes, the first trumps the second.  AIImmediateForceLandAll=1 tells the program not to worry about intercepting the FSX IAF, just fly the pattern and land the plane (resulting in best looking patterns).  AILandWithoutClearance=1 is telling the program to try to get FSX clearance (which includes intercepting the FSX IAF), but if that process fails, go ahead and land the plane anyway.  




Could you possible make a naming format change to aiconv?


I know what you mean, but when there is only one or two runways corresponding to the STAR, it is nice to have the runway info. in there.  If the name starts getting to long, the program is suppose to just say "multi runways" or something like that.  Perhaps I could make the change over occur sooner.




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